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This paper explains how narratives told by Aboriginal service users and Aboriginal service providers form the basis for redesigning the approach to complex interrelated problems associated with unemployment, alcohol, domestic violence and homelessness. On the basis of the case study it develops an argument for how it is possible to mainstream the matching of services to meet perceived needs. It makes the case that (1) it is possible for democracy to be re-worked in such a way that (a) collective needs (and steering for the common good) can be married to (2) decentralized policy making (and steering from below). Sustainable participatory policy based on user perceptions of what works why and how could be the basis for enabling people to set aside narrow difference and to consider different ways to govern democratically. We conclude that bureaucratic and compartmentalized responses are inadequate to address complex multifaceted problems and that the process of engagement is in itself important for democracy and wellbeing. The area of concern is to address identity and social inclusion. The research explores convergent user-centric design. The criteria for UCD are: Improving wellbeing, Enhancing participation in thinking through if-then scenarios, Matching services to perceived need, Enhancing rational decisions, Generating evidence based policy based on mapping and modeling, Attaining sustainability, Fostering creativity and innovation, Building communities, Expanding opportunity. A dedicated website describes the work of the ARC team http://www.socsci.flinders.edu.au/av/pathways/binder.php.  相似文献   

中国经济发展与城市土地集约利用的协调发展评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在构建经济发展与城市土地集约利用的协调发展评价模型基础上,分析了31个省市区经济发展与城市土地集约利用的协调发展程度。结果表明:①各省市区协调度与协调发展度都存在着明显的区域差异,协调发展水平整体上表现出东部地区大部分省份高于中西部地区的规律,而且与区域经济发展水平具有较强的相关关系;②各省市区经济发展与城市土地集约利用的协调度与协调发展度在空间上分布具有一定的对应性;③按照协调度和协调发展度将31个省市区分为7类,分别体现经济发展、自然条件和政策因素等差异。  相似文献   

针对成阳市的具体情况,构建了成阳市生态环境和城市化协调发展指标体系,在此基础上运用主成分分析法对生态环境和城市化进行综合评价,通过构建协调发展模型定量分析生态环境与城市化的静态、动态协调发展程度.结果显示:1990~2004年成阳市生态环境和城市化总体上处于基本协调发展状态,但发展状况并不均衡,生态环境与城市化并不是总处在协调发展之中的.因此,在今后城市化发展过程中,政府应加大环境保护力度,制定严格的环境保护政策,促进产业结构、能源结构、经济结构的调整,以达到生态环境和城市化的协调发展,从而实现成阳市城市化的可持续发展.表6,参14.  相似文献   

为了寻求三江平原农作物播种面积和沼泽湿地面积两者间的合理比例,使之既能保证粮食生产,又能维持沼泽湿地的重要功能,有必要对三江平原粮食生产与沼泽湿地协调发展水平进行动态分析与评价。在获取过去50多年三江平原沼泽湿地面积和农作物播种面积数据的基础上,通过选取表征粮食生产效益和沼泽湿地效益的评价指标,应用模糊数学中的隶属度函数对评价指标进行量化,建立协调发展水平评价模型,对两者协调发展程度进行了动态分析与评价。评价结果显示,20世纪60年代中期的农业生产和沼泽湿地环境是比较协调的。该时期三江平原农作物播种面积为158万hm^2,沼泽湿地面积为282万hm^2。此结果可以作为三江平原沼泽湿地恢复程度的一个参考标准。按高产水平计算,三江平原可提供111077t粮食,而三江平原的生物种类可以恢复到建国初期的95%。图8,参25。  相似文献   

把服务贸易进口与出口两个方面结合起来,构建VAR模型的基础上,运用现代协整理论与冲击分解等计量方法,对我国服务贸易出口、服务贸易进口、服务业发展之间的长期和短期互动关系进行实证研究。结果表明:从长期看,三者之间存在稳定的均衡关系,服务业发展是服务贸易出口增长的Granger原因。从短期看,服务业发展的短期波动受服务贸易进口和服务贸易出口短期变化的影响,其中,服务贸易出口的短期均衡调整力度更为显著。同时,冲击分解结果表明,来自服务业发展的冲击对服务贸易进口和服务贸易出口变化的贡献率都较大。  相似文献   

本文讨论了仿真技术发展的特点及其应用,介绍了仿真与人工智能、计算机图形学以及面向对象技术的联系。文中的三个示例用来说明仿真技术在无人飞行器效能分析中的应用。  相似文献   

重庆统筹城乡教育发展对促进统筹城乡综合发展有重要意义。本文利用乌杰系统辩证学中的系统观和系统分析法,对重庆统筹城乡教育发展中的问题进行了系统深入的分析,提出了合理化建议和意见。  相似文献   

立足黄河流域高质量发展的现实要求,本文就黄河流域低碳建设和区域协同减排背景下的金融发展对能源消费水平的影响机制和传导路径进行系统考察.基于包含知识产出的内生增长Romer模型,构建金融发展与能源消费的理论模型;进而通过选取2000-2017年黄河流域省际面板数据构造动态空间杜宾模型,对金融发展驱动能源消费的空间效应展开...  相似文献   

Community-based action research helps students link subject matter to everyday life and developing sense of responsibility to their community. While combining research and a development into teaching engineering software which has been vastly conducted in engineering disciplines such as Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Computer Science (CS), including inclusive participatory research is yet to be fully developed. We participated in the NGO by providing information technology (IT) and/or assistive technology (AT). This paper examines the practice of action research in service-learning projects that aim to introduce more socially responsible studies in the context of engineering education. It begins by exploring different forms of action research that may benefit engineering disciplines with a focus on action engagement to improve students’ involvement in marginalized communities. The article provides field-based reflections of the action research project and suggests ways in which practice of action research may increase socially responsive value in the professional development of student engineers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systemic methodology by which engineering is put to use in vulnerable communities through applied technological research and the main results of its application. The methodology presented corresponds to one implemented and designed by two groups of Engineers without Borders in Europe and Latin America, to integrate technical know-how with local context in communities with water problems in Colombia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The main results of this methodology are related to the improvement of the living conditions of vulnerable groups thanks to the integration of the communities?? knowledge with engineering know-how, leading to autonomous communities and engineering professors and students learning from real life problems to enrich applied sciences.  相似文献   

采用Hansen提出的门槛回归方法,以我国29个省级单位1993~2009年的面板数据构建面板门槛模型,以金融发展水平为门槛变量,实证外商直接投资(FDI)对城乡收入差距的影响。研究发现,FDI对城乡收入差距的影响显著地存在基于金融发展的双门槛效应,东部沿海省份金融发展水平高,吸收FD I数量大,城乡收入差距相对较小,西部省份则正好相反,而中部介于东部和西部之间。同时发现,在控制教育发展水平、城乡就业结构和政府财政支出政策的情况下,金融发展水平的提高在一定程度上会扩大城乡收入差距。最后就缩小城乡收入差距提出简要的对策建议。  相似文献   

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