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We have used the polymerase chain reaction to analyze variation in the size of 5S ribosomal gene spacer sequence. Eighty accessions, including 65 cultivated rice and 15 wild rice, were analyzed. Among them seven size classes of 5S DNA spacer were observed. Classification asindica orjaponica on the basis of 5S DNA spacer patterns generally agrees with classification based on morphological studies, indicating that the length polymorphism of 5S DNA spacer could be used as a molecular marker for taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis. Supported by the National Natural Science Fundation of China Yi Qingming: born in Apr. 1938, Professor  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify 5S rRNA spacer from wild rice (Oryza rufipogon and O. nivara) and cultivated rice (indica and japonica varieties of O. sativa L). The results show that there is spacer length variation within and between species, and the typical indica and japonica varieties have their unique banding patterns of amplified 5S rRNA spacers, whereas intermediate showed no specific amplification profile of spacer regions. The 5S rRNA genes in intermediate are either identical with that of indica variety or that of japonica variety. These data suggest that the spacer length polymorphisms can be used to distinguish between closely ralated species and subspecies. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Yi Qingming, born in Apr. 1938, Professor  相似文献   

生殖隔离在形成新物种和物种同一性的保持中有重要作用,因而在水稻优化育种中有重要的意义。S5位点是一个已克隆的控制水稻生殖隔离的基因,它产生的S5-ORF3,ORF4和ORF5蛋白质共同调控着indica-japonica杂交后代的育性,特别是S5-ORF3蛋白质在打破水稻亚种indica-japonica之间的生殖隔离与促进物种间的基因交流中发挥重要作用。针对S5-ORF3的进化分析对于研究它的功能和起源很重要,但目前尚无报道。本文基于序列和进化分析,提出S5-ORF3为一种定位在内质网中的新的HSP70家族蛋白,但缺乏HSP70的C端的多肽结合结构域,推测S5-ORF3可能通过影响alpha-淀粉酶的合成来作用于内质网压力;找到了ORF3的19条同源蛋白,并用极大似然算法构建了可靠的进化树,发现水稻的S5-ORF3与节节麦的luminal-binding蛋白进化关系最为密切;作了置信度100%的S5-ORF3蛋白质的三维结构预测,预测了居中的配体绑定位点;发现了水稻的S5-ORF3与其他HSP70蛋白相比独特的基序,为进一步研究S5-ORF3的作用机理和演化历史提供了线索和数据支持。  相似文献   

The copy number of 5S rDNA and centromeric sequence RCS2 was determined by extended DNA fiber based fluorescence in situ hybridization (Fiber-FISH) in rice (Oryza sativa ssp. indica cv. Guangluai No. 4) genome. In order to determine the copy number, it is necessary to know the basepair number that a given length DNA fiber contains under a microscope. Therefore, the length of two DNA fragments, in which the basepair number had been already known, was measured. The insert sequence of the tested BAC 38D17 was 136 kb and its extended DNA was 56.4 μm long, 2.41 kb/μm on average, while that of the tested BAC 44B4 was 144.5 kb in total and 55.7 μm long, 2.60 kb/μm on average under the microscope. They were very close to the theoretical value of B-DNA in the Watson-Crick DNA model, which is 2.97 kb/μm. According to the average value of basepair number per μm of the two samples mentioned above, that is, 2.51 kb/μm, it could be estimated that the copy number was about 686 for 5S rDNA and 286-1121 for the centromere sequence RCS2.  相似文献   

石油微生物16SrRNA基因PCR扩增研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
掌握石油微生物的16SrRNA基因保守区的扩增方法是先进分子水平鉴定微生物种类一种有效的实验方法。通过研究利用分子生物技术提高对石油微生物的了解,进行未来对石油的开采,摸索出石油微生物的DNA提取方法,16SrRNA基因的PCR扩增反应条件的研究进而初步鉴定菌种类型。本文是以大庆采油三厂分离纯化的石油微生物为实验材料,摸索合适的石油微生物基因组DNA的提取方法及合适的PCR扩增条件和反应体系,在本实验室后续开展石油微生物在分子水平方面的实践指导中有重要意义。  相似文献   

高校图书馆流通工作借鉴5S管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了5S管理的起源、含义及流通工作中借鉴5S管理的具体内容和实施方式,以整理、整顿、清扫、清洁和修养为基本要求,使图书馆流通工作始终保持"结构优化、环境优美、服务优质、人才优秀、风气优良"的状态。  相似文献   

引入5S管理方法 加强创新实验站管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由继红 《实验室科学》2010,13(1):125-126
介绍了5S管理方法应用到创新实验站管理中的具体做法。实践表明,不但有助于创新实验站的管理,而且有利于提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of Gaozhou wild rice analyzed by SSR   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The wide compatibility gene, S 5 n , can overcome embryo sac sterility between indica and japonica subspecies of rice. Therefore, it is very important to characterize the features of the S 5 n sequence to reveal the origin and evolution of S 5 n . In this paper, 26 cultivated rice haplotypes and 22 wild rice accessions harboring S 5 n were used to sequence S 5 n . The results showed that 15 genotypes among the 48 materials were fully consistent with control cultivar 02428 (CK). The other 33 accessions had different degrees of variation in the S 5 n sequence. Variations in the coding region mainly occurred in the second exon and eight materials showed a 10-bp deletion at 1710?C1719 bp, including wild (O. nivara) and cultivated rice, such as IRW501 and Yuetai B. S 5 n sequences were not biased and evolved neutrally. The 48 materials could be divided into 4 categories using a phylogenetic tree of the amino acid sequences. Most of the wild rice clustered together, and the cultivated rice clustered into another group. Eight cultivated rice and O. nivara (wild rice) clustered in another group, which were found to lack 10 consecutive bases in exon 2. Eight rice varieties with high numbers of differences in their S 5 n coding regions were crossed with testers (typically indica and japonica) to produced test cross F1 populations. The F1s were examined for their ability to overcome indica-japonica hybrid sterility. The result showed that the embryo sac fertility of S 5 n -containing hybrids increased significantly compared with control hybrids, but there were no differences among the materials with divergent sequences, indirectly proving that S 5 n is a non-functional gene.  相似文献   

近年来,随着稻田直播技术的推广,杂草稻对栽培稻的危害也越来越大,比较杂草稻与水稻籽实之间的形态差异,能够为进境检验检疫中杂草稻的鉴别提供技术参考.从上海郊区(县)稻田内采集了包括杂草稻和水稻的98份样品,定量地测定了这98份样品的籽粒长和粒宽、籽粒长宽比、小穗长、芒长及株高,并对籽粒的颜色进行了分级.基于以上数据,应用聚类分析,发现98份样品可以区别出3组,分别包括57、33和8份样品,结合落粒性、穗形、种皮颜色及成熟时间等性状,明确组1为杂草稻,组2为栽培稻组,组3为少量形态上介于杂草稻和栽培稻的样品.应用主成分分析和无度量多维标定这两种排序方法对98个样品进行分析,进一步展示了各样品间的形态差异特点.方差分析发现,上海地区的杂草稻在粒长、粒宽、粒长/宽和小穗长这4个指标均显著地大于水稻,但是两者在株高和芒长上没有显著差异.  相似文献   

The rice aneuploids with telochromosomes are ideal genetic stocks for chromosome arm identification and microdissection. A rice telo-tetrasomic line with two extra short arms of chromosome 5 (5S) was used in the present study. The amrs of 5S were microdissected from the prometaphase cells in mitosis and amplified with linker adaptor PCR (LA-PCR). The amplified fmgments, ranging from 200–3000 bp, were confirmed to be from the rice chromosome arm 5S by the rice STS and miamatellite markers.  相似文献   

高职院校引入5S管理理念初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“5S管理”是起源于日本的一种优秀的内部管理方法,对改善生产现场环境、提升生产效率、保障产品品质、营造企业氛围以及创建良好的企业文化等方面有显著的效果。就高职院校如何有效推行5S管理进行分析,并提出了应注意的问题。  相似文献   

The sterility of Pingxiang male-sterile rice (Pms), possibly derided from a spontaneous mutation in Pingxiang fertile rice (Pmf), was previously reported to be controlled by a single dominant nuclear gene. It can be restored to fertility either by a dominant epistatic gene or by higher temperature treatment at the early stage of inflorescence development. In order to tag the genic male-sterile gene, Pms, Pmf and Ce 64, a cytoplasmic male-sterile restoring line without the epistatic gene for Pms, were used to construct mapping populations. Two segregation populations, “(Pms/Ce 64) F1s (sterile plant)//Pmf ” F1 and “Pms//(Pmf/Ce 64) F1” F1, were simultaneously developed. Subsequently, the genic male- sterile gene was mapped between a simple sequence length polymorphism marker, RM228, and a restriction fragment length polymorphism marker, G2155, with distances of 14.9 and 2.6 cM, respectively. The tagged dominant genic male-sterile gene is temporarily designated Ms-p.  相似文献   

烯效唑对水稻苗期过氧化物酶活性及同功酶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不同浓度的烯效唑乳剂和可湿性粉剂分别对水稻浸种,研究其对苗期过氧化物酶活性及同功酶的影响.结果表明,烯效唑两种剂型均可使过氧化物酶活性增强,且乳剂的作用效果大于可湿性粉剂.其同功酶谱带增强,且增加了F1、F2及A1三条新谱带。  相似文献   

Using 36 SSR markers and 889 accessions of common wild rice in China, the genetic diversity and the divergence among different geographical populations are investigated. Guangdong Province has the largest number of alleles, which account for 84% of the total alleles detected in the study, followed by Guangxi Province. The Nei's gene diversity indices, from high to low, are in the sequence of Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Yunnan provinces. Two genetic diversity centers of Chinese common wild rice are detected on the basis of geographic analysis, i.e., the region covering Boluo, Zijin, Lufeng, Haifeng, Huidong and Huiyang counties of Guangdong Province and the region covering Yongning, Longan, Laibin and Guigang counties of Guangxi Province. The common wild rice in Yunnan, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Fujian provinces are diverged into respectively independent populations with relatively large genetic distances, whereas, those in Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces have relatively low genetic divergence. Under the condition of geographic separation, natural selection is considered as one of the primary forces contributing to the divergence of common wild rice in China.  相似文献   

Using 36 SSR markers and 889 accessions of common wild rice in China, the genetic diversity and the divergence among different geographical populations are investigated. Guangdong Province has the largest number of alleles, which account for 84% of the total alleles detected in the study, followed by Guangxi Province. The Nei's gene diversity indices, from high to low, are in the sequence of Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Yunnan provinces. Two genetic diversity centers of Chinese common wild rice are detected on the basis of geographic analysis, i.e., the region covering Boluo, Zijin, Lufeng, Haifeng, Huidong and Huiyang counties of Guangdong Province and the region covering Yongning, Longan, Laibin and Guigang counties of Guangxi Province. The common wild rice in Yunnan, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Fujian provinces are diverged into respectively independent populations with relatively large genetic distances, whereas, those in Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi provinces have relatively low genetic divergence. Under the condition of geographic separation, natural selection is considered as one of the primary forces contributing to the divergence of common wild rice in China.  相似文献   

gments from each strain based on the UPGMA algorithm from the combined patterns showed that Lotus isolates are very diverse and that they were affiliated to Sinorhizobium,Rhizobium,and Mesorhizobium genera.  相似文献   

ACOS5是控制拟南芥雄性育的关键基因之一,它也是编码花粉素合成必需的酶.利用氨基酸同源序列分析,在数据库中检索与拟南芥ACOS5同源性较高的植物同源蛋白.将检索出的水稻中同源氨基酸序列与ACOS5进行比对,两者一致性为64%.并且通过同源蛋白系统发生分析,两者在进化上关系也较为密切.根据水稻中同源蛋白基因组序列设计引物,进行低温处理下该基因在小花发育各时期的表达量分析.半定量RT-PCR显示,在水稻小孢子母细胞形成期其表达量较低,而当小孢子开始减数分裂时,表达量急剧增高.在这两个时期,低温(20℃)会诱导OsACOSmRNA积累增加;但当处于小孢子形成阶段时,低温下积累量却呈现相反的降低趋势.这说明环境温度显著影响水稻中ACOS5同源基因的转录表达,而这种影响与小花发育时期有关,提示水稻ACOS基因可能参与环境温度调控水稻雄性育性的过程.  相似文献   

目的:应用"五常法"对静脉药物配置中心进行规范化科学化管理,确保临床用药安全,顺利通过省卫生厅的验收。方法:对比"五常法"应用于静脉药物配置中心前后的情况。结果:实施"五常法"后,静脉药物配置中心的环境完全达标、差错明显减少,临床科室满意度提高。结论:"五常法"应用于静脉药物配置中心能大大改善工作环境,提高工作效率,防止差错发生。  相似文献   

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