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用铝渣和石灰对铁水预脱硫的热力学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过热力学计算分析了Al在铁水中与氧和硫反应的平衡活度,当CaO和Al同时加入铁水中,适量的Al会提高CaO的脱硫能力.探讨了在Al的参与下,CaO作为脱硫剂时的脱硫热力学反应机理,以及Al2O3和CaF2对铁水脱硫的作用.  相似文献   

参照实际转炉脱磷炉渣,配制了不同F、P2O5、FeO和MgO含量及碱度的渣样,用化学分析方法测试了不同组分对渣中磷的枸溶率的影响规律.结果表明:当脱磷渣中含有F时,P主要与F形成氟磷灰石,使得磷的枸溶率随渣中F含量的升高而急剧降低,当不含氟时枸溶率可达92.5%,当氟质量分数达到0.5%时枸溶率已降低到50%以下;随碱度增加,由于渣中Ca2+含量增加,破坏了硅氧网络结构,使得枸溶率有所上升;渣中MgO含量升高,由于Mg2+在熔融冷却过程中会抑制β--Ca3(PO4)2晶体的析出,而β--Ca3(PO4)2中磷不易为质量分数为2%的柠檬酸液溶出,而使枸溶率有所升高;随渣中P2O5含量升高,由于P5+与O2-形成络离子,P5+位于O2-密集形成的间隙中,不易溶出,使得枸溶率有所下降;渣中FeOn升高,枸溶率随之降低.  相似文献   

Reduction of hematite pellets using H2–CO mixtures with a wide range of H2/CO by molar(1:0, 3:1, 1:1, 1:3, and 0:1) at different reducing temperatures(1073, 1173, and 1273 K) was conducted in a program reducing furnace. Based on an unreacted core model, the effective diffusion coefficient and reaction rate constant in several cases were determined, and then the rate-control step and transition were analyzed. In the results, the effective diffusion coefficient and reaction rate constant increase with the rise in temperature or hydrogen content. Reduction of iron oxide pellets using an H2–CO mixture is a compound control system; the reaction rate is dominated by chemical reaction at the very beginning, competition during the reduction process subsequently, and internal gas diffusion at the end. At low hydrogen content, increasing temperature takes the transition point of the rate-control step to a high reduction degree, but at high hydrogen content, the effect of temperature on the transition point weakens.  相似文献   

借助SEM、EDS、XRD、化学分析等手段,对不同还原焙烧条件下含铌铁精矿含碳球团的金属化率、形貌、物相组成及元素分布等进行表征,在实验室模拟转底炉条件下研究了直接还原过程中铁矿物和钛、铌矿物的微观结构变化。结果表明,适当地提高还原温度或延长还原时间,有助于提高球团的金属化率,本实验条件下,在还原温度1100℃时保温20min,球团金属化率达到最大,约为86%;此外,随着还原温度的升高或还原时间的延长,金属铁不断聚集、长大,形成较大的金属颗粒,并逐渐连结形成网状结构,渣铁明显分离,含铌、钛矿物也聚集在一起分布在渣相中,为后续铌和钛的富集提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

Iron nugget and boron-rich slag can be obtained in a short time through high-temperature reduction of boronbearing iron concentrate by carbonaceous material, both of which are agglomerated together as a carbon composite pellet. This is a novel flow sheet for the comprehensive utilization of boron-bearing iron concentrate to produce a new kind of man-made boron ore. The effect of reducing agent species (i.e., carbon species) on the reduction and melting process of the composite pellet was investigated at a laboratory scale in the present work. The results show that, the reduction rate of the composite pellet increases from bituminite, anthracite, to coke at temperatures ranging from 950 to 1300℃. Reduction temperature has an important effect on the microstructure of reduced pellets. Carbon species also affects the behavior of reduced metallic iron particles. The anthracite-bearing composite pellet melts faster than the bituminitebearing composite pellet, and the coke-bearing composite pellet cannot melt due to the high fusion point of coke ash. With anthracite as the reducing agent, the recovery rates of iron and boron are 96.5% and 95.7%, respectively. This work can help us get a further understanding of the new process mechanism.  相似文献   

含砷铁精矿球团预氧化-弱还原焙烧过程中砷的挥发行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析含砷矿物的理化性质和含砷铁精矿矿物学特征的基础上,研究含砷铁精矿球团中砷在预氧化-弱还原焙烧过程中的挥发行为。研究结果表明:内蒙古黄岗铁精矿伴生砷含量为0.344%,且主要以砷黄铁矿形式存在;在200~350℃的干燥阶段不存在砷的挥发;在预热温度为870℃,预热时间为6min,氧含量为6%的条件下,预氧化过程中砷挥发率可达到26.54%,预氧化球团中残余砷主要以砷酸盐形式存在;在无烟煤用量为20%,还原升温时间为60min,恒温焙烧时间为40min的条件下,成品球团矿中砷残留量为0.035%,挥发率达到88.54%;工业生产中应考虑在预氧化阶段和还原焙烧阶段设置砷的回收装置。  相似文献   

不同还原度铁氧化物球团在微波场中的升温及还原行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入了解氧化球团在微波竖炉中的升温以及煤基直接还原行为,实验采用铁精矿氧化球团作为基础原料,在气体还原剂条件下进行预还原,通过控制还原时间得到不同还原度铁氧化物球团,并从不同还原度铁氧化物球团的结构以及性能出发,研究它们在微波场中的升温性能及其还原变化.电磁性能测试结果表明,球团中的铁及其氧化物在微波场中的升温速度从快到慢依次为:Fe3O4,Fe2O3,Fe,FeO.微波加热还原结果分析及矿相结构观察显示,Fe2O3的深还原时间较长,物相多重转变,造成过程温度和还原气氛跟不上氧化物的还原反应速度;Fe3O4阶段升温速度快,结构松散,有助于进一步的还原,但进入浮士体(FeO的固溶体)阶段后孔隙率降低,升温速度骤降,造成还原的困难;在还原度达到66.90%时,表层以金属铁相为主,孔洞发达,吸波性能强,在气化反应有效进行的条件下,球团将会实现快速还原.  相似文献   

Direct reduction of low-grade lateritic bauxite was studied at high temperature to recover Fe and beneficiate Al2O3 slag. The results show that a metallization rate of 97.9% and a nugget recovery rate of 85.1% can be achieved when the reducing and melting temperatures are 1350 and 1480℃, respectively. Moreover, a higher-grade calcium aluminate slag (Al2O3=50.52wt%) can also be obtained, which is mainly composed of α-Al2O3, hercynite (FeAl2O4), and gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7). In addition, high-quality iron nuggets have been produced from low-grade lateritic bauxite. The nugget is mainly composed of iron (93.82wt%) and carbon (3.86wt%), with almost no gangue (slag).  相似文献   

The increase to the proportion of fluxed pellets in the blast furnace burden is a useful way to reduce the carbon emissions in the ironmaking process. In this study, the interaction between calcium carbonate and iron ore powder and the mineralization mechanism of fluxed iron ore pellet in the roasting process were investigated through diffusion couple experiments. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy was used to study the elements’ diffusion and phase transformation d...  相似文献   

以转炉除尘灰、高炉瓦斯灰和硫酸渣为含铁原料,制成CaO/SiO2值为2.0、C/O摩尔比为1.1~1.2的高碱度内配煤含铁团块,在1330~1380℃下进行自还原,研究这一过程的脱硫和脱磷规律.结果表明:(1)高碱度内配煤含铁团块自还原过程中,通过还原气化脱硫可去除20%~40%的硫,其余的硫绝大部分存在于渣中,并通过渣铁分离被去除,总脱硫率高于97%.(2)过量的CaO可以抑制脉石中的P2O5被碳还原,已被还原的磷一部分被新生态的金属铁吸收,另一部分从团块内部逸出而去除.脉石中未被还原的P2O5最终可通过渣铁分离被去除,总脱磷率达到50%~60%.(3)高碱度内配煤含铁团块高温自还原法可制备出低硫、低磷的纯净金属铁粒.  相似文献   

A 3-D mathematical model was presented for the cooling process of iron ore pellets based on the laws of mass, momentum, and heat transfer. The flow, pressure, and temperature fields were obtained by numerical simulation with the commercial software FLUENT. In order to verify the model, a mass and energy balance field test was systematically carried out on an annular cooler in Shougang Mining Company. The maximum relative errors of temperature, pressure, and velocity between computational and testing results are 2.87%, -8.11%, and 7.14%, respectively, indicating the validity of the model. Further, the effects of process parameters, such as pellet diameter, bed thickness, air velocity, and temperature, on the pellet bed temperature profiles were studied.  相似文献   

铁矿--生物质复合球团还原行为及还原动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析生物质合成气气氛下,不同组分复合球团(添加和未添加生物质)的还原速率、还原度、表面微观结构和失重变化规律,对球团中添加生物质的作用机理以及含生物质球团还原过程的限制性环节展开研究.添加生物质的复合球团表面结构比无生物质球团疏松,孔隙率高,有利于后续还原的热质传递,增加产物还原度,降低反应活化能;复合球团的还原以收缩核方式进行,在1123~1323 K温度范围内,界面化学反应是两种球团还原反应的主要控速环节;添加生物质后,有利于界面化学反应的进行,使得球团的还原表观活化能由95.448 kJ·mol-1降低到68.131 kJ·mol-1.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of drying and preheating processes in a traveling grate was presented based on the laws of mass, momentum, heat transfer, and drying semiempirical relations. A field test was systematically carried out in a traveling grate. The effects of pellet diameter, moisture, grate velocity, and inlet gas temperature on the pellet bed temperature were studied. The average relative error between actual measurements and simulations is less than 7.97%, indicating the validity of the model.  相似文献   

基于Fluent软件,采用VOF和DPM模型对KR脱硫搅拌槽内的流场和脱硫剂颗粒运动进行数值模拟,研究搅拌槽内的流场特性和搅拌头的转速对颗粒运动轨迹的影响。结果表明,搅拌初期槽内自由液面中心在下凹的过程中伴有上涌和回落的现象;流场稳定后,流体在壁面处形成上、下对称的两个涡流,而在搅拌头的底部容易形成死区;提高搅拌头的转速有利于提高槽内流场的轴向速度,有利于脱硫剂颗粒在槽内均匀悬浮,从而提高脱硫效果。  相似文献   

The buoyancy and strength of sub-continental lithospheric mantle is thought to protect the oldest continental crust (cratons) from destruction by plate tectonic processes. The exact origin of the lithosphere below cratons is controversial, but seems clearly to be a residue remaining after the extraction of large amounts of melt. Models to explain highly melt-depleted but garnet-bearing rock compositions require multi-stage processes with garnet and clinopyroxene possibly of secondary origin. Here we report on orogenic peridotites (fragments of cratonic mantle incorporated into the crust during continent-continent plate collision) from Otr?y, western Norway. We show that the peridotites underwent extensive melting during upwelling from depths of 350 kilometres or more, forming a garnet-bearing cratonic root in a single melting event. These peridotites appear to be the residue after Archaean aluminium depleted komatiite magmatism.  相似文献   

利用热力学方法,针对铁液中铁水深脱硫条件所需要的低氧含量,研究了Al-C-O平衡时铁溶液中氧含量的变化规律.通过对C、Al及Al-C复合脱氧反应脱氧常数的比较得出,在1573K温度下,铁液中用Al-C复合脱氧,其脱氧能力比单独使用C脱氧能力强.用热力学理论得出1573K温度下铁液中用Al-C复合脱氧的平衡曲线.研究表明:在温度一定时,随着C的活度aC的增大,Al-C复合脱氧能力逐渐增强;在aC一定的情况下,随着温度的升高,Al-C复合脱氧能力逐渐减弱.  相似文献   

将一种低碳高强钢试样在热轧带钢厂的工业加热炉中随炉加热,采用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)与能谱仪(EDS)观察并分析所研究钢种氧化铁皮的组成结构及形貌,采用激光共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)观察氧化铁皮的熔化过程。结果表明,氧化铁皮最内层为共晶化合物Fe_2SiO_4/FeO,FeO在Fe_2SiO_4/FeO区域有两种分布形态,一种是以相互平行的片层状分布,另一种是以点状或颗粒状弥散分布于Fe_2SiO_4中;靠近铁基体处的弥散颗粒中除了包含Fe_2SiO_4成分外,还有磷酸盐化合物;添加P元素可以降低Fe_2SiO_4/FeO的熔化温度,当实验钢中w(P)=0.06%时,Fe_2SiO_4的实际熔点为1101.3℃,明显低于其理论熔点。  相似文献   

首钢京唐公司采用转炉铁水预处理脱磷工艺作为洁净钢生产平台,通过前期58炉冶炼实验,摸索出一套适和京唐公司生产实际的操作工艺,并在造渣制度、吹炼模式、温度控制等方面取得了重大突破,实现了稳定、高效生产低磷钢、超低磷钢的目标.脱磷炉终点磷的质量分数平均为0.017%,碳的质量分数为3.69%,脱磷炉终点平均温度为1350℃,并有10炉钢的脱磷炉终点磷的质量分数小于0.015%,最低为0.008%,达到了生产超低磷钢的预脱磷要求.对实验中影响脱磷效果的因素,如铁水硅含量,脱磷炉终点温度、终点碳含量、终渣碱度和氧化性等,进行了深入研究.分析表明当铁水硅的质量分数小于0.45%时,可以达到比较好的脱磷效果;脱磷炉的脱磷效果随终点温度的升高而逐渐变差,但为保证脱碳炉有足够的热量,脱磷炉终点温度控制范围为1350~1380℃;脱磷炉合理的碳含量范围应该在3.3%~3.8%之间;碱度控制在1.8~2.2即可满足脱磷炉的脱磷效果;通过增加矿石加入量,保持较高枪位可以提高冶炼过程渣中(FeO)含量,提高脱磷炉的脱磷效率.  相似文献   

铁水预处理脱钛已被应用到实际生产中,铁水中的硅、锰、碳、磷在脱钛的同时都存在被氧化的可能.热力学计算和热模拟实验表明,铁水温度越低越有利于脱钛反应的进行.脱钛时,铁水中硅含量随钛含量的变化呈正比例下降,锰、磷含量变化与钛含量变化关系不大.铁水中碳的氧化主要受铁水温度影响,温度越高碳越容易氧化.要做到深脱钛,需要控制得到更低的铁水硅含量、更低的铁水温度以及抑制碳的氧化.  相似文献   

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