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This paper examines small sample properties of alternative bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction regions for the vector autoregressive (VAR) model. Bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction regions are constructed by combining bias‐correction of VAR parameter estimators with the bootstrap procedure. The backward VAR model is used to bootstrap VAR forecasts conditionally on past observations. Bootstrap prediction regions based on asymptotic bias‐correction are compared with those based on bootstrap bias‐correction. Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that bootstrap prediction regions based on asymptotic bias‐correction show better small sample properties than those based on bootstrap bias‐correction for nearly all cases considered. The former provide accurate coverage properties in most cases, while the latter over‐estimate the future uncertainty. Overall, the percentile‐t bootstrap prediction region based on asymptotic bias‐correction is found to provide highly desirable small sample properties, outperforming its alternatives in nearly all cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent studies on bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressive (AR) model provide simulation findings when the lag order is known. In practical applications, however, the AR lag order is unknown or can even be infinite. This paper is concerned with prediction intervals for AR models of unknown or infinite lag order. Akaike's information criterion is used to estimate (approximate) the unknown (infinite) AR lag order. Small‐sample properties of bootstrap and asymptotic prediction intervals are compared under both normal and non‐normal innovations. Bootstrap prediction intervals are constructed based on the percentile and percentile‐t methods, using the standard bootstrap as well as the bootstrap‐after‐bootstrap. It is found that bootstrap‐after‐bootstrap prediction intervals show small‐sample properties substantially better than other alternatives, especially when the sample size is small and the model has a unit root or near‐unit root. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we adopt a panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) approach to estimating and forecasting inflation dynamics in four different sectors—industry, services, construction and agriculture—across the euro area and its four largest member states: France, Germany, Italy and Spain. By modelling inflation together with real activity, employment and wages at the sectoral level, we are able to disentangle the role of unit labour costs and profit margins as the fundamental determinants of price dynamics on the supply side. In out‐of‐sample forecast comparisons, the PVAR approach performs well against popular alternatives, especially at a short forecast horizon and relative to standard VAR forecasts based on aggregate economy‐wide data. Over longer forecast horizons, the accuracy of the PVAR model tends to decline relative to that of the univariate alternatives, while it remains high relative to the aggregate VAR forecasts. We show that these findings are driven by the event of the Great Recession. Our qualitative results carry over to a multi‐country extension of the PVAR approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first extract factors from a monthly dataset of 130 macroeconomic and financial variables. These extracted factors are then used to construct a factor‐augmented qualitative vector autoregressive (FA‐Qual VAR) model to forecast industrial production growth, inflation, the Federal funds rate, and the term spread based on a pseudo out‐of‐sample recursive forecasting exercise over an out‐of‐sample period of 1980:1 to 2014:12, using an in‐sample period of 1960:1 to 1979:12. Short‐, medium‐, and long‐run horizons of 1, 6, 12, and 24 months ahead are considered. The forecast from the FA‐Qual VAR is compared with that of a standard VAR model, a Qual VAR model, and a factor‐augmented VAR (FAVAR). In general, we observe that the FA‐Qual VAR tends to perform significantly better than the VAR, Qual VAR and FAVAR (barring some exceptions relative to the latter). In addition, we find that the Qual VARs are also well equipped in forecasting probability of recessions when compared to probit models.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose Granger (non‐)causality tests based on a VAR model allowing for time‐varying coefficients. The functional form of the time‐varying coefficients is a logistic smooth transition autoregressive (LSTAR) model using time as the transition variable. The model allows for testing Granger non‐causality when the VAR is subject to a smooth break in the coefficients of the Granger causal variables. The proposed test then is applied to the money–output relationship using quarterly US data for the period 1952:2–2002:4. We find that causality from money to output becomes stronger after 1978:4 and the model is shown to have a good out‐of‐sample forecasting performance for output relative to a linear VAR model. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The specification choices of vector autoregressions (VARs) in forecasting are often not straightforward, as they are complicated by various factors. To deal with model uncertainty and better utilize multiple VARs, this paper adopts the dynamic model averaging/selection (DMA/DMS) algorithm, in which forecasting models are updated and switch over time in a Bayesian manner. In an empirical application to a pool of Bayesian VAR (BVAR) models whose specifications include level and difference, along with differing lag lengths, we demonstrate that specification‐switching VARs are flexible and powerful forecast tools that yield good performance. In particular, they beat the overall best BVAR in most cases and are comparable to or better than the individual best models (for each combination of variable, forecast horizon, and evaluation metrics) for medium‐ and long‐horizon forecasts. We also examine several extensions in which forecast model pools consist of additional individual models in partial differences as well as all level/difference models, and/or time variations in VAR innovations are allowed, and discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of such specification choices. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a nonparametric approach for estimating mixed‐frequency forecast equations is proposed. In contrast to the popular MIDAS approach that employs an (exponential) Almon or Beta lag distribution, we adopt a penalized least‐squares estimator that imposes some degree of smoothness to the lag distribution. This estimator is related to nonparametric estimation procedures based on cubic splines and resembles the popular Hodrick–Prescott filtering technique for estimating a smooth trend function. Monte Carlo experiments suggest that the nonparametric estimator may provide more reliable and flexible approximations to the actual lag distribution than the conventional parametric MIDAS approach based on exponential lag polynomials. Parametric and nonparametric methods are applied to assess the predictive power of various daily indicators for forecasting monthly inflation rates. It turns out that the commodity price index is a useful predictor for inflations rates 20–30 days ahead with a hump‐shaped lag distribution. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to provide short‐run forecasts of headline and core HICP inflation for France, we assess the forecasting performance of a large set of economic indicators, individually and jointly, as well as using dynamic factor models. We run out‐of‐sample forecasts implementing the Stock and Watson (1999) methodology. We find that, according to usual statistical criteria, the combination of several indicators—in particular those derived from surveys—provides better results than factor models, even after pre‐selection of the variables included in the panel. However, factors included in VAR models exhibit more stable forecasting performance over time. Results for the HICP excluding unprocessed food and energy are very encouraging. Moreover, we show that the aggregation of forecasts on subcomponents exhibits the best performance for projecting total inflation and that it is robust to data snooping. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether and to what extent multiple encompassing tests may help determine weights for forecast averaging in a standard vector autoregressive setting. To this end we consider a new test‐based procedure, which assigns non‐zero weights to candidate models that add information not covered by other models. The potential benefits of this procedure are explored in extensive Monte Carlo simulations using realistic designs that are adapted to UK and to French macroeconomic data, to which trivariate vector autoregressions (VAR) are fitted. Thus simulations rely on potential data‐generating mechanisms for macroeconomic data rather than on simple but artificial designs. We run two types of forecast ‘competitions’. In the first one, one of the model classes is the trivariate VAR, such that it contains the generating mechanism. In the second specification, none of the competing models contains the true structure. The simulation results show that the performance of test‐based averaging is comparable to uniform weighting of individual models. In one of our role model economies, test‐based averaging achieves advantages in small samples. In larger samples, pure prediction models outperform forecast averages. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a regime switching vector autoregressive model with time‐varying regime probabilities, where the regime switching dynamics is described by an observable binary response variable predicted simultaneously with the variables subject to regime changes. Dependence on the observed binary variable distinguishes the model from various previously proposed multivariate regime switching models, facilitating a handy simulation‐based multistep forecasting method. An empirical application shows a strong bidirectional predictive linkage between US interest rates and NBER business cycle recession and expansion periods. Due to the predictability of the business cycle regimes, the proposed model yields superior out‐of‐sample forecasts of the US short‐term interest rate and the term spread compared with the linear and nonlinear vector autoregressive (VAR) models, including the Markov switching VAR model.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous autoregressive model of realized volatility (HAR‐RV) is inspired by the heterogeneous market hypothesis and characterizes realized volatility dynamics through a linear function of lagged daily, weekly and monthly realized volatilities with a (1, 5, 22) lag structure. Considering that different markets can have different heterogeneous structures and a market's heterogeneous structure can vary over time, we build an adaptive heterogeneous autoregressive model of realized volatility (AHAR‐RV), whose lag structure is optimized with a genetic algorithm. Using nine common loss functions and the superior predictive ability test, we find that our AHAR‐RV model and its extensions provide significantly better out‐of‐sample volatility forecasts for the CSI 300 index than the corresponding HAR models. Furthermore, the AHAR‐RV model significantly outperforms all the other models under most loss functions. Besides, we confirm that Chinese stock markets' heterogeneous structure varies over time and the (1, 5, 22) lag structure is not the optimal choice. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the benefits of forecast combinations based on forecast‐encompassing tests compared to simple averages and to Bates–Granger combinations. We also consider a new combination algorithm that fuses test‐based and Bates–Granger weighting. For a realistic simulation design, we generate multivariate time series samples from a macroeconomic DSGE‐VAR (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium–vector autoregressive) model. Results generally support Bates–Granger over uniform weighting, whereas benefits of test‐based weights depend on the sample size and on the prediction horizon. In a corresponding application to real‐world data, simple averaging performs best. Uniform averages may be the weighting scheme that is most robust to empirically observed irregularities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a number of long‐term maturities and monthly data, 1989–1997, we provide a number of tests of the expectations hypothesis (EH) of the term structure. The main insight in this paper is the use of the excess holding period return to provide a proxy for a possible time‐varying term premium. Nearly all previous studies using the VAR methodology have used only the spread and the change in (short) rates and they have ignored the excess holding period return. We find that we cannot reject the EH, but we do reject the presence of time‐varying risk premia. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the forecast accuracy of an unrestricted vector autoregressive (VAR) model for GDP, relative to a comparable vector error correction model (VECM) that recognizes that the data are characterized by co‐integration. In addition, an alternative forecast method, intercept correction, is considered for further comparison. Recursive out‐of‐sample forecasts are generated for both models and forecast techniques. The generated forecasts for each model are objectively evaluated by a selection of evaluation measures and equal accuracy tests. The result shows that the VECM consistently outperforms the VAR models. Further, intercept correction enhances the forecast accuracy when applied to the VECM, whereas there is no such indication when applied to the VAR model. For certain forecast horizons there is a significant difference in forecast ability between the intercept corrected VECM compared to the VAR model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examined the forecasting performance of disaggregated data with spatial dependency and applied it to forecasting electricity demand in Japan. We compared the performance of the spatial autoregressive ARMA (SAR‐ARMA) model with that of the vector autoregressive (VAR) model from a Bayesian perspective. With regard to the log marginal likelihood and log predictive density, the VAR(1) model performed better than the SAR‐ARMA( 1,1) model. In the case of electricity demand in Japan, we can conclude that the VAR model with contemporaneous aggregation had better forecasting performance than the SAR‐ARMA model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ability of factor models to predict the dynamics of US and UK interest rate swap spreads within a linear and a non‐linear framework. We reject linearity for the US and UK swap spreads in favour of a regime‐switching smooth transition vector autoregressive (STVAR) model, where the switching between regimes is controlled by the slope of the US term structure of interest rates. We compare the ability of the STVAR model to predict swap spreads with that of a non‐linear nearest‐neighbours model as well as that of linear AR and VAR models. We find some evidence that the non‐linear models predict better than the linear ones. At short horizons, the nearest‐neighbours (NN) model predicts better than the STVAR model US swap spreads in periods of increasing risk conditions and UK swap spreads in periods of decreasing risk conditions. At long horizons, the STVAR model increases its forecasting ability over the linear models, whereas the NN model does not outperform the rest of the models. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we lay out a two‐region dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of an open economy within the European Monetary Union. The model, which is built in the New Keynesian tradition, contains real and nominal rigidities such as habit formation in consumption, price and wage stickiness as well as rich stochastic structure. The framework also incorporates the theory of unemployment, small open economy aspects and a nominal interest rate that is set exogenously by the area‐wide monetary authority. As an illustration, the model is estimated on Luxembourgish data. We evaluate the properties of the estimated model and assess its forecasting performance relative to reduced‐form model such as vector autoregression (VAR). In addition, we study the empirical validity of the DSGE model restrictions by applying a DSGE‐VAR approach. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Micro‐founded dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models appear to be particularly suited to evaluating the consequences of alternative macroeconomic policies. Recently, increasing efforts have been undertaken by policymakers to use these models for forecasting, although this proved to be problematic due to estimation and identification issues. Hybrid DSGE models have become popular for dealing with some of the model misspecifications and the trade‐off between theoretical coherence and empirical fit, thus allowing them to compete in terms of predictability with VAR models. However, DSGE and VAR models are still linear and they do not consider time variation in parameters that could account for inherent nonlinearities and capture the adaptive underlying structure of the economy in a robust manner. This study conducts a comparative evaluation of the out‐of‐sample predictive performance of many different specifications of DSGE models and various classes of VAR models, using datasets for the real GDP, the harmonized CPI and the nominal short‐term interest rate series in the euro area. Simple and hybrid DSGE models were implemented, including DSGE‐VAR and factor‐augmented DGSE, and tested against standard, Bayesian and factor‐augmented VARs. Moreover, a new state‐space time‐varying VAR model is presented. The total period spanned from 1970:Q1 to 2010:Q4 with an out‐of‐sample testing period of 2006:Q1–2010:Q4, which covers the global financial crisis and the EU debt crisis. The results of this study can be useful in conducting monetary policy analysis and macro‐forecasting in the euro area. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the problem of forecasting an aggregate of cointegrated disaggregates. It first establishes conditions under which forecasts of an aggregate variable obtained from a disaggregate VECM will be equal to those from an aggregate, univariate time series model, and develops a simple procedure for testing those conditions. The paper then uses Monte Carlo simulations to show, for a finite sample, that the proposed test has good size and power properties and that whether a model satisfies the aggregation conditions is closely related to out‐of‐sample forecast performance. The paper then shows that ignoring cointegration and specifying the disaggregate model as a VAR in differences can significantly affect analyses of aggregation, with the VAR‐based test for aggregation possibly leading to faulty inference and the differenced VAR forecasts potentially understating the benefits of disaggregate information. Finally, analysis of an empirical problem confirms the basic results. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In multivariate time series, estimation of the covariance matrix of observation innovations plays an important role in forecasting as it enables computation of standardized forecast error vectors as well as the computation of confidence bounds of forecasts. We develop an online, non‐iterative Bayesian algorithm for estimation and forecasting. It is empirically found that, for a range of simulated time series, the proposed covariance estimator has good performance converging to the true values of the unknown observation covariance matrix. Over a simulated time series, the new method approximates the correct estimates, produced by a non‐sequential Monte Carlo simulation procedure, which is used here as the gold standard. The special, but important, vector autoregressive (VAR) and time‐varying VAR models are illustrated by considering London metal exchange data consisting of spot prices of aluminium, copper, lead and zinc. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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