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Conard NJ 《Nature》2003,426(6968):830-832
Archaeologists have always viewed the origin of figurative art as a crucial threshold in human evolution. Here I report the discovery of three figurines carved from mammoth ivory at Hohle Fels Cave in the Swabian Jura of southwestern Germany, which provides new evidence for the appearance of figurative art more than 30,000 years ago. The finds include the oldest known representation of a bird, a therianthropic sculpture and an animal that most closely resembles a horse. The Aurignacian sculptures of the Swabian Jura belong to one of the oldest traditions of figurative art known worldwide and point to the Upper Danube as an important centre of cultural innovation during the early Upper Palaeolithic period.  相似文献   

经济法与社会法之间的关系问题涉及到经济法的健康发展.作为现代部门法意义上的社会法不同于以公、私法为标准而产生的社会法.现代部门法意义上的社会法是以社会保障法为主体的法律总体,而以公、私法为标准而产生的社会法是社会性法,是以社会利益为调整对象的法律总体.因此,经济法和社会法同属于社会性法,都是相对独立的部门法.  相似文献   

Price LC  Schoell M 《Nature》1995,378(6555):368-371
It is widely accepted that natural gas is formed from thermal decomposition of both oil in reservoirs and, to a lesser extent, the organic matter in shales from which the oil was derived. But laboratory pyrolysis experiments on shales do not reproduce the methane-rich composition typical of most gas reservoirs, leading to suggestions that other mechanisms, such as transition-metal catalysis, may be important. The discrepancy might, however, instead arise because gas (and oil) deposits have migrated from their source rocks, so that the reservoir composition might not be representative of the composition in the source rocks where the hydrocarbons were generated. To address this question, we have analysed gas samples coproduced with oils directly from a source rock (the Bakken shales, North Dakota, USA) where the local geology has prevented significant hydrocarbon migration. The methane contents of these Bakken-shale gases are much lower than that of conventional gas reservoirs, but are consistent with that from pyrolysis experiments on these shales. Thus, because these Bakken gases form with (rather than from) oils, we argue that compositional differences between gases from source rocks and conventional gas deposits result from fractionation processes occurring after hydrocarbon expulsion from the source rock.  相似文献   

采用常规分离法对不同生长季节苹果树的不同部位进行了内生细菌分离.结果表明,内生细菌的分离几率和数量不同.通过平板对峙培养和发酵液抑菌活性测定,在所分离的118个菌株中,筛选出7株对苹果斑点落叶病菌(Alternaria alternata f.sp.Mali)具有较强拮抗作用的菌株,其中菌株B86和B91的发酵滤液在活体上对苹果斑点落叶病的防治效果显著,分别为73.72%和75.32%.两菌株培养滤液对病菌分生孢子萌发具有抑制作用,并造成芽管畸形膨大,呈泡囊状,泡囊消解破裂;两菌株产生的抑菌物质具有热稳定性.表明B86和B91菌株具有一定的生防潜力.  相似文献   

作为一种文学形式 ,中西诗歌都深深扎根于一定的社会文化土壤之中。本文从中西社会历史背景、天人观和语言文字模式等几方面 ,探讨了中西社会文化特征对中西古代诗歌的影响  相似文献   

Exploration of herbal medicine started upon the incipient of early agriculture [1], meanwhile, the processing methods have been continually improved for higher ...  相似文献   

古树作为组成和支撑森林和城市生态系统的重要组成部分,为各种动植物的生长提供了条件,为人类社会提供多种生态系统服务。分析古树树干腐烂及空洞状况沿海拔梯度的分布规律及其限制因素,有助于古树管理和保护策略的制定与实施。基于PICUS应力波树木断层图像诊断仪,本研究对浙江天目山国家自然保护区内不同海拔梯度上古树树干的腐烂及空洞情况进行了定量评估。共调研137株古树,结论如下:古树树干胸高断层处腐烂及空洞面积所占比例平均值为18.89%;古树树干腐烂及空洞面积占比在不同物种间存在一定差异;古树树干健康状况与海拔和气候因子之间存在一定的相关性,主要表现为随海拔升高,树干内出现腐烂及空洞的古树增多,且腐烂及空洞面积占比不断增大,这一相关性在不同树种之间也存在差异。  相似文献   

鉴于中韩在文化上的同源相近, 对韩汉语教学有明显的特异性, 分别表现在文字词汇教学和语言文化教学上.基于此, 设计有别于普适性对外汉语教学模式的特异教学模式, 以期更快捷有效地实施对韩汉语教学.  相似文献   

鉴于中韩在文化上的同源相近,对韩汉语教学有明显的特异性,分别表现在文字词汇教学和语言文化教学上。基于此,设计有别于普适性对外汉语教学模式的特异教学模式,以期更快捷有效地实施对韩汉语教学。  相似文献   

一个城市历史文化遗产的保护状况是城市文明的重要标志。在城市建设和发展中,必须正确处理现代化建设和历史文化保护的关系,尊重城市发展的历史,使城市的风貌随着岁月的流逝而更具内涵和底蕴。保护历史文化遗产是人类文明发展的必然需要,也是城市规划的重要内容。历史文化名城丽江对历史文化遗产的保护和规划工作总结出了很好的原则和做法,值得其它城市学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

用乙醇-水从双液相棉粕中提取棉子糖的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用双液相萃取工艺处理后的棉籽粕为原料,乙醇-水溶液为溶剂进行了棉子糖的提取试验,并考察了影响浸出率的因素。在单因素实验的基础上,通过正交实验得出优化后的提取工艺条件为:乙醇体积分数为70%,提取温度60℃,提取时间150min,物料溶剂比1:14(即每克物料需14 mL溶剂)。在此工艺条件下,棉子糖的浸出率为92.5%。  相似文献   

范成大是苏州中兴石湖的重要人物,对范成大文化资源的挖掘可以显示对苏州人文历史脉络的延续和苏州历史信息的继承,促进石湖风景区的文化内涵建设,真正把石湖风景区建成苏州市生态环境建设的样板,为建设生态苏州提供典范。  相似文献   

目的为了更好地继承和运用传统古村落历史人居环境设计方法,对夏门古村落历史空间形态进行了研究和分析。方法文献资料分析,实地考察走访,比较研究。结果夏门古村落其人居环境构建原型为桃花源+坞堡,士族文化与人居环境要素共同构成其文化景观环境。结论自然山水格局融汇士族文化思想,创造文荫泽被的理想人居环境。  相似文献   

叶塞宁和陶渊明同为田园诗人,他们最后的人生结局和诗风都不甚相同。但两人均处于社会与文化的双重转型期,思想、认识深受历史交替、文化转型的影响。在生活、创作过程中,两人历尽曲折和苦难,在各个不同的人生阶段都曾出现过不同性质的矛盾:叶塞宁的城乡矛盾,求新与恋旧的冲突;陶渊明的对出仕与归隐的迷惘,贫富思想的斗争。相似的背景及思想经历致使两人一生的情感及反映这种情感的诗作都围绕田园生活而展开,他们不约而同地讴歌农村、赞美自然,抒发自己对农村田园的眷恋与挚爱。  相似文献   

Mud volcanism is an important natural source of the greenhouse gas methane to the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Recent investigations show that the number of active submarine mud volcanoes might be much higher than anticipated (for example, see refs 3-5), and that gas emitted from deep-sea seeps might reach the upper mixed ocean. Unfortunately, global methane emission from active submarine mud volcanoes cannot be quantified because their number and gas release are unknown. It is also unclear how efficiently methane-oxidizing microorganisms remove methane. Here we investigate the methane-emitting Haakon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV, Barents Sea, 72 degrees N, 14 degrees 44' E; 1,250 m water depth) to provide quantitative estimates of the in situ composition, distribution and activity of methanotrophs in relation to gas emission. The HMMV hosts three key communities: aerobic methanotrophic bacteria (Methylococcales), anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME-2) thriving below siboglinid tubeworms, and a previously undescribed clade of archaea (ANME-3) associated with bacterial mats. We found that the upward flow of sulphate- and oxygen-free mud volcano fluids restricts the availability of these electron acceptors for methane oxidation, and hence the habitat range of methanotrophs. This mechanism limits the capacity of the microbial methane filter at active marine mud volcanoes to <40% of the total flux.  相似文献   

以对硝基苯胺和对甲基苯胺二种芳胺为端基合成了6种酰胺型开链冠醚,通过IR,1HNMR及MS确定了它们的结构,同时用N,N'-二(对硝基苯胺)-3-氧杂戊二酰胺为配体与轻稀土硝酸盐进行了配位研究,合成了5种轻稀土硝酸盐配合物,通过元素分析和IR分析了其结构.  相似文献   

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