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Immunocytochemical procedures at ultrastructural and light microscopy level revealed, in the Chacma baboon endocrine pancreas, cells which were immunoreactive for glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Some D cells were observed to contain secretory granules with both the appearance and immunoreactivity of A cell secretory granules.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical procedures at ultrastructural and light microscopy level revealed, in the Chacma baboon endocrine pancreas, cells which were immunoreactive for glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Some D cells were observed to contain secretory granules with both the appearance and immunoreactivity of A cell secretory granules.  相似文献   

In immuno-induced exocrine pancreatic carcinomas, which keep their exocrine secretory specificity through their different evolution stages [(1), (2)], normal B, A and D endocrine cells are still found, demonstrated by immunochemical techniques. They are localized in the islets of Langerhans. B and A cells are scattered in adenomatous pancreatic remains, and in the anaplasic carcinoma; D cells are found in the ductular and adenomatous remains. The three types of endocrine secretion granules are analyzed by electron microscopy at the early and late stages of carcinogenesis. The origin of the persisting endocrine cells and the nature of undifferentiated cells proliferating from the ductular epithelium are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the sensitive protein A-gold technique for the demonstration of antigenic sites in thin section for electron microscopy it was found that in the alpha granules of human pancreas, glucagon immunoreactivity (specific, C-terminal) is restricted to the dense granule core while glicentin immunoreactivity predominates on the peripheral halo surrounding the dense core.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nach Durchtrennung des Hypophysenstiels wird eine Akkumulation von Neurosekretgranula sowohl im proximalen wie auch im distalen Stumpf des Stiels nachgewiesen. Elektronenmikroskopische und pharmakologische Untersuchungen machen wahrscheinlich, dass die Akkumulation im distalen Stumpf auf einen Reflux der Neurosekretgranula zurückzuführen ist.

Supported by grants from the National Institute of Health and the Space Sciences Research Center of the University of Missouri, Columbia (Missouri, USA).  相似文献   

Summary Bovine pituitary intraglandular colloid thought to be a waste product, is the holocrine secretion of intermediate lobe cells. It is housed in the intraglandular lumen (residual lumen) and is extruded into the venous circulation of the cavernous sinuses via clefts in the capsule of the gland aligned with the intraglandular lumen. Intraglandular colloid, fraction F5 (mol.wt 34,000), radiolabeled with (125I)Na and injected (0.15 ml) into the right internal jugular vein of male Wistar rats, accumulated in the endocrine pancreas. Autoradiographs showed that the material had specifically localized in the capillary network of the endocrine pancreas. Since the intermediate lobe is poorly vascularized, intraglandular colloid is considered to be the transport medium for intermediate lobe materials.This study was supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.I would like to thank S. Choles and J. Bennett for their technical expertise with the help of P. Galvin and W. Halina. I thank members of the Central Animal Facilities, McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton, Ontario, for labeling the intraglandular colloid and for counting the decay rate of the tissue. I would also like to thank Drs. A. deBold and J. Kraicer, Faculty of Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, for their interest in this study.  相似文献   

W H Boyd 《Experientia》1985,41(1):114-116
Bovine pituitary intraglandular colloid thought to be a waste product, is the holocrine secretion of intermediate lobe cells. It is housed in the intraglandular lumen (residual lumen) and is extruded into the venous circulation of the cavernous sinuses via clefts in the capsule of the gland aligned with the intraglandular lumen. Intraglandular colloid, fraction F5 (mol.wt 34,000), radiolabeled with (125I)Na and injected (0.15 ml) into the right internal jugular vein of male Wistar rats, accumulated in the endocrine pancreas. Autoradiographs showed that the material had specifically localized in the capillary network of the endocrine pancreas. Since the intermediate lobe is poorly vascularized, intraglandular colloid is considered to be the transport medium for intermediate lobe materials.  相似文献   

The observation of embryonic mammary glands in male and female mice under the electron microscope has shown on one hand that the cellular ultrastructure of the buds is characterized by embryonic tissue only slightly differentiated, and on the other that, under the influence of testicular hormone, the detachment of the anlage from the epidermis in fourteen-day old embryos results in an important modification in the relationship between the ectoderm and the mesenchyme at the level of the neck of the gland rudiment. The basal membrane is destroyed and numerous centers of necrosis can be seen starting from the dense bodies in the ectodermic cells of the ruptured zone.  相似文献   

Six alpha-adrenoceptor blocking agents have been investigated in dogs and rats. 170 150 and 170 153 have been found the most potent of these agents. At low doses (0,1 microgram/kg) they reversed the pressor response to low doses of adrenaline (0,1 and 0,3 microgram/kg) and suppressed the response to high doses of adrenaline. They reduced the pressor response to noradrenaline. In addition, in dogs 170 150 increased the tachycardia caused by stimulation of the cardiac nerve. The compound prevented and reversed the inhibition caused by clonidine on the effects of cardiac nerve stimulation. 170 153 did not increase the tachycardia caused by cardiac nerve stimulation, but it prevented and reversed the inhibitory effects of clonidine on this stimulation. The results show that 170 150 and 170 153 are potent alpha-adrenoceptor blocking agents acting on both pre and post-synaptic alpha-adrenoceptors which could be interesting pharmacological tools.  相似文献   

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