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Ranero CR  Morgan JP  McIntosh K  Reichert C 《Nature》2003,425(6956):367-373
The dehydration of subducting oceanic crust and upper mantle has been inferred both to promote the partial melting leading to arc magmatism and to induce intraslab intermediate-depth earthquakes, at depths of 50-300 km. Yet there is still no consensus about how slab hydration occurs or where and how much chemically bound water is stored within the crust and mantle of the incoming plate. Here we document that bending-related faulting of the incoming plate at the Middle America trench creates a pervasive tectonic fabric that cuts across the crust, penetrating deep into the mantle. Faulting is active across the entire ocean trench slope, promoting hydration of the cold crust and upper mantle surrounding these deep active faults. The along-strike length and depth of penetration of these faults are also similar to the dimensions of the rupture area of intermediate-depth earthquakes.  相似文献   

Marone F  Romanowicz B 《Nature》2007,447(7141):198-201
The most likely cause of seismic anisotropy in the Earth's upper mantle is the lattice preferred orientation of anisotropic minerals such as olivine. Its presence reflects dynamic processes related to formation of the lithosphere as well as to present-day tectonic motions. A powerful tool for detecting and characterizing upper-mantle anisotropy is the analysis of shear-wave splitting measurements. Because of the poor vertical resolution afforded by this type of data, however, it has remained controversial whether the splitting has a lithospheric origin that is 'frozen-in' at the time of formation of the craton, or whether the anisotropy originates primarily in the asthenosphere, and is induced by shear owing to present-day absolute plate motions. In addition, predictions from surface-wave-derived models are largely incompatible with shear-wave splitting observations. Here we show that this disagreement can be resolved by simultaneously inverting surface waveforms and shear-wave splitting data. We present evidence for the presence of two layers of anisotropy with different fast-axis orientations in the cratonic part of the North American upper mantle. At asthenospheric depths (200-400 km) the fast axis is sub-parallel to the absolute plate motion, confirming the presence of shear related to current tectonic processes, whereas in the lithosphere (80-200 km), the orientation is significantly more northerly. In the western, tectonically active, part of North America, the fast-axis direction is consistent with the absolute plate motion throughout the depth range considered, in agreement with a much thinner lithosphere.  相似文献   

The extremely low Ti content (160–245 μg/g) in clinopyroxene in some spinel peridotites from Qilin, South China is indicative of high degree of partial melting, inconsistent with their relatively high clinopyroxene modes (7.4%–12.4%). These clinopyroxenes show fractionated HREE patterns ((Gd/Yb)n<0.2), suggesting the involvement of garnet in the melting regime. These REE patterns can be modeled as residues of 22%–23% fractional melting from a primitive mantle, first in garnet stability field (12%) then continuing in spinel stability field (10%–11%) after breakdown of garnet to pyroxenes and spinel. Such a polybaric melting suggests the lithospheric thinning and rapid mantle upwelling in south China during the Cenozoic. This is consistent with the dominant MORB-OIB isotopic signature and high thermal gradient of the lithospheric mantle in this region, and supports the contention that the formation of South China Sea basin is related to southward migration of continental lithosphere extension, rather than passive back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The lithospheric mantle is one of the key layers controlling the stability of continents. Even a small amount of water can influence many chemical and physical properties of rocks and minerals. Consequently, it is a pivotal task to study the distribution of water in the continental lithosphere. This paper presents a brief overview of the current state of knowledge about (1) the occurrence of water in the continental lithospheric mantle, (2) the spatial and temporal variations of the water content in the continental lithospheric mantle, and (3) the relationship between water content and continent stability. Additionally, suggestions for future research directions are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

根据对华北克拉通汉诺坝和女山两个捕虏体产地的麻粒岩和橄榄岩的FTIR实验测定,分析讨论了大陆深部岩石圈内水含量和分布上的一些显著特点.结果表明,大陆下地壳和岩石圈内矿物的水含量无论在横向还是垂向分布上都是明显不均一的,造成这些不均一性的机制可能复杂多样.  相似文献   

福建陆缘壳、幔异常结构与深部热储潜能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国东南陆缘福建省境内地热资源丰富,近地表主要属于中、低温和中温水热存储。这种清洁的绿色资源如何有序规划与高效利用是福建地域可持续发展并在一定程度上替代部分化石能源所必须面对的重要课题。通过地球物理场和壳幔介质物理属性与结构环境分析和研究提出:(1)福建省大量的浅层水热资源在发展地方经济和民用中可形成一个中、低温及中温长期利用的网络平台;(2)探查福建陆缘地域地下是否存在热岩体乃能否有效替代部分化石能源的核心;(3)福建热田区地球物理边界场响应和壳幔介质属性与空间结构是探索与厘定地下热能能否稳定、安全、可靠和长期供给的基石;(4)漳州盆地深部可能存在干热岩的背景和边界条件。  相似文献   

Serpentinization of peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A detailed petrologic and mineralogic study was carried out on serpentinized peridotites dredged from the southern landward slopes of the Mariana Trench, in order to reveal the serpentinization process of these unusual rocks and to identify the sole presence of the mineral lizardite. The constituent minerals of these southern Mariana forearc peridotites are olivine, amphibole and spinel, as well as serpentine, chlorite and talc. Compared with serpentinite seamounts, the serpentinized peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc are characterized by the absence of magnetite and brucite, and the common presence of talc; besides, the serpentine mineral variety is simplex, only lizardite. Combining mineral chemistry and mineral phase relationships, we conclude that (1) the absence of magnetite in the serpentinized peridotites is due to incomplete serpentinization, other than magnetite, the iron end-member in olivine forms Fe-rich brucite and Fe-rich serpentine; (2) brucite is not stable with high silica activity, reacting with later SiO2-rich fluid and then forming lizardite, leading to a lack of brucite in these serpentinized peridotites; (3) the occurrence of talc is the result of later SiO2-rich fluid reactions with lizardite; and (4) the reason for the sole occurrence of lizardite is that the temperature condition of our study area was not high enough for the formation of antigorite (which is stable at >500 °C). Despite the broad overlap of lizardite and chrysotile in growth temperature, differences in the modes of occurrence of lizardite and chrysotile, such as the scarcity of H2O, low porosity and permeability, as well as the actual situation of initial serpentinization in the study area, result in the absolute prevalence of lizardite over chrysotile in the area.  相似文献   

An olivine-free mantle source of Hawaiian shield basalts   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sobolev AV  Hofmann AW  Sobolev SV  Nikogosian IK 《Nature》2005,434(7033):590-597
More than 50 per cent of the Earth's upper mantle consists of olivine and it is generally thought that mantle-derived melts are generated in equilibrium with this mineral. Here, however, we show that the unusually high nickel and silicon contents of most parental Hawaiian magmas are inconsistent with a deep olivine-bearing source, because this mineral together with pyroxene buffers both nickel and silicon at lower levels. This can be resolved if the olivine of the mantle peridotite is consumed by reaction with melts derived from recycled oceanic crust, to form a secondary pyroxenitic source. Our modelling shows that more than half of Hawaiian magmas formed during the past 1 Myr came from this source. In addition, we estimate that the proportion of recycled (oceanic) crust varies from 30 per cent near the plume centre to insignificant levels at the plume edge. These results are also consistent with volcano volumes, magma volume flux and seismological observations.  相似文献   

Moho offset beneath the central Bangong-Nujiang suture of Tibetan Plateau   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xu  Qiang  Zhao  JunMeng  Cui  ZhongXiong  Pei  ShunPing  Liu  HongBing 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(7):607-613
By analyzing teleseismic waveforms recorded by 53 stations of Hi-Climb profile passing through the central Bangong-Nujiang suture(BNS) ,a total of 4764 high-quality receiver functions are obtained.The average crustal thickness and Poisson's ratio beneath each station are estimated using the travel time of Ps and PpPs of the Moho.The discontinuities such as the Moho,the 410and 660-km interfaces are also studied using the common converted points(CCP) time to depth migration of receiver functions. The main res...  相似文献   

直线一级倒立摆控制策略研究及仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用牛顿力学定律建立了直线一级倒立摆的传递函数、状态空间表达式等数学模型,并分析其稳定性、可控性和可观测性。在此基础上,分别研究经典控制方法和现代控制方法在一级倒立摆系统中的应用,包括PID控制算法、系统频率响应分析与校正、线性二次最优控制算法和极点配置法,并在MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真平台上对这些控制算法的效果进行仿真,可以取得不同的控制效果。  相似文献   

Recent research on the tectonothermal evolution and geochronology in the Fuping, Hengshan and Wutaishan metamorphic complexes, together with the discoveries of a high-pressure granulite belt in the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) and high-pressure metapelites in the Jingangku Group of the Wutaishan complex, suggests that there was a Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt related to collision between the Eastern and Western continental blocks. Comparison of geological, geochronological, tectonothermal and geochemical data between the Fuping and Hengshan complexes suggests these two complexes most likely originated and evolved as a single lithotectonic domain (i.e., the Taihangshan-Hengshan block) during the early evolution of the North China Craton, probably as an active margin to the Eastern Continental Block. The Taihangshan-Hengshan block has been subjected to intensive and extensive tectono-magmatism and high-grade metamorphism related to collision between the Eastern and Western continental blocks at ~1.80 Ga.  相似文献   

Evolution of the continental crust   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Hawkesworth CJ  Kemp AI 《Nature》2006,443(7113):811-817
The continental crust covers nearly a third of the Earth's surface. It is buoyant--being less dense than the crust under the surrounding oceans--and is compositionally evolved, dominating the Earth's budget for those elements that preferentially partition into silicate liquid during mantle melting. Models for the differentiation of the continental crust can provide insights into how and when it was formed, and can be used to show that the composition of the basaltic protolith to the continental crust is similar to that of the average lower crust. From the late Archaean to late Proterozoic eras (some 3-1 billion years ago), much of the continental crust appears to have been generated in pulses of relatively rapid growth. Reconciling the sedimentary and igneous records for crustal evolution indicates that it may take up to one billion years for new crust to dominate the sedimentary record. Combining models for the differentiation of the crust and the residence time of elements in the upper crust indicates that the average rate of crust formation is some 2-3 times higher than most previous estimates.  相似文献   

The determination of melt distribution in the crust and the nature of the crust-mantle boundary (the 'Moho') is fundamental to the understanding of crustal accretion processes at oceanic spreading centres. Upper-crustal magma chambers have been imaged beneath fast- and intermediate-spreading centres but it has been difficult to image structures beneath these magma sills. Using three-dimensional seismic reflection images, here we report the presence of Moho reflections beneath a crustal magma chamber at the 9 degrees 03' N overlapping spreading centre, East Pacific Rise. Our observations highlight the formation of the Moho at zero-aged crust. Over a distance of less than 7 km along the ridge crest, a rapid increase in two-way travel time of seismic waves between the magma chamber and Moho reflections is observed, which we suggest is due to a melt anomaly in the lower crust. The amplitude versus offset variation of reflections from the magma chamber shows a coincident region of higher melt fraction overlying this anomalous region, supporting the conclusion of additional melt at depth.  相似文献   

Simpson F 《Nature》2001,412(6847):632-635
Seismic anisotropy is thought to result from the strain-induced lattice-preferred orientation of mantle minerals, especially olivine, owing to shear waves propagating faster along the a-axis of olivine crystals than along the other axes. This anisotropy results in birefringence, or 'shear-wave splitting', which has been investigated in numerous studies. Although olivine is also anisotropic with respect to electrical conductivity (with the a-axis being most conductive), few studies of the electrical anisotropy of the upper mantle have been undertaken, and these have been limited to relatively shallow depths in the lithospheric upper mantle. Theoretical models of mantle flow have been used to infer that, for progressive simple shear imparted by the motion of an overriding tectonic plate, the a-axes of olivine crystals should align themselves parallel to the direction of plate motion. Here, however, we show that a significant discrepancy exists between the electromagnetic strike of the mantle below Australia and the direction of present-day absolute plate motion. We infer from this discrepancy that the a-axes of olivine crystals are not aligned with the direction of the present-day plate motion of Australia, indicating resistance to deformation of the mantle by plate motion.  相似文献   

倒立摆的移动控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构造了带自由摆的倒立摆,利用现代控制论的方法,使倒立摆在保持直立的状态下能够向任意位置移动,从而为两足步行机器人的步行研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

秦岭晚古生代增生弧前盆地的热水成矿系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨中秦岭地区铅锌金多金属矿集区的成矿地质背景和成矿机制.方法 从板块构造角度进行分析.结果 位于商丹带与留坝-山阳断裂带之间的中秦岭地区,其主体是在华北南缘晚古生代活动陆缘环境下增生的一个介于秦岭古岛弧带和留坝-山阳古俯冲带(古海沟)之间,并建立在俯冲增生楔之上的弧前盆地,发育有大规模的热水成矿系统.结论 该区是横亘中国大陆中部的中秦岭岷礼-西成-凤太-山柞大型-超大型金、铅锌多金属矿集区.  相似文献   

High-pressure polymorphs of olivine (wadsleyite and ringwoodite) are major minerals in the mantle transition zone (MTZ).Phase transformations in olivine are important for a series of geodynamic problems such as the mineralogical and evolutionary history of the mantle,mantle convection patterns,and deep focus earthquakes in subduction zones.In this study,we examine phase transformations in olivine with two compositions,namely Mg 2 SiO 4 (Fo 100) and (Mg 0.9 Fe 0.1) 2 SiO 4 (Fo 90),at pressures between 14.1 and 20 GPa and a constant temperature of 1400°C,using the newly installed multi-anvil system at the Laboratory for Studies of the Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI),China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).At 14.1 GPa,Fo 90 transformed completely into the wadsleyite structure (β),while Fo 100 remained as olivine (α).Between 14.8 and 15.6 GPa,both Fo 100 and Fo 90 transformed into the wadsleyite structure.Wadsleyite crystals were identified by two characteristic Raman peaks between 722 and 723 and 917 and 919 cm 1.They exhibit a bimodal grain size distribution:large-crystals with average grain sizes greater than 100 μm and microcrystals less than 10 μm.The population of microcrystals increased with pressure,apparently due to the increase in over-pressure (the difference between the experimental pressure condition and the equilibrium transformation pressure at 1400°C),which promotes nucleation and retards grain growth.All run charges contained large numbers of wadsleyite microcrystals,because of the low activation energy of the nucleation process.The experimentally observed microstructure may shed light on the morphology of wadsleyite observed in shocked meteorites.At 19.5 GPa,wadsleyite coexisted with ringwoodite (γ) in Fo 100,but was absent in Fo 90.At 20 GPa,both samples transformed completely into ringwoodite,which was characterized by the 798 and 840 cm 1 Raman lines.Ringwoodite crystals are euhedral grains (average grain size 10-20 μm),with well-developed triple junctions.The complex upper mantle structure in eastern China determined from seismological studies cannot be explained by the simple transformation sequence of the olivine system alone.Phase transformations in other pyroxene-normative components (including pyroxenes and garnets) and the interaction of these components with olivine may be responsible for the complex structure.High-pressure and high-temperature experimental studies on complex systems (e.g.olivine-pyroxene),combined with data from geophysical exploration,may help in establishing a more realistic geological-petrological model for eastern China and further our understanding of the possible physical mechanisms that are responsible for the complex structure.Such studies will have profound implications for understanding the dynamic processes in the deep Earth interior.  相似文献   

Jeffreys H 《Nature》1970,225(5237):1007-1008
Imperfection of elasticity in the Earth follows a law that forbids convection and continental drift.  相似文献   

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