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If interest centres on forecasting a temporally aggregated multiple time series and the generation process of the disaggregate series is a known vector ARMA (autoregressive moving average) process then forecasting the disaggregate series and temporally aggregating the forecasts is at least as efficient, under a mean squared error measure, as forecasting the aggregated series directly. Necessary and sufficient conditions for equality of the two forecasts are given. In practice the data generation process is usually unknown and has to be determined from the available data. Using asymptotic theory it is shown that also in this case aggregated forecasts from the disaggregate process will usually be superior to forecasts obtained from the aggregated process.  相似文献   

This study examines the problem of forecasting an aggregate of cointegrated disaggregates. It first establishes conditions under which forecasts of an aggregate variable obtained from a disaggregate VECM will be equal to those from an aggregate, univariate time series model, and develops a simple procedure for testing those conditions. The paper then uses Monte Carlo simulations to show, for a finite sample, that the proposed test has good size and power properties and that whether a model satisfies the aggregation conditions is closely related to out‐of‐sample forecast performance. The paper then shows that ignoring cointegration and specifying the disaggregate model as a VAR in differences can significantly affect analyses of aggregation, with the VAR‐based test for aggregation possibly leading to faulty inference and the differenced VAR forecasts potentially understating the benefits of disaggregate information. Finally, analysis of an empirical problem confirms the basic results. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Including disaggregate variables or using information extracted from the disaggregate variables into a forecasting model for an economic aggregate may improve forecasting accuracy. In this paper we suggest using the boosting method to select the disaggregate variables, which are most helpful in predicting an aggregate of interest. We conduct a simulation study to investigate the variable selection ability of this method. To assess the forecasting performance a recursive pseudo‐out‐of‐sample forecasting experiment for six key euro area macroeconomic variables is conducted. The results suggest that using boosting to select relevant predictors is a feasible and competitive approach in forecasting an aggregate. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is first, to demonstrate how multivariate forecasting models can be effectively used to generate high performance forecasts for typical business applications. Second, this study compares the forecasts generated by a simultaneous transfer function model (STF) model and a white noise regression model with that of a univariate ARIMA model. The accuracy of these forecasting models is judged using their residual variances and forecasting errors in a post-sample period. It is found that ignoring the residual serial correlation can greatly degrade the forecasting performance of a multi-variable model, and in some situations, cause a multi-variable model to perform inferior to a univariate ARIMA model. This paper also demonstrates how a forecaster can use an STF model to compute both the multi-step ahead forecasts and their variances easily.  相似文献   

The literature on combining forecasts has almost exclusively focused on combining point forecasts. The issues and methods of combining ordinal forecasts have not yet been fully explored, even though ordinal forecasting has many practical applications in business and social research. In this paper, we consider the case of forecasting the movement of the stock market which has three possible states (bullish, bearish and sluggish). Given the sample of states predicted by different forecasters, several statistical and operation research methods can be applied to determine the optimal weight assigned to each forecaster in combining the ordinal forecasts. The performance of these methods is examined using Hong Kong stock market forecasting data, and their accuracies are found to be better than the consensus method and individual forecasts.  相似文献   

The forecasting capabilities of feed‐forward neural network (FFNN) models are compared to those of other competing time series models by carrying out forecasting experiments. As demonstrated by the detailed forecasting results for the Canadian lynx data set, FFNN models perform very well, especially when the series contains nonlinear and non‐Gaussian characteristics. To compare the forecasting accuracy of a FFNN model with an alternative model, Pitman's test is employed to ascertain if one model forecasts significantly better than another when generating one‐step‐ahead forecasts. Moreover, the residual‐fit spread plot is utilized in a novel fashion in this paper to compare visually out‐of‐sample forecasts of two alternative forecasting models. Finally, forecasting findings on the lynx data are used to explain under what conditions one would expect FFNN models to furnish reliable and accurate forecasts. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Factor‐based forecasting has been at the forefront of developments in the macroeconometric forecasting literature in the recent past. Despite the flurry of activity in the area, a number of specification issues such as the choice of the number of factors in the forecasting regression, the benefits of combining factor‐based forecasts and the choice of the dataset from which to extract the factors remain partly unaddressed. This paper provides a comprehensive empirical investigation of these issues using data for the euro area, the six largest euro area countries, and the UK. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey to determine the degree of familiarity and usage, accuracy obtained, and evaluation of different forecasting techniques. It was found that regression analysis, subjective techniques, exponential smoothing, and moving average were well known and used for specific situations. Accuracy was relatively high for aggregate short range forecasts, but decreased for longer range and product level forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned primarily with the evaluation and comparison of objective and subjective weather forecasts. Operational forecasts of three weather elements are considered: (1) probability forecasts of precipitation occurrence, (2) categorical (i.e. non-probabilistic) forecasts of maximum and minimum temperatures and (3) categorical forecasts of cloud amount. The objective forecasts are prepared by numerical-statistical procedures, whereas the subjective forecasts are based on the judgements of individual forecasters. In formulating the latter, the forecasters consult information from a variety of sources, including the objective forecasts themselves. The precipitation probability forecasts are found to be both reliable and skilful, and evaluation of the temperature/cloud amount forecasts reveals that they are quite accurate/skilful. Comparison of the objective and subjective forecasts of precipitation occurrence indicates that the latter are generally more skilful than the former for shorter lead times (e.g. 12–24 hours), whereas the two types of forecasts are of approximately equal skill for longer lead times (e.g. 36–48 hours). Similar results are obtained for the maximum and minimum temperature forecasts. Objective cloud amount forecasts are more skilful than subjective cloud amount forecasts for all lead times. Examination of trends in performance over the last decade reveals that both types of forecasts for all three elements increased in skill (or accuracy) over the period, with improvements in objective forecasts equalling or exceeding improvements in subjective forecasts. The role and impact of the objective forecasts in the subjective weather forecasting process are discussed in some detail. The need to conduct controlled experiments and other studies of this process, with particular reference to the assimilation of information from different sources, is emphasized. Important characteristics of the forecasting system in meteorology are identified, and they are used to describe similarities and differences between weather forecasting and forecasting in other fields. Acquisition of some of these characteristics may be beneficial to other forecasting systems.  相似文献   

The recent experience of macroeconomic forecasting in the United Kingdom has prompted renewed interest in the evaluation of economic forecasts. This paper uses cointegration tests to investigate what can be learnt from the forecasts produced by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) over the last two decades. Whilst the forecasts and outturns are found to be cointegrated, there remains evidence of systematic relationships between a number of forecast errors. Our results also fail to reject non-cointegration between different vintages of data, suggesting that considerable care should be exercised in both the choice of realisation data used and in the means by which efficiency is tested.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to suggest that the maximum (or minimum) of a number of primary forecasts may make a valuable addition to the forecasting accuracy of a combination of forecasts. Such forecasts are readily computable. Theoretical results are presented for two unbiased forecasts with correlated normally distributed errors, showing that the maximum (minimum) of two forecasts can have a smaller error variance than either of the primary forecasts and the forecast error can have low correlation with the primary errors. Empirical results are obtained for two different sets of forecasts available in the literature, and it is observed that a combination forecast including the maximum and/or minimum has attractive forecasting properties.  相似文献   

Forecasting methods are often valued by means of simulation studies. For intermittent demand items there are often very few non–zero observations, so it is hard to check any assumptions, because statistical information is often too weak to determine, for example, distribution of a variable. Therefore, it seems important to verify the forecasting methods on the basis of real data. The main aim of the article is an empirical verification of several forecasting methods applicable in case of intermittent demand. Some items are sold only in specific subperiods (in given month in each year, for example), but most forecasting methods (such as Croston's method) give non–zero forecasts for all periods. For example, summer work clothes should have non–zero forecasts only for summer months and many methods will usually provide non–zero forecasts for all months under consideration. This was the motivation for proposing and testing a new forecasting technique which can be applicable to seasonal items. In the article six methods were applied to construct separate forecasting systems: Croston's, SBA (Syntetos–Boylan Approximation), TSB (Teunter, Syntetos, Babai), MA (Moving Average), SES (Simple Exponential Smoothing) and SESAP (Simple Exponential Smoothing for Analogous subPeriods). The latter method (SESAP) is an author's proposal dedicated for companies facing the problem of seasonal items. By analogous subperiods the same subperiods in each year are understood, for example, the same months in each year. A data set from the real company was used to apply all the above forecasting procedures. That data set contained monthly time series for about nine thousand products. The forecasts accuracy was tested by means of both parametric and non–parametric measures. The scaled mean and the scaled root mean squared error were used to check biasedness and efficiency. Also, the mean absolute scaled error and the shares of best forecasts were estimated. The general conclusion is that in the analyzed company a forecasting system should be based on two forecasting methods: TSB and SESAP, but the latter method should be applied only to seasonal items (products sold only in specific subperiods). It also turned out that Croston's and SBA methods work worse than much simpler methods, such as SES or MA. The presented analysis might be helpful for enterprises facing the problem of forecasting intermittent items (and seasonal intermittent items as well).  相似文献   

In this paper an investigation is made of the properties and use of two aggregate measures of forecast bias and accuracy. These are metrics used in business to calculate aggregate forecasting performance for a family (group) of products. We find that the aggregate measures are not particularly informative if some of the one‐step‐ahead forecasts are biased. This is likely to be the case in practice if frequently employed forecasting methods are used to generate a large number of individual forecasts. In the paper, examples are constructed to illustrate some potential problems in the use of the metrics. We propose a simple graphical display of forecast bias and accuracy to supplement the information yielded by the accuracy measures. This support includes relevant boxplots of measures of individual forecasting success. This tool is simple but helpful as the graphic display has the potential to indicate forecast deterioration that can be masked by one or both of the aggregate metrics. The procedures are illustrated with data representing sales of food items. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results of a simulation study to assess and compare the accuracy of forecasting techniques for long‐memory processes in small sample sizes. We analyse differences between adaptive ARMA(1,1) L‐step forecasts, where the parameters are estimated by minimizing the sum of squares of L‐step forecast errors, and forecasts obtained by using long‐memory models. We compare widths of the forecast intervals for both methods, and discuss some computational issues associated with the ARMA(1,1) method. Our results illustrate the importance and usefulness of long‐memory models for multi‐step forecasting. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When managers make revisions to sales forecasts initially generated by a rational quantitative model it is important that the particular forecasts selected for adjustment are those which would benefit most from the adjustment process (i.e. realize high errors). This study reports an empirical investigation on this issue, spanning six quarterly forecasting periods and incorporating forecasting data on over 850 products. The results show that the errors of the forecasts chosen for revision are, in general, higher than those which were not chosen. In addition, it is shown that managesrs tend to revise forecasts which are initially low, hence possibily introducing some degree of bias into the overall forecasts.  相似文献   

In this paper a high-quality disaggregate database is utilized to examine whether individual forecasters produce efficient exchange rate predictions and also if the properties of the forecasts change when they are combined. The paper links a number of themes in the exchange rate literature and examines various methods of forecast combination. It is demonstrated, inter alia, that some forecasters are better than others, but that most are not as good as a naive no-change prediction. Combining forecasts adds to the accuracy of the predictions, but the gains mainly reflect the removal of systematic and unstable bias.  相似文献   

Migration is one of the most unpredictable demographic processes. The aim of this article is to provide a blueprint for assessing various possible forecasting approaches in order to help safeguard producers and users of official migration statistics against misguided forecasts. To achieve that, we first evaluate the various existing approaches to modelling and forecasting of international migration flows. Subsequently, we present an empirical comparison of ex post performance of various forecasting methods, applied to international migration to and from the United Kingdom. The overarching goal is to assess the uncertainty of forecasts produced by using different forecasting methods, both in terms of their errors (biases) and calibration of uncertainty. The empirical assessment, comparing the results of various forecasting models against past migration estimates, confirms the intuition about weak predictability of migration, but also highlights varying levels of forecast errors for different migration streams. There is no single forecasting approach that would be well suited for different flows. We therefore recommend adopting a tailored approach to forecasts, and applying a risk management framework to their results, taking into account the levels of uncertainty of the individual flows, as well as the differences in their potential societal impact.  相似文献   

Category management—a relatively new function in marketing—involves large-scale, real-time forecasting of multiple data series in complex environments. In this paper, we illustrate how Bayesian Vector Auto regression (BVAR) fulfils the category manager's decision-support requirements by providing accurate forecasts of a category's state variables (prices, volumes and advertising levels), incorporating management interventions (merchandising events such as end-aisle displays), and revealing competitive dynamics through impulse response analyses. Using 124 weeks of point-of-sale scanner data comprising 31 variables for four brands, we compare the out-of-sample forecasts from BVAR to forecasts from exponential smoothing, univariate and multivariate Box-Jenkins transfer function analyses, and multivariate ARMA models. Theil U's indicate that BVAR forecasts are superior to those from alternate approaches. In large-scale forecasting applications, BVAR's ease of identification and parsimonious use of degrees of freedom are particularly valuable.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that it is not always optimal to combine forecasts of alternative models. In this paper, we propose to use the recent advances in modeling directed acyclic graphs to study the issue of forecast combinations. In forecasting US unemployment rates, we demonstrate that the proposed procedure can be a useful tool for comparing information in rival forecasts and guiding the combination of individual forecasts. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that non-linear methods cannot improve the point forecasts of high-frequency exchange rates. These studies have been using standard forecasting criteria such as smallest mean squared error (MSE) and smallest mean absolute error (MAE). It is, however, premature to conclude from this evidence that non-linear forecasts of high-frequency financial returns are economically or statistically insignificant. We prove a proposition which implies that the standard forecasting criteria are not necessarily particularly suited for assessment of the economic value of predictions of non-linear processes where the predicted value and the prediction error may not be independently distributed. Adopting a simple non-linear forecasting procedure to 15 daily exchange rate series we find that although, when compared to simple random walk forecasts, all the non-linear forecasts give a higher MSE and MAE, when applied in a simple trading strategy these forecasts result in a higher mean return. It is also shown that the ranking of portfolio payoffs based on forecasts from a random walk, and linear and non-linear models, is closely related to a non-parametric test of market timing.  相似文献   

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