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1.IntroductionLetKbeanonemptyclosedconvexsubsetofR"andletF:R"-R"beacontinuousmapping.Avariationalinequalityproblem(VIP)istofindapointx*eKsuchthatThevariationalinequalityproblemmakesitswideappearanceinthestudyofvariousequilibriummodelsineconomics,oper...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to obtain the optimal error estimates of O(h) for the highly nonconforming elements to a fourth order variational inequality with curvature obstacle in a convex domain with simply supported boundary by using the novel function splitting method and the orthogonal properties of the nonconforming finite element spaces.Morley‘s element approximation is our special case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are devoted to the convergence analysis of algorithms forgeneralized set-valued variational inclusions in Banach spaces. Our results improve, extend,and develop the earlier and recent corresponding results.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionWith the development of computer science, decomposition methods have been widely usedin solving large sparse lineax systems arising from the discretization of seifadjoint or nonseifad-joint elliptic boundary value problems (see, e.g., [1--6]). These methods have also been used tosolve variational inequalities (see [7--13] and the references therein). Recently, decompositiontechniques have been introduced to solve discrete problems of variational inequalities. An algthrithm of thi…  相似文献   



1.IntroductionMultilevelprogrammingmodelsdescribesdecisionmakingsituationswhereahierarchyexists.Inabilevelsystem,thedecisionofthehigherlevel(leader)mayaffectthechoiceofstrategyavailabletothelowerlevel(follower)whoattemptstooptimizehisobjectivefunction.Inthissystem,theleaderalsoconsidersthefollower'sresponsewhichisbasedonoptimizingthefollower'sobjectivefunction,forinstance,see[1].Asanextensionandavariationofmathematicalprogramming,multilevelprogrammingwasfirstintroducedbyCandlerandTownsley[2].…  相似文献   

In this paper, firstly, we propose several convexification and concavification transformations to convert a strictly monotone function into a convex or concave function, then we propose several convexification and concavification transformations to convert a non-convex and non-concave objective function into a convex or concave function in the programming problems with convex or concave constraint functions, and propose several convexification and concavification transformations to convert a non-monotone objective function into a convex or concave function in some programming problems with strictly monotone constraint functions. Finally, we prove that the original programming problem can be converted into an equivalent concave minimization problem, or reverse convex programming problem or canonical D.C. programming problem. Then the global optimal solution of the original problem can be obtained by solving the converted concave minimization problem, or reverse convex programming problem or canonical D.C  相似文献   

We study in this paper a mathematical programming model for the coexistence of competitions and cooperations problems. We introduce a new solution concept, s-optimal solution for the problem, which always exists under compact and continuous conditions. It is shown that an s-optimal solution can be obtained by solving a nonlinear programming problem. Some examples are given to explain how to compute an s-optimal solution.  相似文献   

The splitting extrapolation is an important technique for solving multidimensionalproblems.In the case that error u~h-u has an asymptotic expansion of form Σc_αh~(2α),whereα=(α_1,…,α_s) and h~α=h_1~(α_1),…h_s~(α_s),the method gives an approximation involving less computerstorage and less computational work in comparison with the classical Richardson extrapolation.In this paper we present a recurrence rule of the splitting extrapolation and discuss itsapplications in the fields of multiple integrals,multidimensional integral equations,partialdifferential equations and singular perturbation problems.  相似文献   

Recently, double projection methods for solving variational inequalities have received much attention clue to their fewer projection times at each iteration. In this paper, we unify these double projection methods within two unified frameworks, which contain the existing double projection methods as special cases. On the basis of this unification, theoretical and numerical comparison between these double projection methods is presented.  相似文献   

带有参数的C~2R模型的灵敏度分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文献[1]“带有参数的数据包络分析C2R模型”的研究中,要求被评价决策单元的输入或输出指标按同比例变化,而实际总是按一定的比例变化的同时并带有一定的摄动,尤其在多输入、多输出问题上更为普遍。因此本文给出了带有摄动的参数数据包络分析模型,讨论了这种模型的有关性质,同样也给出了阀值的概念,并给出了求解阀值的方法。实际上也从另一个角度提供了一种DEA灵敏度分析方法。  相似文献   

求解模糊线性规划问题的拟人化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种求解模糊线性规划的拟人化算法.它模拟人的调节过程,将模糊控制思想嵌入到遗传算法的变异与交叉算子之中求解出一个模糊优解,取代了以往利用单纯形求解模糊线性规划问题的一个最优解.实验结果表明,算法有潜力解决实际的规划问题.  相似文献   

Recomendation.ThisworkisrecomendedbyamemberiftheEditorialBoard,ProfWANGShouyang.1.IntroductionThebilevelprogrammingproblemcanbestatedasfollows:whereS(x),foreachx,isthesolutionsetofthefollowingparametricprogrammingproblem:whereF,f:Re ~-R,g'Re ~-R"andG:Re ~…  相似文献   


In this paper, two new dual models of nonsmooth multiobjective programmingare constructed and two duality results are derived.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn tabs paper, we consider the following nonlinear optbostion problem:where j: Re - R, g: Re - Re are continuously ~ntiable functinns. SoP method forproblem (1) generates a sequence of points which converges to a K--T point of problem (1)through the following iterate formulaxk 1 = x* adds (2)adhere da is the solution of the following quadratic Prograrxuning problemin which Bh is a sylnlnetric positive deflate lllatris and A* is a stepsise obtained by some lineseaxch to redu…  相似文献   

The concepts of logically constrained overall systems and subsystems of recon-structability analysis are introduced. Then the paper gave an important basis for furtherresearches of the author-the sufficient conditions for their structural representation graphsto become Boolean lattices, and proved it.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionBoundaryvaluepr0blemsconcerningthegeneralizedEmden-F0wlerequationsx p(t)x'=O,(1)wherep(t)eC(O,1),p(t)20f0rtE(O,1),AER,havebeenstudiedbymanyauthors(see[1-51andthereferencestherein).InthispaperwetreattheDirichletproblem(1)withax(0)-bx'(0)=O,c…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionConsider the following inequality constrained optiInization problem:Inin f(x)xeRn(1)s.t. g(x) 5 0where f: R1'-R, g: R"-Rm are cofltinuousIy differentiable functions.SQP method for soIving problem(1) is to gellerate a sequence {xk} converging…  相似文献   

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