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The energy source driving Jupiter's active meteorology is not understood. There are two main candidates: a poorly understood internal heat source and sunlight. Here we report observations of an active storm system possessing both lightning and condensation of water. The storm has a vertical extent of at least 50 km and a length of about 4,000 km. Previous observations of lightning on Jupiter have revealed both its frequency of occurrence and its spatial distribution, but they did not permit analysis of the detailed cloud structure and its dynamics. The present observations reveal the storm (on the day side of the planet) at the same location and within just a few hours of a lightning detection (on the night side). We estimate that the total vertical transport of heat by storms like the one observed here is of the same order as the planet's internal heat source. We therefore conclude that moist convection-similar to large clusters of thunderstorm cells on the Earth-is a dominant factor in converting heat flow into kinetic energy in the jovian atmosphere.  相似文献   

以0.1 mol·L-1 NaCl+0.01 mol·L-1 NaHSO3溶液为腐蚀介质,采用干/湿周浸加速腐蚀实验、腐蚀失重、X射线衍射、扫描电镜和能谱分析等方法,研究了湿热工业海洋大气中低碳钢的腐蚀行为.结果表明:实验钢的腐蚀过程均遵循幂函数d=Atn分布规律,钢种不同,常系数A、n的值不同;腐蚀产物主要由非晶物质和少量Fe3 O4、α-FeOOH、β-FeOOH、γ-FeOOH晶体组成.所得锈层可分为主体锈层和界面疏松带两部分,由内至外锈层中Fe、O含量梯度变化很小.Cl-、SO2与水分的长期协同作用会导致内锈层结构变差,而添加稳定性或耐蚀性较高的元素可以改善锈层质量,进而增强钢材的耐腐蚀性能.  相似文献   

Jupiter's dominant large-scale weather patterns (dimensions approximately 10,000 km) are zonal jets and long-lived ovals. The jets have been flowing east and west at constant speeds of up to 180 m s(-1) for over 100 years. These jets receive energy from small-scale eddies, which pump eastward momentum into the eastward jets and westward momentum into the westward jets. This momentum transfer was predicted by numerical models before it was observed on Jupiter. The large ovals roll between the jets in an anticyclonic direction-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere--where they regularly assimilate small anticyclonic eddies. But from where the eddies receive their energy has been an open question. Here we argue that the eddies, which ultimately drive both the jets and the ovals, receive their energy from moist convection. This hypothesis is consistent with observations of jovian lightning, which is an indicator of moist convection. It also explains the anticyclonic rotation and poleward drift of the eddies, and suggests patterns of upwelling and downwelling that resemble the patterns of large-scale axisymmetric overturning in the Earth's atmosphere.  相似文献   

高温湿热地区沥青混合料抗水损害性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内试验,分析了沥青混合料高温浸水和级配离析对沥青混合料抗拉强度的影响.针对残留马歇尔稳定度指标及冻融劈裂残留强度试验的不足,提出以浸水四点弯曲试验来评价高温湿热地区沥青混合料抗水损害性能,着重探讨了不同离析程度(不同空隙率水平)对沥青混合料劈裂强度、四点弯曲强度的影响.研究结果表明,随着沥青混合料离析程度的增加,空隙率向2个极端发展,严重粗集料离析和严重细集料离析时混合料的空隙率相差10%左右;粗集料离析对劈裂强度和弯曲强度的影响大于细集料离析的影响;为了保证沥青混合料的抗水损害性能,应严格控制空隙率在4.5%~10%范围之外.采用高温浸水四点弯曲强度比作为沥青混合料水稳定性评价指标更为合理.  相似文献   

The corrosion resistance of weathering bridge steels containing conventional contents of Ni (0.20wt%, 0.42wt%, 1.50wt%) and a higher content of Ni (3.55wt%) in a simulated hot and humid coastal-industrial atmosphere was investigated by corrosion depth loss, scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrochemical methods. The results showed that, with increasing Ni content, the mechanical properties of the bridge steel were markedly improved, the welding parameters were satisfactory at room temperature, and the corrosion resistance was enhanced. When the Ni content was low (≤ 0.42wt%), the crystallization process of the corrosion products was substantially promoted, enhancing the stability of the rust layer. When the Ni content was higher (~3.55wt%), the corrosion reaction of the steel quickly reached a balance, because the initial rapid corrosion induced the formation of a protective rust layer in the early stage. Simultaneously, NiO and NiFe2O4 were generated in large quantities; they not only formed a stable, compact, and continuous oxide protective layer, but also strongly inhibited the transformation process of the corrosion products. This inhibition reduced the structural changes in the rust layer, thereby enhancing the protection. However, when the Ni content ranged from 0.42wt% to 1.50wt%, the corrosion resistance of the bridge steel increased only slightly.  相似文献   

通过分析土遗址的环境影响因子,筛选出降水量、空气相对湿度、潮湿系数等指标判定土遗址所处环境的干湿程度.运用模糊数学综合评价法,判定了杭州良渚遗址所属的干湿度环境分区.  相似文献   

介绍有关经典的谱分析及其谱估计方法 ,并应用于天气预报中取得良好效果  相似文献   

基于CMIP5多全球气候模式数值模拟结果,包括空间分辨率0.5°的逐月历史气候数据和RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP8.5情景下未来气候变化预估数据,利用潜在蒸散发和降水量构建能够表征地表干湿状况的湿润指数,对中国东部季风区7个典型区1901—2100年干湿变化趋势进行了模拟和分析.结果表明:各分区在1901—2005年湿润指数均呈现下降趋势,其中珠江、长江、淮河流域变化较为平缓,黄河、海河流域和东北地区波动较大.可见在过去的100多年中,东部季风区整体上呈现不同程度的干旱化.在2006—2100年不同温室气体排放情景下,各分区的湿润指数呈现不同程度的波动,除了黄河上游地区湿润指数呈现增长趋势外,其他区域没有明显的变湿趋势.  相似文献   

基于明长城遗址、西夏王陵遗址和苏巴什佛教遗址等大型土遗址遗存地区具有集中降雨和强烈蒸发的气候特征,为土遗址创造了干湿交替和盐渍共同作用的赋存环境,研究基于多处土遗址的环境监测数据和物理性质实验结果;通过对实验条件下掺入不同含量的氯化钠并经历干湿循环的遗址土重塑土样的界限含水量、崩解、风洞和弹性波速实验,揭示双重作用下土遗址崩解、稠度、抗风蚀能力和弹性波速等与片状剥离和底部掏蚀病害的发育和发展密切相关性质的变化规律,并对2种病害形成过程以及与上述性质变化的内在联系进行分析和阐释,得出土遗址相关性质发生劣化和病害发育的本质原因。  相似文献   

介绍时间序列分析,建立自回归模型并应用在季节降雨量的预报中.  相似文献   

针对受力复杂的某山区铁路桥人字形桥墩横梁及其墩柱,利用ANSYS软件建立全桥的有限元模型,得到横梁最不利荷载工况。在此基础上建立横梁及其附近墩柱有限元子模型,得到最不利荷载作用下横梁的应力分布情况。通过比较不同横梁构造的分岔节点应力分布,认为横梁宽8.0 m、高5.0 m、壁厚1.0 m时的应力分布比较合理;通过比较不同人洞形式下洞口角点处的应力集中现象,得出直径为80 cm的圆形人洞可以有效减小洞口应力集中的结论。  相似文献   

农村是气象工作最广阔的领域,农民是气象服务最广泛的对象,气象与农业、农村、农民密切相关.本文首先介绍了我国农业气象灾害的严重性以及气象为农服务的急迫性.其次,分别以张家界市近10年与30年的气象资料为例,重点描述了其境内的暴雨洪涝、高温干旱等农业气象灾害及特征.最后,从暴雨洪涝灾害、高温干旱灾害以及综合性气象服务3个方面,提出一系列的对策与建议.  相似文献   

运用烟云照相法来观测某工业区有毒有害气体扩散参数,采用三摄像头图像处理系统现场记录有毒有害气体扩散情况,观测不同地形条件下羽烟流扩散轨迹和烟流区域,分析扩散机理,得出扩散规律.  相似文献   

为揭示南方湿热地区水泥混凝土路面的温度场与温度应力特征,以福建省南平市、福州市两种水泥混凝土路面结构为研究实体,对5个不利季节现场温度场进行监测试验研究,并基于数据进行了水泥混凝土路面温度场特征分析,建立了路面温度场预估公式,并分析了不同工况的水泥混凝土路面温度应力和措施.研究发现:在南方高温和太阳辐射的综合作用下,水...  相似文献   

干湿法备料能有效地除去麦草原料中的杂质,减少麦草原料中二氧化硅的含量,降低碱回收过程中硅干扰的程度,还可提高制浆质量.  相似文献   

二次有机气溶胶(secondary organic aerosol, SOA)对大气灰霾的贡献是当前大气化学研究的热点. 二羰基化合物(乙二醛和甲基乙二醛)是大气光化学反应的中间产物, 可以通过多种途径形成SOA, 对SOA的形成和总量增加有重要的贡献. 大气中二羰基化合物主要来源于生物源(如异戊二烯)和人为源(如乙炔)等挥发性有机物的氧化. 二羰基化合物可通过气粒分配(可逆过程)形成SOA, 也可被云、雾或水相气溶胶吸收, 发生水合、聚合、氧化等反应,生成的低挥发性产物留在颗粒相中生成SOA(不可逆过程). 目前常用的二羰基化合物检测方法是利用衍生化试剂与二羰基化合物反应生成衍生物, 经溶剂洗脱后再用气相色谱-质谱(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC/MS)仪进行分析.  相似文献   

讨论了高空急流下重力内波的发展过程,结果表明:当稳定必数小时,急流可向内波扰动提供能量,使内波得以发展。在引入时空缓变量后,得到了弧立子解,这对于解释某些中尺系统的强烈发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

介绍了中国古代对大气压力的研究与应用,中国古代获得真空常用的三种方法对研究中国古代物理学史具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

采用气流撞击法,选用牛肉膏培养基与查氏培养基,分别在2005年6月(夏季)和9月(秋季),2006年1月(冬季)和4月(春季),选择吉安市有代表性的居民区、中心广场、菜市场、医院、火车站候车室进行空气微生物检测.结果表明:城市不同环境、不同季节的空气中存在一定程度的微生物污染,尤其是菜市场的空气微生物污染严重,四季均处于污染状态.  相似文献   

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