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Clustering of multivariate spatial-time series should consider: 1) the spatial nature of the objects to be clustered; 2) the characteristics of the feature space, namely the space of multivariate time trajectories; 3) the uncertainty associated to the assignment of a spatial unit to a given cluster on the basis of the above complex features. The last aspect is dealt with by using the Fuzzy C-Means objective function, based on appropriate measures of dissimilarity between time trajectories, by distinguishing the cross-sectional and longitudinal aspects of the trajectories. In order to take into account the spatial nature of the statistical units, a spatial penalization term is added to the above function, depending on a suitable spatial proximity/ contiguity matrix. A tuning coefficient takes care of the balance between, on one side, discriminating according to the pattern of the time trajectories and, on the other side, ensuring an approximate spatial homogeneity of the clusters. A technique for determining an optimal value of this coefficient is proposed, based on an appropriate spatial autocorrelation measure. Finally, the proposed models are applied to the classification of the Italian provinces, on the basis of the observed dynamics of some socio-economical indicators.  相似文献   

K-means clustering is arguably the most popular technique for partitioning data. Unfortunately, K-means suffers from the well-known problem of locally optimal solutions. Furthermore, the final partition is dependent upon the initial configuration, making the choice of starting partitions all the more important. This paper evaluates 12 procedures proposed in the literature and provides recommendations for best practices.  相似文献   

In this paper two techniques for units clustering and factorial dimensionality reduction of variables and occasions of a three-mode data set are discussed. These techniques can be seen as the simultaneous version of two procedures based on the sequential application of k-means and Tucker2 algorithms and vice versa. The two techniques, T3Clus and 3Fk-means, have been compared theoretically and empirically by a simulation study. In the latter, it has been noted that neither T3Clus nor 3Fk-means outperforms the other in every case. From these results rises the idea to combine the two techniques in a unique general model, named CT3Clus, having T3Clus and 3Fk-means as special cases. A simulation study follows to show the effectiveness of the proposal.  相似文献   

情境语义学是一种新型语义理论,虽然它在意义和日常推理的哲学解释上获得极大成功,但在形式技术上还不够成熟。模态逻辑的形式技术方面已经发展得相当成熟,但它的可能世界语义学在哲学解释上却存在诸多困难。在这样的情况下,用情境语义学来改造模态逻辑,努力构造一种动态敏感且数学上严格的形式系统,就决定了今后逻辑发展的基本走势之一。  相似文献   

复杂系统的隐喻描述与模型描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由隐喻描述走向模型描述是复杂性科学成熟的标志.本文重点介绍了复杂系统的两种模型描述方法:形式化系统模型与关联论模型,并比较它们各自的优缺点.两种模型是从不同的角度对复杂系统的描述,在复杂系统的理论研究与实际运用中都有着重要的、不可替代的意义.复杂系统的未来研究方向并不是对于两种模型的"整合",而是两种模型交替并用,以多元视角科学地揭示复杂系统的本质.  相似文献   

近代以前的科学史不能看成单纯的科学思想史,把科学思想史与科技关系史结合起来考察,才能对古代科学、科学思想的特点以及它们的缓慢发展进行较合理的说明.  相似文献   

为《跨世纪的超越--沈文荣与沙钢的奇迹》而作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是<跨世纪的超越--沈文荣与沙钢的奇迹>一书的序.作者认为,沙钢是江苏省张家港市运用市场经济使一个小轧钢厂成为现代化的电炉大钢厂的典型,是执行改革开放、走社会主义市场经济道路获得成功的典型,它的经验对改革发展中的企业具有极大的启发性.  相似文献   

In his Poetics, Aristotle articulated certain ideas on the structure of drama that dominated both dramatic literature and theatre practices for the centuries to come. In this article I show how the thorough analysis of his statements leads us to believe that he endorses causality, narrativity, and temporal linearity as primary factors in the organization of dramatic and stage texts. Tracing various modifications of causality throughout theatre history, I use the work of the two prominent contemporary directors, Eimuntas Nekrosius and Anatoly Vasilyev, to demonstrate how postmodernist theatre has arrived at non-Aristotelian theatrical model based on the unity of a time–space continuum rather than temporal development.  相似文献   

以中文物理学教科书所用书面语为中心,考察了物理书面语文法演变经过。最初,物理书面语采用文言形式。传教士曾试图改用浅文理,并未实现。20世纪初,随着日语物理教科书的大量译介,物理书面语表现出较为明显的欧化倾向,之后直接翻译的英美教科书加强了欧化程度。此后,白话文运动兴起,白话元素加入物理书面语。最先体现在程度较低的初中物理教科书中,随后逐渐波及高中物理教科书。最终,物理学书面语成为一种以长句和复句为中心并夹杂着白话元素的表述形式。  相似文献   

先秦时期时空无限思想的若干研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邹大海 《自然辩证法通讯》2000,22(1):69-74,,90,
本文讨论先秦时空无限思想的若干问题。道家的空间无限观更多地表现为一种境界。墨家和名家的时空无限观是一种明确的观点。《列子·天瑞》篇中“杞人忧天”一段所表现的思想,不是始于魏晋时期,亦非汉代宣夜说的流,而是汉代宣夜说和浑天说的宇宙无限思想之源。这两种宇宙观的无限宇宙思想之源是先秦时期的空间无限思想,而惠施的无限宇宙观可能是先秦时期的最值得注意的。  相似文献   

技术手段并不能消除自身产生的社会后果,需要进行社会性建构。本文在考察当今社会如何回应“数字化生存”的挑战问题时,提出了一个生活方式分析框架,认为生活方式在解决数字化高科技可能给人们的生存方式带来的意义缺失、“生活风险”等负面影响时,具有重要的建构功能。  相似文献   

知识资本化是不同行动者围绕产权展开的交易活动,这种多主体的互动活动呈现网络性。在网络性的互动中,私有产权性质的私有知识、共有产权性质的准私有知识、国有产权性质的准公共知识、公有产权性质的公共知识协同演化进而构成知识的四维产权谱系。谱系中的知识呈现多线进化的关系,具有历时性和共时性的特点。  相似文献   

Traditional techniques of perceptual mapping hypothesize that stimuli are differentiated in a common perceptual space of quantitative attributes. This paper enhances traditional perceptual mapping techniques such as multidimensional scaling (MDS) which assume only continuously valued dimensions by presenting a model and methodology called CLUSCALE for capturing stimulus differentiation due to perceptions that are qualitative, in addition to quantitative or continuously varying perceptual attributes or dimensions. It provides models and OLS parameter estimation procedures for both a two-way and a three-way version of this general model. Since the two-way version of the model and method has already been discussed by Chaturvedi and Carroll (2000), and a stochastic variant discussed by Navarro and Lee (2003), we shall deal in this paper almost entirely with the three-way version of this model. We recommend the use of the three-way approach over the two-way approach, since the three-way approach both accounts for and takes advantage of the heterogeneity in subjects’ perceptions of stimuli to provide maximal information; i.e., it explicitly deals with individual differences among subjects.  相似文献   

文章以“术语在线”为主要验证平台,以全国科学技术名词审定委员会发布的权威词库为基准语料,对航空与航海相关领域的若干典型交叉词条的义项进行了对比分析,并就其语义框架与阐释空间进行研究。研究发现:首先,在航空与航海领域存在大量的同形同义、同形异义和同义异形现象。其次,此类术语的语义表征依赖于特定的联立关系,受到相应概念元素的规约。一方面,在其依存的具体语义框架内,其语义表征符合单义性原则;另一方面,在学科交叉背景下,该类术语具备明显的学科间性特征,其语义表征具有多义阐释空间。  相似文献   

鸦片始传中国的时间学术界一般以唐乾封二年(公元667年)大秦遣使献底也迦为据.底也迦只是含有鸦片的合方,含有鸦片的类似合方在隋唐以前流行于印度和西亚,似有在底也迦之前传入中国之可能,其中印度的眼科医术或许起了媒介作用.  相似文献   

从爱因斯坦的科学历程可以看出,休闲与科学创造活动存在着较密切的关系。休闲有利于科研工作者保持充沛的体力,有利于激发科学创造活动的灵感,有利于科研工作者的互动与沟通。因此,科研管理者和工作者都应重视二者之间的关系。  相似文献   

突破性创新的机会识别和风险管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着技术变迁速度加快和知识产权管理意识的增强,对于发展中国家企业来说,传统的渐进性技术创新正面临越来越多的追赶陷阱和发达国家构筑的知识产权网的密集包围,为此,发展中国家的追赶企业需要重新思考和定位创新战略,要有决心和勇气实施自主式突破性创新,快速使企业进入前沿的技术领域,实现技术能力的蛙跳式发展。本文着重从创新机会识别和风险管理两个方面对突破性创新作了基于综述性的分析,研究认为:①企业应着重从业务流程和产品价值两个角度,在克服组织障碍的基础上,通过调整信息渠道找寻突破性创新的机会;②为了降低突破性创新的风险,企业应根据情势不同,选择自主方式或合适的创新联盟网络方式进行创新,同时,通过寻求政府支持并构建二元组织和完善知识产权管理,实现对技术的控制以及对市场的占领。  相似文献   

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