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In this paper,we propose the dynamically-evolving active overlay network(DEAON),which is an efficient,scalable yet simple protocol to facilitate applications of decentralized information retrieval in P2P networks.DEAON consists of three novel components:a Desirable Topology Construction and Adantation algorithm to guide the evolution of the overlay topology towards a small-world-like graph;a Semantic-based Neighbor Selection scheme to conduct an online neighbor ranking;a Topology-aware Intelligent Search mechanism to forward incoming queries to deliberately selected neighbors.We deploy and compare DEAON with other several existing distributed search techniques over static and dynamic environments.The results indicate that DEAON outperforms its competitors by achieving higher recall rate while using much less network resources,in both of the above environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, the study was devoted to the traffic-grooming problem in a distributed-controlled WDM mesh network. We studied the optimization of the maximal number of ports coiffigured at each node in the network. We gave the maximum number simulation results in different network environment, which could be taken as a reference for network design.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to reduce the communication overhead caused by threshold cryptography using modified multieast protocol and certificate proxy technology. Server nodes maintain a few multieast groups proaetively. A client wanting to update its certificate multieasts its request to a server nodes group through its certificate proxy. At periodie intervals, server nodes refresh their shares of the private key of certificate authority using multicast.  相似文献   

为了保证多媒体应用的服务质量,本文在追求最大组播延迟极小化的同时考虑了网络节点的度约束条件,采用一种统一的方式来处理传输延迟和节点处理延迟,并基于此方法定义了带有QoS约束的Overlay组播路由选择优化模型,进而设计了一个求解该模型的启发式算法.该算法的时间复杂性为O(|V|3),优于许多求解该问题的同类算法,这些算法的时间复杂性多为O(|V|4),V为给定网络的节点集合.仿真结果也表明,本文算法解的质量也更优,即延迟更小.  相似文献   

对有度和延时约束的覆盖多播路由问题展开研究,提出了一种新的自适应覆盖多播路由协议--AOMRP.该协议采用分布式策略,在构建多播树时针对可能出现的情况自适应地采用2种不同的启发式局部优化算法:当多播树局部存在可能父节点时,通过调节某一启发因子,新节点可以在最小延时优先策略和减少局部端系统资源耗费策略之间进行折衷并执行加入动作;当多播树局部不存在可能父节点时,通过调节另一启发因子,新节点可以选择某一分支继续向树的叶节点方向作探测.仿真实验结果表明,通过选择适当的启发参数,AOMRP能够获得较低的节点拒绝率.  相似文献   

研究了有度和延时约束的覆盖多播路由问题,提出了一个新的覆盖多播路由协议--度、延时约束树协议(DDCTP).该协议采用分布式和树优先的策略,使多播组成员之间能自组织地构建一棵基于源的覆盖多播树.DDCTP遵循协议机制和优化策略相分离的设计原则,可独立地采用不同的优化策略而无需修改协议框架.在此基础上,提出并比较了多种优化策略.仿真实验表明,综合考虑空闲度、延时距离和树上延时的优化策略能获得最高的节点接纳率,但也使多播树占用较多的网络资源.实际应用可根据具体情况,选择不同的优化策略,在节点接纳率和网络资源占用量之间进行折衷.  相似文献   

The current multicast model provides no access control mechanism. Any host can send data directly to a multicast address or join a multicast group to become a member, which brings safety problems to multicast. In this paper, we present a new active multicast group access control mechanism that is founded on trust management. This structure can solve the problem that exists in multicast members' access control and distributing authorization of traditional IP multicast.  相似文献   

目前提出的多种Ad hoc组播路由协议都存在着各自的缺点:或有效性差,或控制开销大.根据区域路由原理,提出基于动态广播环的Ad hoc网络组播路由协议(DBRMP).该协议为加入组播的组成员节点组织一个动态广播环,并使所有组成员的广播环组成的广播环图是一个连通图.由于两个组成员节点在其广播环相交时可通过相交节点建立路由,因此在连通广播环图中,任意两个组成员间可建立路由.文中利用NS2对协议进行了仿真,结果表明DBRMP协议具有较高的数据分组递交率、较小的维护路由开销和较好的可扩展性、  相似文献   

为了减少组播树共享算法(TS-MCAST)产生冗余包,有效地利用链路网络带宽,提出了一种基于光突发交换(OBS)网络的最少冗余包的组播树共享算法(LRP-MCAST-TS)。该算法实现过程中,引入了树分割规则,将满足分割条件的组播树分割成森林,然后根据重叠大小将汇聚的组播会话划分成多个组播共享类。通过理论分析,证明了LRP-MCAST-TS算法设计的正确性,达到了减少冗余包的目的。  相似文献   

为了减少组播树共享算法(TS-MCAST)产生冗余包,有效地利用链路网络带宽,提出了一种基于光突发交 换(OBS)网络的最少冗余包的组播树共享算法(LRP-MCAST-TS)该算法实现过程中,引入了树分割规则,将满 足分割条件的组播树分割成森林,然后根据重叠大小将汇聚的组播会话划分成多个组播共享类$通过理论分析, 证明了(LRP-MCAST-TS)算法设计的正确性,达到了减少冗余包的目的。  相似文献   

无线自组织网络可靠组播MAC协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在无线自组织网络的MAC层中更好地提供可靠组播,在尽量少修改IEEE 802.11协议的原则下提出了一个可靠组播MAC协议RMMP(reliable multicast MAC protocol).首先由源节点组播RRTS(reliable RTS)帧,各接收节点依次回复RCTS(reliable CTS)帧;源节点在收到所有RCTS后,组播N个RDATA(reliable DATA)帧,各接收节点收到第N个要求回复的RDATA帧后依次回复RACK(reliable ACK)帧,然后源节点重传丢失帧.RMMP协议提高了MAC层组播可靠性.最后运用NS-2仿真软件对该协议进行验证,结果表明,RMMP在包投递率、吞吐量性能上都有很大的提高,实现了MAC层可靠组播,其代价是平均端到端时延略大.  相似文献   

The delay and DVBMT problem is known to be NP-complete. In this paper,an efficient distributed dynamic multicast routing algorithm was proposed to produce routing trees with delay and delay variation constraints. The proposed algorithm is fully distributed,and supports the dynamic reorganizing of the multicast tree in response to changes for the destination. Simulations demonstrate that our algorithm is better in terms of tree delay and routing success ratio as compared with other existing algorithms,and performs excellently in delay variation performance under lower time complexity,which ensures it to support the requirements of real-time multimedia communications more effectively.  相似文献   

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