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Eiler JM  Schiano P  Kitchen N  Stolper EM 《Nature》2000,403(6769):530-534
Mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORBs) are the most abundant terrestrial magmas and are believed to form by partial melting of a globally extensive reservoir of ultramafic rocks in the upper mantle. MORBs vary in their abundances of incompatible elements (that is, those that partition into silicate liquids during partial melting) and in the isotopic ratios of several radiogenic isotope systems. These variations define a spectrum between 'depleted' and 'enriched' compositions, characterized by respectively low and high abundances of incompatible elements. Compositional variations in the sources of MORBs could reflect recycling of subducted crustal materials into the source reservoir, or any of a number of processes of intramantle differentiations. Variations in (18)O/(16)O (principally sensitive to the interaction of rocks with the Earth's hydrosphere) offer a test of these alternatives. Here we show that (18)O/(16)O ratios of MORBs are correlated with aspects of their incompatible-element chemistry. These correlations are consistent with control of the oxygen-isotope and incompatible-element geochemistry of MORBs by a component of recycled crust that is variably distributed throughout their upper mantle sources.  相似文献   

Elliott T  Thomas A  Jeffcoate A  Niu Y 《Nature》2006,443(7111):565-568
'Recycled' crustal materials, returned from the Earth's surface to the mantle by subduction, have long been invoked to explain compositional heterogeneity in the upper mantle. Yet increasingly, problems have been noted with this model. The debate can be definitively addressed using stable isotope ratios, which should only significantly vary in primitive, mantle-derived materials as a consequence of recycling. Here we present data showing a notable range in lithium isotope ratios in basalts from the East Pacific Rise, which correlate with traditional indices of mantle heterogeneity (for example, 143Nd/144Nd ratios). Such co-variations of stable and radiogenic isotopes in melts from a normal ridge segment provide critical evidence for the importance of recycled material in generating chemical heterogeneity in the upper mantle. Contrary to many models, however, the elevated lithium isotope ratios of the 'enriched' East Pacific Rise lavas imply that subducted ocean crust is not the agent of enrichment. Instead, we suggest that fluid-modified mantle, which is enriched during residency in a subduction zone, is mixed back into the upper mantle to cause compositional variability.  相似文献   

Escrig S  Capmas F  Dupré B  Allègre CJ 《Nature》2004,431(7004):59-63
The isotopic compositions of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORB) from the Indian Ocean have led to the identification of a large-scale isotopic anomaly relative to Pacific and Atlantic ocean MORB. Constraining the origin of this so-called DUPAL anomaly may lead to a better understanding of the genesis of upper-mantle heterogeneity. Previous isotopic studies have proposed recycling of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle or sediments with oceanic crust to be responsible for the DUPAL signature. Here we report Os, Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of Indian MORB from the Central Indian ridge, the Rodriguez triple junction and the South West Indian ridge. All measured samples have higher (187)Os/(188)Os ratios than the depleted upper-mantle value and Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions that imply the involvement of at least two distinct enriched components in the Indian upper-mantle. Using isotopic and geodynamical arguments, we reject both subcontinental lithospheric mantle and recycled sediments with oceanic crust as the cause of the DUPAL anomaly. Instead, we argue that delamination of lower continental crust may explain the DUPAL isotopic signature of Indian MORB.  相似文献   

Dixon JE  Leist L  Langmuir C  Schilling JG 《Nature》2002,420(6914):385-389
A substantial uncertainty in the Earth's global geochemical water cycle is the amount of water that enters the deep mantle through the subduction and recycling of hydrated oceanic lithosphere. Here we address the question of recycling of water into the deep mantle by characterizing the volatile contents of different mantle components as sampled by ocean island basalts and mid-ocean-ridge basalts. Although all mantle plume (ocean island) basalts seem to contain more water than mid-ocean-ridge basalts, we demonstrate that basalts associated with mantle plume components containing subducted lithosphere--'enriched-mantle' or 'EM-type' basalts--contain less water than those associated with a common mantle source. We interpret this depletion as indicating that water is extracted from the lithosphere during the subduction process, with greater than 92 per cent efficiency.  相似文献   

Humler E  Besse J 《Nature》2002,419(6907):607-609
To fully understand the structure and dynamics of the Earth's convecting mantle, the origins of temperature variations within the mantle need to be resolved. Different hypotheses have been proposed to account for these temperature variations: for example, heat coming from the decay of radioactive elements or heat flowing out of the Earth's core. In addition, theoretical studies suggest that the thermal properties of continental masses can affect mantle convection, but quantitative data that could allow us to test these models are scarce. To address this latter problem, we have examined the chemistry of mid-ocean-ridge basalt--which reflects the temperature of the source mantle--as a function of the distance of the ridge from the closest continental margin. No correlation is observed for oceanic ridges close to subduction zones or hotspots; subduction zones probably inhibit thermal transfer between the mantle beneath continents and ocean, whereas hotspots influence the major-element chemistry of ridge basalts, which makes their interpretation with respect to mantle temperature more difficult. However, we do observe a significant correlation for mid-oceanic basalts from the Atlantic and Indian oceans. From this, we conclude that the location of continental masses relative to active ridges influences the large-scale thermal structure of the mantle and we estimate that the mantle cools by 0.05 to 0.1 degrees C per kilometre from the continental margins.  相似文献   

Salters VJ  Dick HJ 《Nature》2002,418(6893):68-72
Inferring the melting process at mid-ocean ridges, and the physical conditions under which melting takes place, usually relies on the assumption of compositional similarity between all mid-ocean-ridge basalt sources. Models of mantle melting therefore tend to be restricted to those that consider the presence of only one lithology in the mantle, peridotite. Evidence from xenoliths and peridotite massifs show that after peridotite, pyroxenite and eclogite are the most abundant rock types in the mantle. But at mid-ocean ridges, where most of the melting takes place, and in ophiolites, pyroxenite is rarely found. Here we present neodymium isotopic compositions of abyssal peridotites to investigate whether peridotite can indeed be the sole source for mid-ocean-ridge basalts. By comparing the isotopic compositions of basalts and peridotites at two segments of the southwest Indian ridge, we show that a component other than peridotite is required to explain the low end of the (143)Nd/(144)Nd variations of the basalts. This component is likely to have a lower melting temperature than peridotite, such as pyroxenite or eclogite, which could explain why it is not observed at mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Saal AE  Hauri EH  Langmuir CH  Perfit MR 《Nature》2002,419(6906):451-455
The analysis of volatiles in magmatic systems can be used to constrain the volatile content of the Earth's mantle and the influence that magmatic degassing has on the chemistry of the oceans and the atmosphere. But most volatile elements have very low solubilities in magmas at atmospheric pressure, and therefore virtually all erupted lavas are degassed and do not retain their primary volatile signatures. Here we report the undersaturated pre-eruptive volatile content for a suite of mid-ocean-ridge basalts from the Siqueiros intra-transform spreading centre. The undersaturation leads to correlations between volatiles and refractory trace elements that provide new constraints on volatile abundances and their behaviour in the upper mantle. Our data generate improved limits on the abundances of carbon dioxide, water, fluorine, sulphur and chlorine in the source of normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt. The incompatible behaviour of carbon dioxide, together with the CO(2)/Nb and CO(2)/Cl ratios, permit estimates of primitive carbon dioxide and chlorine to be made for degassed and chlorine-contaminated mid-ocean-ridge basalt magmas, and hence constrain degassing and contamination histories of mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Quantifying the melt distribution and crustal structure across ridge-axis discontinuities is essential for understanding the relationship between magmatic, tectonic and petrologic segmentation of mid-ocean-ridge spreading centres. The geometry and continuity of magma bodies beneath features such as overlapping spreading centres can strongly influence the composition of erupted lavas and may give insight into the underlying pattern of mantle flow. Here we present three-dimensional images of seismic reflectivity beneath a mid-ocean ridge to investigate the nature of melt distribution across a ridge-axis discontinuity. Reflectivity slices through the 9 degrees 03' N overlapping spreading centre on East Pacific Rise suggest that it has a robust magma supply, with melt bodies underlying both limbs and ponding of melt beneath large areas of the overlap basin. The geometry of melt distribution beneath this offset is inconsistent with large-scale, crustal redistribution of melt away from centres of upwelling. The complex distribution of melt seems instead to be caused by a combination of vertical melt transport from the underlying mantle and subsequent focusing of melt beneath a magma freezing boundary in the mid-crust.  相似文献   

强富水板岩隧道防排水施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了九岭山隧道右线出口YK101+900~YK101+300强富水板岩地段的施工,介绍了强富水段的防排水系统的施工工艺,总结了影响隧道防排水的各要素及对隧道使用寿命影响。  相似文献   

Hellebrand E  Snow JE  Dick HJ  Hofmann AW 《Nature》2001,410(6829):677-681
Rocks in the Earth's uppermost sub-oceanic mantle, known as abyssal peridotites, have lost variable but generally large amounts of basaltic melt, which subsequently forms the oceanic crust. This process preferentially removes from the peridotite some major constituents such as aluminium, as well as trace elements that are incompatible in mantle minerals (that is, prefer to enter the basaltic melt), such as the rare-earth elements. A quantitative understanding of this important differentiation process has been hampered by the lack of correlation generally observed between major- and trace-element depletions in such peridotites. Here we show that the heavy rare-earth elements in abyssal clinopyroxenes that are moderately incompatible are highly correlated with the Cr/(Cr + Al) ratios of coexisting spinels. This correlation deteriorates only for the most highly incompatible elements-probably owing to late metasomatic processes. Using electron- and ion-microprobe data from residual abyssal peridotites collected on the central Indian ridge, along with previously published data, we develop a quantitative melting indicator for mantle residues. This procedure should prove useful for relating partial melting in peridotites to geodynamic variables such as spreading rate and mantle temperature.  相似文献   

自驾车旅游调查方法初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对自驾车旅游现象的特征进行全面分析研究的基础上,提出了自驾车旅游统计调查的对象、范围和调查方法,制定了自驾车旅游调查的实施方案;根据统计实践,提出了具有可操作性的调查步骤和推算方法。  相似文献   

Abbott A 《Nature》2005,438(7070):1046-1047

寒区沥青路面的合理设计温度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对目前寒区沥青路面设计温度的不合理性以及美国公路战略研究计划(SHRP)规定的局限性,结合辽宁省各地区的路面实测温度及其历年的气象资料,综合考虑了影响路面温度的内部主要因素(导热系数、热传递方式)和外部主要因素(气温、太阳总辐射、风速),对寒区沥青路面设计温度进行数值仿真,用数理统计方法研究气温和路面温度的回归关系,给出了沥青路面的高温设计温度和低温设计温度的计算公式。经验证,沥青路面的高温设计温度和低温设计温度计算公式符合统计规律,准确合理。  相似文献   

Irving E  Park JK  Haggerty SE  Aumento F  Loncarevic B 《Nature》1970,228(5275):974-976
The volcanic layer may be only 200 m thick at 45 degrees N and oxidation of titanomagnetite may be responsible for the decrease in amplitude of the magnetic anomalies away from the ridge axis.  相似文献   

富水黏土地层盾构隧道施工过程中,确定合理的开挖面支护力对于安全掘进至关重要。针对富水黏土地层盾构隧道,对不排水条件下的开挖面稳定性展开了研究。通过数值模拟研究,分析了直径D、埋深比C/D与内聚力c对极限支护力的影响规律;推导已有的适用于不排水分析的开挖面主动破坏模式并分析其功率构成,结合黏土不排水离心试验得到破坏区域范围,对极限分析法获得的极限支护力进行了修正。最后,利用理论解析法与数值模拟方法对常州地铁工程某标段区间盾构隧道段进行开挖面稳定性分析,结果表明,理论解析法与数值模拟所得极限支护力相互印证,但理论解析法计算更为便捷。研究结论为富水黏土地层盾构隧道的工程实践提供借鉴与指导。  相似文献   

E G Richards 《Nature》1979,279(5714):582-583

本文简要介绍了大气颗粒物的来源、对人体健康的危害和目前攀枝花市环境空气质量测点概况,阐明了适当增加空气质量测点以提高覆盖面的必要性和迫切性,提出了两个增加测点的具体方案,并系统论述了每个方案理由和措施,方法切实可行,并具有很好的可操作性。  相似文献   

Reimer PJ 《Nature》2004,431(7012):1047-1048

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