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The Tianshan Mountains are an important active structural belt in the interior of Eurasia. By integrated methods of surface geology survey and interpretation of seismic profiles, we distinguish fold scarps located at the south limb of the Kuqatawu anticline and the north limb of the Dongqiulitag anticline in the Kuqa rejuvenation foreland thrust belt, south piedmont of central segment of the Tianshan Mountains. Fold scarp is a newly found structural phenomenon. Because of the bend of thrust plane and the movement of hanging wall above the thrust plane, the original horizontal deposits of hanging wall and their surface become a monocline structure, resulting from the separating and migration of the active and fixed axial surfaces. Measuring the geometry of fold scarp and using the data of age of the deformed deposits, the crustal shortening rate resulting from the deeply seated subsurface thrust is calculated. The crustal shortening rate reflected by the fold scarp located at the north limb of the Dngqiulitag anticline is (1±0.1) mm/a. The fold scarps of the Dongqiulitag anticline and the Kuqatawu anticline identify that the deformation process of the crustal compressive structures in the Kuqa area extends into the Late Quaternary.  相似文献   

新疆南天山库车河地区山着二叠-三叠系的连续剖面,剖面中地层界线清楚,化石较为丰富。在上二叠统比尤勒包谷孜群中发现了安加拉大陆晚二叠世植物群的典型代表“Callipteris”zeilleri和俄罗斯库滋涅茨克煤田上二叠统顶部的特有种Yavoskya mungatica。而下三叠统俄霍布拉克群的植物化石具明显的中生代面貌。因此,库车河地区海西期花岗岩之上覆盖着晚二叠世晚期地层,它与下三叠统俄霍布拉克  相似文献   

A portable 3-component broadband digital seismic array was deployed across the Tianshan orogenic belt (TOB) to investigate the lithospheric structure. Based on receiver function analysis of the teleseismic P-wave data, a 2-D S-wave velocity profile of the boundary area of the TOB and the Tarim Basin was obtained at the depths of 0--80 km.Our results reveal a vertical and lateral inhomogeneity in the crust and uppermost mantle. Four velocity interfaces divide the crystalline crust into the upper, middle and lower crust. A low velocity zone is widely observed in the upper-middle crust. The depth of Moho varies between 42 and 52 km. At the north end of the profile the Moho dips northward with a vertical offset of 4--6 km, which implies a subduction front of the Tarim Basin into the TOB. The Moho generally appears as a velocity transitional zone except beneath two stations in the northern Tarim Basin, where the Moho is characterized by a typical velocity discontinuity. The fine velocity structure and the deep contact deformation of the crust and upper most mantle delineate the north-south lithospheric shortening and thickening in the boundary area of the TOB and the Tarim Basin, which would be helpful to constructing the geodynamical model of the intracontinental mountain-basin-coupling system.  相似文献   

The fluctuation of alpine timberline, which can serve as a good indicator for Holocene climate, is the syn-thetically effective results of many environmental fac-tors during geological and historical periods and mod-ern times. In recent years, researches …  相似文献   

Using accelerating mass spectrometry (AMS) dating method, a dating has been made on the primary calcium carbonate in tills and secondary calcium carbonate coating on till gravel and the roche moutonnee formed since the Last Glaciation at the source area of the Urumqi River valley in the Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China. The results reveal that the carbonate content in the tills in this noncarbonate area is high enough to date by AMS, that the carbon in the coatings on the newly exposed roche moutons and in the modern till is modern carbon and so the14C dating results in the ancient till can represent the actual ages of the till formation, and that the warm period during the Holocene began as early as 6 500 a B. P. and lasted to 1 800 a B. P.  相似文献   

The genesis of the Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the Dahalajunshan group, mainly consisting of trachytes and trachy-andesites and distributing widely in western Tianshan Mountains, remains to be controversial. It has been proposed to be relevant to “rift” or “plume”. Detailed petrology and geochemical data presented in this paper show that these volcanic rocks represent typical continental arc magmatism. The volcanic rocks are mainly trachy-andesitic, and the magma source is enriched in LILE, Th and Pb, and depleted in HFSE and Ce. Trace element geochemical study suggests that the basalts could be modeled by 7% -11% partial melt of garnet Iherzolite. The volcanic rocks in the Dahalajunshan group are neither the products of “rift” nor so-called “plume”but represent the continental island arc of the Paleo-Southern Tianshan Ocean. The mantle wedge had been modified by the melt generating in subduction zone during a long evolution history of this island arc. The continental crust materials (i.e. mainly sediment on ocean floor) had been added into island arc through melt in subduction zone. Volcanic rocks occurring in different regions might represent magma eruption in different time. The zircon SHRIMP dating indicates that the ages of the basalt varies between 334.0 Ma and 394.9 Ma. The 13 analyses give an average age of 353.7±4.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.7). The apparent ages of zircons in trachy-andesite vary between 293.0 Ma and 465.4 Ma. All analyses fall on the U-Pb concordant line and are divided into two groups. 8 analyses produce an average age of 312.8±4.2 Ma (MSWD = 1.7), which represents the crystallizing age of zircon rims in trachy-andesite. The acquired two ages (i.e. 354 and 313 Ma) belong to the Early Carboniferous and Late Carboniferous epochs, respectively. Thus, the Dahalajunshan group would be separated into several groups with the accumulation of high-quality age dating and data of trace element and isotopic geochemistry, in our opinion.  相似文献   

南天山伊契克巴什组生物群含有腕足、珊瑚、头足和苔藓虫动物化石,通过鉴定,其中有腕足动物Eospirifer tingia,Eospirifer sp.,Tuvaella gigantean,Nalivkinia grunewaldtiaeformis;珊瑚动物Palaeo favosites sp.,头足动物Sichuanoceras sp,和遗迹化石线形迹的Gordia属,根据化石生物群和沉积特征.作者认为该组地层时代大致应归属中志留世。从生物群生态特征来看,反映了稳定低能的正常浅海环境,说明南天山中志留世沉积海域与中国南、北海域是广泛相通的。  相似文献   

详细研究了库车坳陷卡普沙良河剖面恰克马克组叠层石的形态及内部构造、微量元素、氧碳同位素特征。指出该叠层石的形成环境为咸水湖盆。从恰克马克组沉积为湖盆扩张期这一事实出发,认为叠层石的发育与干盐湖无关,而可以作为海泛存在的证据。  相似文献   

利用WRF中尺度数值模式对2010年6月22日~23日发生在新疆北天山东段的一次暴雨过程进行数值模拟研究,重点探讨了暴雨过程形成演变的动力与微物理机制。结果表明,控制北疆的西北气流遇到博格达山脉,在迎风坡的强迫抬升作用下,形成对流单体并维持加强。降水蒸发冷却与摩擦拖曳产生的下沉气流紧贴迎风坡地表下泄,与环境西北气流对冲辐合引起对流区域由山坡向山前扩展。霰通过收集云水增长是降水形成的主要微物理机制。当云水被上升气流输送至-20℃以上时,能有效促进霰的增长过程,霰碰并雨滴(低层)及冰雪晶(高层)为霰增长的次要机制。  相似文献   

 西天山成矿带位于伊犁地块东缘,该成矿带发育大量海相火山岩型铁矿床。近年来,随着新疆新一轮铁矿找矿勘查与评价的开展,西天山成矿带勘查工作取得重大进展,相继发现了查岗诺尔、智博、备战、敦德、松湖等大型富铁矿床,该成矿带已成为新疆乃至全国重要的大型富铁矿成矿带之一。但该成矿带铁矿床研究目前仍处于初步阶段,铁矿床成因机制的研究程度较低,成矿动力学背景的讨论仍存争议,大规模铁矿床富集机制亟待解决,该类型铁矿床的勘查找矿标志急需总结。在综述国内外铁矿床分类及研究进展的基础上,分析了西天山成矿带重要铁矿床的地质特征和研究现状,并据此提出了存在的主要问题和研究展望,旨在推动西天山铁矿床的成因研究和找矿勘查。  相似文献   

龙门山地区印支期正断层及其对沉积相和储层的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过关口断裂两盘沉积对比分析,认为关口断裂在印支早期业已生成,断裂性质属正断层;受印支运动正断层的控制,研究区岩相古地理在中三叠世雷口坡期具有东西分异的特点;以龙门山山前断裂为界,岩相古地理格局的东西部差异性明显,沉积水体在川西地区较浅,而在龙门山地区较深.中三叠统天井山组亦发育于此张性大地构造背景下的北东-南西向碳酸盐台槽内,沉积水体较深;晚三叠世马鞍塘期,龙门山地区继承性存在的一系列正断层发育,使得古地势西低东高.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the eclogite facies rocks of the Hasiate slice in the western Tianshan Mountains were formed at the early stage of Devonian (401 Ma) and had been uplifted to the greenschist facies tectonic level in the middle stage of Devonian (381 Ma). The formation and uplift of the blueschists of the Akesayi slice are constrained to the late stage of Devonian (370─364 Ma). The different tectonic slices in the high-pressure metamorphic belt have experienced the different uplift history.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the changes in glacier zones and snow composition of Glacier No.1 in the Tianshan Mountains of China since 1961,and their possible relations with climate.It is found that precipitation dominated the snow composition and that air temperature and precipitation controlled the distribution of glacier zones,but interannual change in precipitation had a relatively large effect on glacier zones and snow composition during 1963–1981 (P10) and 1963–1989 (P11).However,during 1982–2007 (P20) and 19...  相似文献   

东天山迎风坡与高海拔区域降水效率对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用WRF中尺度数值模式对2015年4月16~17日发生在新疆天山地区一次降水过程进行数值模拟研究。重点对比了迎风坡与高海拔区域降水效率的差异,进而分析产生这种差异的原因。结果表明:迎风坡的降水效率大于高海拔区域的降水效率,降水过程发展旺盛阶段,降水效率达到最大。迎风坡的降水主要由雪、霰融化为雨水产生,高海拔区域降水主要由雪产生。该微物理机制的差异造成在降水集中时段,虽然高海拨区域空中总水凝物多于迎风坡,但降水效率低于迎风坡,最终导致降水强度小于迎风坡。  相似文献   

根据地震资料、沉积格局分析和最大位移-长度拟合图、位移-距离曲线,探讨了二连盆地赛汉塔拉凹陷的断裂生长演化特征,并分析其与油气的关系。结果表明,赛汉塔拉凹陷边界断裂在阿尔善组沉积期分为3段独立生长,腾一段沉积期,南、中2段发生连接;腾二段沉积期,整个断层完成连接。Ⅱ级断裂平面上呈斜列展布,构成分段连接样式,主要经历了独立生长阶段、软连接阶段和软连接复杂化阶段。断裂生长演化过程中形成的变换构造带发育储集性能好的储集层,再配以断层连接作用形成的生油岩、盖层和圈闭,从而形成有利的油气聚集区。  相似文献   

The Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) is one of a very few models in the world today that requires remote sensing derived snow cover as model input. Owing to its simple data requirements and use of remote sensing to provide snow cover information, SRM is ideal for use in data sparse regions, particularly in remote and inaccessible high mountain watersheds. In order to verify the applicability of SRM in an environment of continental climate, a test of SRM is performed for the Gongnaisi River basin in the western Tianshan Mountains, the results show that two SRM average goodness-of-fit statistics for simulations, Nash-Sutcliff coeffident (R2) and volume difference (Dv), are 0.87 and 0.90%,respectively. As compared with the application results over 80 basins in 25 different countries around the world, SRM performs well in the Gongnaisi River basin. The results also show that SRM can be a validated snowmelt runoff model capable of being applied in the western Tianshan Mountains.On the basis of snowmelt runoff simulation, together with a set of simplified hypothetical climate scenarios, SRM is also used to simulate the effects of climate change on snow cover and the consecutive snowmelt runoff. For a given hypothetical temperature increase of 4℃, the snow coverage and snowmelt season shift towards earlier dates, and the snowmelt runoff, as a result, is changed significantly at the same time. The simulation results show that the snow cover is sensitive to changes of climate, especially to the increase of temperature, the major effect of climate change will be a time shifting of snowmelt runoff to early spring months, resulting in a redistribution of seasonally runoff throughout the whole snowmelt season.  相似文献   

The40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the eclogite facies rocks of the Hasiate slice in the western Tianshan Mountains were formed at the early stage of Devonian (401 Ma) and had been uplifted to the greenschist facies tectonic level in the middle stage of Devonian (381 Ma). The formation and uplift of the blueschists of the Akesayi slice are constrained to the late stage of Devonian (370-364 Ma). The different tectonic slices in the high-pressure metamorphic belt have experienced the different uplift history.  相似文献   

目的 研究吐鲁番一哈密盆地台北凹陷黄山街组和郝家沟组的地层特征和孢粉组合.方法 利用该区4口钻井52块岩心样品进行孢粉化石分析、鉴定、统计和比较.结果 鉴定出孢粉化石5l属56种;建立了黄山街组Aratrisporites-Apiculatisporites-Piceites组合和郝家沟组Osmundacidites-Aratrisporites-Cycadopites组合.结论 台北凹陷黄山街组和郝家沟组的地质时代为晚三叠世.  相似文献   

The northern section of Lijiang Basin (NSLB) has the features of a zigzag fault, a kind of “tracing extension” in the shape. Fault slip is characterized by both extension and sinistral shear. Average sinistral-shear and extensional displacements are respectively 1950 and 1730 m. This kind of movement began in middle Pleistocene, which is about 800 ka ago. Average sinistral and extensional slip-rates can be acquired, which are 2.44 and 2.16 mm/a. Geological evidence at different segments of the NSLB demonstrates results of geomorphic analysis, and is consistent with our knowledge about the zigzag fault. Realization of sinistral shear and extension of the NSLB provides direct evidence for the model of clockwise rotation of northwest Sichuan active block and the understanding of dynamic features of the Red River fault zone.  相似文献   

The Kunlun Pass Basin, located in the middle of the eastern Kunlun Mountains, received relatively continuous late Cenozoic sediments from the surrounding mountains, archiving great information to understand the deformation and uplift histories of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The Kunlun-Yellow River Movement, identified from the tectonomorphologic and sedimentary evolution of the Kunlun Pass Basin by Cui Zhijiu et al. (1997, 1998), is roughly coincident with many important global and Plateau climatic and environmental events, becoming a crucial time interval to understand tectonic-climatic interactions. However, the ages used to constrict the events remain great uncertainty. Here, we present the results of detailed magnetostratigraphy of the late Cenozoic sediments in the Kunlun Pass Basin, which show the basin sediments were formed between about 3.6 Ma and 0.5 Ma and the Kunlun-Yellow River Movement occurred at 1.2 to ~0.78 Ma. The lithology, sedimentary facies and lithofacies associations divide the basin into five stages of tectonosedimentary evolution, indicating the northern Tibetan Plateau having experienced five episodes of tectonic uplifts at ~3.6, 2.69-2.58, 1.77, 1.2, 0.87 and ~0.78 Ma since the Pliocene.  相似文献   

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