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Using a synthetic oligonucleotide (dA-dC)15 as a probe to screen a probe pool made by microdissected human chromosome band 17q11-q12, a DNA fragment containing (CA)16 was isolated, which is a novel short tandem repeat (STR) determined by searching in the GenBank and GDB. It has 8 allelic types with a PIC value of 0.61. The novel STR is conformed with Mendelian segregation according to the linkage analysis of a three-generation neurofibromatosis type Ⅰ (NF1) pedigree. The STR was localized at chromosome band 17q11-q12 in the vicinity of NF1 gene by FISH analysis. The accession number of the STR in GenBank and GDB is G32112 and D17S2204 respectively.  相似文献   

用定位于人染色体17q12区带的长约330kbYAC克隆500D09(取自法国人类多态性研究中心YAC库)作为杂交探针,筛选人骨髓、胎脑、胎肾、骨骼肌和睾丸等五种组织的cDNA库(2×105~3×105pfu/库),从中获得102个初级阳性克隆.初级克隆经PCR扩增,分别与人基因组DNA、酵母基因组DNA和人rDNA探针作dotblot杂交分析,排除其中假阳性克隆后,复筛得到32个候选克隆.对其中2个候选克隆B4511和S5511分别测定143bp和147bp序列.经查新和同源性分析,这两个片段与已知基因的同源性均小于50%,提示它们可能是来自于新基因的表达顺序.  相似文献   

目的:在亲子鉴定案件中检出的D16S539基因座三带型.方法:提取个体不同组织样本DNA,经两种扩增试剂盒检测及DNA测序分析.结果:被检母亲D16S539基因座分型结果为9/10/11,阴阳性对照分型结果准确.结论:D16S539三带型非常罕见,该个体为正常成年女性,推测此三带型突变来源于杂合子局部的染色体重排或非整倍染色体.  相似文献   

将DNA单链构象多态(SSCP)检测的原理,应用于“显微切割的人染色体17q11—12探针池”批量分离单拷贝片段,取得了很好效果。从筛选出的74个次级单拷贝中有效地鉴定出37个非同源的单拷贝片段。这比传统的仅限于长度比较而确认的非同源单拷贝片段(12个)多出25个.其中部分已经DNA测序证实。结果提示:采用SSCP技术区分相似分子量单拷贝片段的同源性,可显著地提高从“显微切割探针池”分离和克隆非同源单拷贝片段的效率。本文还将一部分单拷贝片段作为探讨,与人基因组DNA的限制性片段作Southern印迹杂交,结果均只显示单一杂交带,说明单拷贝DNA片段的结论是可靠的。  相似文献   

 目前有关B染色体在居群中数目多态保持有2种传统观点:杂合优势模型和寄生模型.最近Cama-cho等提出其多态是变化发展的.对梁王山多星韭(Allium wallichii Kunth)二倍体自然居群中的Bs进行初步分析,发现植株根尖Bs数目恒定且多以低数目(1~2条)存在.统计分析表明Bs频率与海拔高度呈显著正相关,但Bs对多星韭的分蘖、鲜重以及小花数的影响均不显著.讨论了Bs对多星韭居群的适应意义,认为多星韭中的Bs出现于生态条件相对恶劣的环境中.  相似文献   

目的研究IRM_2小鼠自发淋巴瘤是否适应其它品系的小鼠,为更好地使用该小鼠自发肿瘤提供实验依据。我们研究了IRM_2小鼠自发淋巴瘤、肉瘤S180、宫颈癌U14对多种宿主的排斥性。方法采用S180、U14肿瘤为对照,将IRM_2小鼠淋巴瘤、S180、U14用多种方法接种于ICR、IRM_2、HL和KM等小鼠身上,于10~12d后取出肿瘤称重。结果多种方法接种S180、U14于几种小鼠身上都能使肿瘤生长;而多种比例浓度的方法接种IRM_2小鼠自发淋巴瘤于ICR、KM、HL身上肿瘤都不生长。结论S180、U14对宿主无排斥性,而IRM_2小鼠白发淋巴瘤对宿主有排斥性。  相似文献   

Primers for screening cDNA library have been designed according to EST AA453734 which is corresponding to the mouse LIM domain binding protein Ldb1. Arrayed human fetal brain cDNA library has been screened by PCR and routine hybridization method. A 2398 bp-cD-NA clone has been obtained. The cDNA encodes a 347 amino acids protein highly homologous to the mouse Ldb1, Xenopus Xldb1 and Drosophila Chip. It also contains an LIM binding domain and a nuclear localization signal. It has been named LDB1 (LIM domain binding protein 1), GenBank accession number is AF052389. Northern blot showed a 2.4 kb band, and the expression amounts of LDB1 in heart, brain and lung were considerably higher than those in other tissues.  相似文献   

Primers for screening cDNA library have been designed according to EST AA453734 which is corresponding to the mouse LIM domain binding protein Ldbl. Arrayed human fetal brain cDNA library has been screened by PCR and routine hybridization method. A 2398 bp-cD-NA clone has been obtained. The cDNA encodes a 347 amino acids protein highly homologous to the mouse Ldbl,Xenopus Xldbl andDrosophila Chip. It also contains an LIM binding domain and a nuclear localization signal. It has been namedLDB1 ( LIM domain binding protein 1), GenBank accession number is AF052389. Northern blot showed a 2.4 kb band, and the expression amounts ofLDBI in heart, brain and lung were considerably higher than those in other tissues.  相似文献   

The surface expression of HIV-1 coreceptors (CXCR4 and CCR5) on monocytes can be regulated by the ligand of CD14,and the susceptibility of the cells to HIV-1 is then changed.Our previous study found that monoclonal antibody against CD14 could dramatically inhibit CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis and cell-cell fusion.Based on these studies,we explored potential relationship between CD14 and CXCR4 on monocytic cell line U937.Flow cytometry analysis showed that anti-CXCR4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) 12G5 strongly inhibited binding of the FITC-conjugated anti-CD14 monoclonal antibodies (TUK4 and UCHM1) to U937,while another CX- CR4-specific mAb B-R24 did not show any effect on this binding.On the other hand,two anti-CD14 monoclonal antibodies (TUK4 and UCH-M1) obviously inhibited the binding of the PE-conjugated anti-CXCR4 mAb 12G5 to U937 but did not inhibit the binding of mAb 12G5 to CXCR4-transfected 3T3 cells (3T3.T4.CXCR4),which indicates that the blocking of mAb 12G5 binding to CXCR4 by CD14- specific mAbs is not involved in the possibility that CD14-specific mAbs directly bind to CXCR4.These results suggested existence of a close association between CD14 and CXCR4 on monocytic cell line U937.  相似文献   

The surface expression of HIV-1 coreceptors (CXCR4 and CCR5) on monocytes can be regulated by the ligand of CD14, and the susceptibility of the cells to HIV-1 is then changed. Our previous study found that monoclonal antibody against CD14 could dramatically inhibit CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis and cell-cell fusion. Based on these studies, we explored potential relationship between CD14 and CXCR4 on monocytic cell line U937. Flow cytometry analysis showed that anti-CXCR4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) 12G5 strongly inhibited binding of the FITC-conjugated anti-CD14 monoclonal antibodies (TUK4 and UCHM1) to U937, while another CXCR4-specific mAb B-R24 did not show any effect on this binding. On the other hand, two anti-CD14 monoclonal antibodies (TUK4 and UCH-M1) obviously inhibited the binding of the PE-conjugated anti-CXCR4 mAb 12G5 to U937 but did not inhibit the binding of mAb 12G5 to CXCR4-transfected 3T3 cells (3T3.T4.CXCR4), which indicates that the blocking of mAb 12G5 binding to CXCR4 by CD14-specific mAbs is not involved in the possibility that CD14-specific mAbs directly bind to CXCR4. These results suggested existence of a close association between CD14 and CXCR4 on monocytic cell line U937.  相似文献   

土壤产几丁质酶菌株的筛选鉴定及产酶条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用几丁质为碳源,从土壤中筛选出3株产几丁质酶菌株,其中酶活最高的为一株革兰氏阴性菌.对该菌株应用16S rDNA法进行鉴定,结果为嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia).通过单因素优化法和均匀设计法实验,结果表明,以质量分数0.5%的胶体几丁质为碳源,质量分数1.0%的蛋白胨为氮源,及30℃和pH值为7.2,发酵60 h的条件是菌株的最合适产酶条件.此时,胞外几丁质酶酶活力最高.  相似文献   

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