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Managing financial institutions in an underdeveloped economic context has become a real challenge nowadays. In order to reach the organization’s planned goals, they have to deal with structural, behavioral and informational problems. From the systemic point of view, this situation gets even worse when the company does not present organizational boundaries and a cohesive identification for their stakeholders. Thus, European countries have some special financial lines in order to help the development of micro credit in Latin communities in an attempt to help the local economy. However, institutions like Caixa dos Andes in Peru present management problems when dealing with this complexity. Based on this, how can the systemic eye help in the diagnosis of soft problems of a Peruvian financial company? This study aims to diagnose soft problems of a Peruvian financial company based on soft variables like identity, communication and autonomy and also intends to identify possible ways to redesign its basic framework. The (VSM––Viable System Model) method from Beer (1967), applied in this diagnostic study, was used in a practical way as a management tool for organizations’ analysis and planning. By describing the VSM’s five systems, the creation of a systemic vision or a total vision is possible, showing the organization’s complexity from the inside. Some company’s soft problems like double control, inefficient use of physical and human resources, low information flows, slowness, etc. The VSM presented an organizational diagnosis indicating effective solutions that do integrate its five systems.  相似文献   

In recent years,bank credit business is booming with the increasing borrowing intention of China’s listed companies,and debt financing has become the major approach among listed companies’financing strategies.As a series of institutional arrangements about rights,responsibilities and benefits between different shareholders,corporate governance mechanism has a significant influence on the cost of debt financing.This paper employs variable coefficient panel data model to investigate the relationship of the listed company’s debt financing costs and corporate governance mechanism in terms of structural characteristics and time series characteristics.The results show that optimizing the structure of both Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors,establishing a reasonable management incentive system and reducing the concentration of ownership properly can directly contribute to a lower company’s debt financing costs.Meanwhile,property rights have an interactive influence on corporate governance from four aspects,which indirectly effect in company’s debt financing costs.  相似文献   

应用商业智能系统已经成为零售企业解决复杂问题、提高经营管理效率的重要手段.本文根据当前零售行业的发展趋势和管理需求,立足我国先进零售信息化服务商建立的信息平台基础,设计出一种基于大数据技术、适用于跨区域多业态的零售行业大数据及商业智能系统框架体系——HDBI系统,能够与其他二十余套零售信息管理系统进行对接,实现数据和业务功能的交互.同时探讨了该系统的架构设计和关键技术与方法.通过商业应用实践,论证了该系统的有效性和先进性.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the rate of innovations can be enhanced through interaction between new constellations of actors, crossing borderlines between different mindsets, knowledge and skill bases (e.g. Brown and Duguid, Org Sci 2(1):40–57, 1991; Cooke and Morgan, The associational economy: firms, regions, and innovation, 1998; Leonard-Barton, Wellsprings of knowledge: building and sustaining the sources of innovation, 1995, p. 64; Stamm, Managing innovation, design and creativity, 2008, p. 335). Studies of economic prosperity have also pointed to cooperation and competition between neighboring actors as a driver for competitiveness and innovativeness, be it for a company, a business area or a region (e.g. Piore and Sabel, The second industrial divide: possibilities for prosperity, 1984; Porter, The competitive advantage of nations, 1990). The hypothesis behind the geographical focus is that geographical proximity between actors promotes interaction and hence innovation. In EU, and also in Norway, this has been used actively as guidance in national and regional policy, where construction of innovation systems such as clusters and interorganizational networks are promoted and funded. To get organizations and institutions in a region to collaborate more is seen as the panacea for innovation, transformation and prosperity. However, companies often treat such constructed initiatives as an add-on to their ordinary, often long-lasting, business relationships between customers and suppliers (Håkansson et al., Business in networks, 2009, p. 13). This could imply that the necessary anchoring of such new innovation system initiatives with the companies’ own innovation processes is weak or missing. The terminology system points to the importance of the different elements (actors) in the system, their interrelatedness and their impact on each other (Meadows, Thinking in systems. A primer, 2009). An innovation system, like a network, cannot deliver innovation if the elements (i.e. the companies) of the systems don’t respond with related actions to the common endeavor. However, the different actors’ intraorganizational innovation processes are hardly mentioned in the innovation systems theories, thus lacking the important system feedback link between the intraorganizational innovation processes within the single company and the interorganizational innovation processes which are taking place in the collaborative initiative. In this article it is argued, supported by a case story, that attention to both of these processes and the nexus between them is needed in order to construct sustainable interorganizational innovation system initiatives. A model for this is proposed, based on a dual organization development process, encouraging system feedback loops and thereby bridging the single participating organization and the interorganizational collaborative initiative.  相似文献   

基于多属性决策的动态外包信息服务商选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
竞争的加剧以及加强自身核心竞争力的考虑,许多公司尤其是中小型公司都纷纷将非核心信息系统业务外包,而信息服务提供商的选择直接影响外包的成功与否.首先根据文献结果建立信息服务提供商(Information service provider,ISP)的评价指标体系,创新性地考虑处在外包不同生命周期的信息服务使用方对信息服务提供方的评价属性侧重点有所不同,把指标属性分为关键属性, 重要属性和基本属性,并用模糊语言变量进行刻画,分不同等级的模糊语言变量表示不同确定性程度的属性, 然后,运用模糊多属性决策方法对信息服务提供商进行动态选择,最后给出具体算例.  相似文献   

将MC (Monte-Carlo模型)与SFA (随机前沿分析, stochastic frontier analysis)相结合, 以2004年到2008年的数据对我国20家信托公司的经营管理效率进行评价. 运用MC模型构建合理有效的管理环境指标; 将DEA模型引入SFA模型中, 对比剔除管理环境因素前后的经营效率. 经过实证检验, 我国信托公司的总体发展水平和资本实力相对较低是导致信托公司经营效率低下的主要原因. MC-SFA模型作为企业经营管理效率(management efficiency)实证研究的技术基础,为推动信托公司提高经营水平提供很好参考.  相似文献   

农业上市公司整体经营的比较优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能够科学地评价和分析农业上市公司的比较优势,首先从财务角度构建改制上市后整体比较优势分析指标体系,以所有上市公司经营状况为基准从盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力、成长能力和股本扩张能力等5个方面对农业上市公司进行整体经营比较优势分析。在此基础上,从财务角度提出改善和提高农业上市公司比较优势的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This article contributes both quantitatively and qualitatively to the discussion on implementation of business ethics, as a basic background of social responsibility leading to systemic behaviour. In the frame of business ethics the ethical core values, culture, ethical climate, informal, and formal measures of business ethics implementation is addressed. The article is also aimed to improve understanding of importance of (ethical) corporate governance, key stakeholders’ influence on the enterprise’s core values, culture, the ethical climate, and informal and formal measures of business ethics implementation as the constitutional elements of enterprise ethical behaviour. The article briefs important cognitions of various empirical researches on business ethics in the case of Slovenian enterprises. The business ethics strongly relates to, and matters in, achieving more enterprises’ social responsibility and humankind’s well-being.  相似文献   

吕巍  陈洁 《系统管理学报》2005,14(6):502-505
在分析中国商业银行零售业务现状和顾客行为分析问题的基础上,结合K-m eans算法和顾客行为细分方法,提出基于K-m eans算法的中国零售业务的顾客行为细分模型,并结合中国商业银行的个案,进行了我国商业银行零售业务顾客行为细分的实证研究。  相似文献   

This article presents a proposal of a systemic model composed for the micro and small companies (MSE) of the region of Ribeirão Preto and the agents which influenced their environment. The proposed model was based on Stafford Beer’s (Diagnosing the system for organizations. Chichester, Wiley, 1985) systemic methodologies VSM (Viable System Model) and on Werner Ulrich’s (1983) CSH (Critical Systems Heuristics). The VSM is a model for the diagnosis of the structure of an organization and of its flows of information through the application of the cybernetics concepts (Narvarte, In El Modelo del Sistema Viable—MSV: experiencias de su aplicación en Chile. Proyecto Cerebro Colectivo del IAS, Santiago, 2001). On the other hand, CSH focus on the context of the social group applied to the systemic vision as a counterpoint to the organizational management view considered by the VSM. MSE of Ribeirão Preto and Sertãozinho had been analyzed as organizations inserted in systems that relate and integrate with other systems concerning the public administration, entities of representation and promotion agencies. The research questions: which are the bonds of interaction among the subsystems in this process and who are the agents involved? The systemic approach not only diagnosed a social group, formed by MSE of Ribeirão Preto and Sertãozinho, public authorities and support entities, but could also delineate answers that aimed the clarification of obscure questions generating financial assistance to the formularization of efficient actions for the development of this system.  相似文献   

组织韧性通过重构组织资源和流程等手段,能够帮助企业应对危机并利用危机实现逆势增长。其中,运营资源在为企业带来运营负担的同时,也为不确定性提供缓冲,保障企业可持续运营。在当前新冠疫情冲击全球制造业的大背景下,如何提升VUCA情境下组织韧性是企业特别是制造业企业所关切的重要现实问题,正吸引越来越多学者的积极关注。本研究以2008-2020年中国制造业企业的面板数据为研究样本,实证分析了运营冗余对组织韧性的影响,并深入考察了持续创新能力的调节效应。本研究结果表明:运营冗余对组织韧性有显著的U型影响。同时,持续创新能力对运营冗余及其3个子维度分别与组织韧性间关系有显著的正向影响。本研究基于“资源-能力”理论分析框架,识别了影响组织韧性中增长性与波动性的两类关键条件,为提升VUCA情境下本土制造业企业组织韧性,提供了具有针对性的理论指导与决策建议。  相似文献   

本文以O2O商业模式下餐饮外卖、新零售即时配送服务(IDS)为背景,将O2O-IDS系统定义为由O2O平台与IDS平台组成的相互影响、相互作用的组织管理系统.即时配送服务(IDS)是O2O模式下的一种新型物流形态,O2O与IDS平台之间多对多的合作关系由于受到多种因素(如疫情)的影响面临供应中断的风险,导致O2O-IDS系统的运行效率下降.为提高O2O-IDS系统抵御这一风险的能力,本文引入弹性理论对O2O-IDS系统进行研究,基于降低其脆弱性可提高系统弹性的思想,通过引进关键合作关系、系统功能减损、绩效影响指数等概念,建立了一种优化保护策略方法.该方法通过优化计算不同的中断合作关系数量下最大的系统功能减损值,确定关键合作关系;通过计算关键合作关系绩效影响指数和重要性排序,确定预算范围内的关键合作关系优化保护策略.此外,通过绘制系统功能减损值曲线将弹性量化,在不同的中断合作关系数量下该曲线越平滑,系统弹性越高.算例分析结果表明,本文提出的优化策略可以显著提升O2O-IDS系统抵御风险的能力.  相似文献   

Norway’s work life is known for its strong emphasis on the collaboration between employees, unions and managers. This article explores two case studies: two companies who are part of the same group of companies with the same owners, who are introducing broad collaboration. The same process was used to change employees’ participation in the development processes, but the results were different for each company. In this article we explore the factors that influence the implementation of broad collaboration between employees, unions and managers in the light of the Norwegian work life model and of the regional traditions. When introducing new collaboration patterns between managers, union and employees in a company, it is important to take regional traditions into consideration. One of the companies succeeded in implementing direct manager-employee collaboration, and the other company failed to implement broad collaboration. This article explores the reasons behind the different results. It further explores the experience from the two cases, and asks the question is the Norwegian work life model suited for all? The article suggests strategies for how to create an environment for broad collaboration in companies that have no such tradition.  相似文献   

高峰  崔玲 《系统工程》2012,(1):32-37
以2010年湖南部分上市公司披露的数据为样本,对湖南上市公司经营者薪酬与公司业绩之间的关系进行实证分析,检验同年度湖南不同上市公司之间经营者薪酬与公司业绩的相关性。描述性统计研究结果表明,湖南上市公司经营者薪酬与业绩指标每股收益呈正相关关系;相关性研究的结果表明,经营者货币薪酬与公司业绩之间呈弱的正相关关系;经营者持股数与公司业绩之间呈弱的正相关关系。  相似文献   

基于多层模糊逻辑门FTA的企业集团控股公司信用风险评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈林  周宗放 《系统工程》2008,26(12):52-56
企业集团的信用风险常常集中于集团控股公司,集团控股公司的信用风险又受其子公司信用风险的影响.因此,评估集团控股公司的信用风险是银行防范集团客户违约的重要措施.本文用故障树分析法(FAT)分析企业集团内母子公司之间的信用风险传递,刻画企业集团内母子公司之间的违约传染过程,并在FTA中引入模糊逻辑门(T-S门),构造多层T-S门的集团控股公司违约故障树.通过输入底事件发生的概率(企业集团内关联予公司的违约概率),由多层T-S门,输出集团控股公司的违约概率.多层T-S门的FTA提供了一种基于面向对象、客观的企业集团控股公司信用风险分析方法.  相似文献   

Existence of supporting entities and their cohesive operations are important elements in industry development policy undertaken in emerging economies, which are characterized by heavy government interventions and involved many agencies and institutions. One of the models that emphasizes on cohesiveness as a precondition for viability is the viable system model (VSM). In this study, we adopt the VSM in combination with theories of innovation and innovation system as our conceptual framework to describe and explain the functions and relational structure that exist among agencies/institutions and that of the agencies with their environment elements within one policy level system implementation. We select a biotechnology industry development policy for our analysis, the implementation of which has been designated as a strategic vehicle to support the economic development goals of an emerging economy. The findings, which generate a model of the policy-level system implementation, explain the operating agencies’ functions and their inter-relationships. The emergent model provides policy makers and implementers recommendations for improvements, as well as offers future researchers potential for comparison between existing performance of a policy implementation against its expected performance targets. The study concludes that the biotechnology industry development is an effort by the Malaysian government to institutionalize biotechnology businesses and industry. The perspective of systems thinking, in combination with theories of institutionalization, innovation and innovation system, provide important foundations in explaining technology-based industry development. All these findings highlight that the knowledge gain in explaining and interpreting the problem in focus is worthwhile, although the use of VSM as a research tool demands considerable efforts.  相似文献   

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an essential topic with regard to the relationship between business and the wider society. It is a complex and controversial phenomenon that can best be addressed via systems theory and the sensemaking perspective. This paper proposes a way to link a dialectical systems perspective with communications that includes the sensemaking and dialogic collective approaches, which help to build systems of organised activities that aim to find solutions to complex problems from a holistic perspective. Companies are increasingly aware that if they wish to be successful actors in their business and societal relationships, the traditional sole focus on maximising profit is counterproductive, especially in terms of sustaining their value chains. A holistic approach to CSR and the value chain involves companies integrating their stakeholders along their value chains, especially at the downstream and upstream extremes (their customers and suppliers). This paper illustrates its theoretical perspectives with a case study of JYSK, a multinational company based in Denmark, which demonstrates how the company based its actual management of CSR on its willingness to learn from its own actions and from the actions of others.  相似文献   


This paper presents an account of the coordination of purchasing activities in a firm that offshored their manufacturing operations that later turned problematic. Empirical data is drawn from a single in-depth case study within a large multinational company which was involved in production offshoring in 2009. The paper draws on the viable systems model (VSM) as the main theoretical lens. First, our findings suggest that purchasing coordination is a loose construct; one in which the role and types of information aggregation in the purchasing process is loosely defined compared to the aggregation of volumes and the effectiveness of sourcing teams. This finding partly explains why many cross-functional sourcing problems occur. Second, that organizational and functional contextual differences can no longer be sidelined in discussions of purchasing coordination because they define how the system’s functions interface and therefore are one of the most essential considerations for better purchasing coordination and ultimately organizational viability.


In this paper, we are using the business process reengineering (BPR) concept together with the potentials of mobile information and communication technology (mobile ICT) to interpret the ability for better capturing of business changes that construction companies are faced with. Through our intensive examination of reengineering initiative in construction, we find that relatively low emphasis was placed on the opportunity to use information and communication technology (ICT) more progressively throughout the construction processes. We developed a methodological concept ‘Reengineering of the construction process (RCP-model)’ that captures the BPR philosophy as well as potentials of mobile ICT as technical background. Research assumptions were tested with the implementation of the proposed model in a concrete Construction Company in Slovenia. The reengineering project realization is defined from the viewpoint of the given implementation projects and exposure of the elements that affect adoption of BPR and enable evaluation of the attained results of company reorganization. Difficulties and milestones of the reengineering project, the importance of management and coordination of work are also stressed.  相似文献   

从投资者和IPO公司对净利润预测误差的预期判断差异视角,分析了净利润预测误差和首日初始收益率的相关性;基于分位数回归方法检验1993~2009年我国A股IPO样本净利润预测偏好、误差与首日初始收益率之间的决定关系,实证发现:年度平均预测偏好表明,IPO公司能适应期间发生的重大金融事件,预测精度呈上升趋势;预测误差越大的公司,公司规模和预测期对预测误差的正向作用越强;公司规模越大、预测期越短,则IPO公司比随机游走和增长模型的预测能力越强;累计投标询价方式下,IPO公司和投资者对净利润预测误差的判断倾向于分歧;当IPO公司净利润预测悲观时,固定价格方式下,投资者会出现预测分歧;而相对市盈率定价方式下,投资者倾向于做出一致的预测判断。  相似文献   

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