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苏北盆地油气田的形成与分布特征   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
苏北-南黄海盆地与渤海湾盆地之间以鲁苏隆起相隔,对称分布于郯庐断裂。研究表明,由于两盆地所处的区域构造背景不同,致使其盆地演化、成烃演化、资源丰度和油气田规模差异很大。壳幔结构的同相性、晚始新世至渐新世18Ma的沉积间断、有机质演化程度低、断裂活动改造强虺昌形成苏北盆地小、碎贫、菜含油气特征的主要因素。苏北盆地与渤海盆地存在的成藏条件差异及其分布规律表明,苏北盆地缺乏形成巨型、大型油气田的条件,其  相似文献   

塔里木盆地志留系沉积体系及分布特征   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:51  
根据现代沉积学和地层学理论,对塔里木盆地志留系大量的岩心、测井和地震资料进行了综合研究。结果表明,研究区志留系可划分成2个沉积层序,又可分为3个沉积体系:(1)发育较高成分和结构成熟度的冲洗层理和前积序列的滨岸沉积体系;(2)生物扰动构造发育的砂泥岩不等厚间互的滨外陆棚和斜坡沉积体系;(3)具平缓地势缺乏障壁岛的碎屑潮坪沉积体系。详细分析了这些沉积体系的岩性序列、沉积构造及粒度概率等沉积特征,建立了研究区碎屑海岸和碎屑潮坪沉积模式,确定了不同沉积相的平面分布规律。结果显示满加尔坳陷草1井区为盆地的沉积中心。根据该区积相与生储盖层之间的关系,探明了塔北南斜坡滨岸砂岩和塔中北斜坡砂坪砂岩是今后勘探的有利地区。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地志留系沉积体系及分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据现代沉积学和层序地层学理论 ,对塔里木盆地志留系大量的岩心、测井和地震资料进行了综合研究。结果表明 ,研究区志留系可以划分成 2个沉积层序 ,又可分为 3个沉积体系 :(1)发育较高成分和结构成熟度的冲洗层理和前积序列的滨岸沉积体系 ;(2 )生物扰动构造发育的砂泥岩不等厚间互的滨外陆棚和斜坡沉积体系 ;(3)具平缓地势缺乏障壁岛的碎屑潮坪沉积体系。详细分析了这些沉积体系的岩性序列、沉积构造及粒度概率等沉积特征 ,建立了研究区碎屑海岸和碎屑潮坪沉积模式 ,确定了不同沉积相的平面分布规律。结果显示满加尔坳陷草 1井区为盆地的沉积中心。根据该区沉积相与生储盖层之间的关系 ,探明了塔北南斜坡滨岸砂岩和塔中北斜坡砂坪砂岩是今后勘探的有利地区。  相似文献   

甘肃黄土陷穴的形成因素及分布规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土陷穴在甘肃中东部地区分布较广,本文主要对甘肃黄土陷穴形成因素及分布规律进行了初步分析研究。笔者认为甘肃黄土陷穴的形成因素主要为物质组成和结构、垂直节理和渗透性、降雨特征、地形、坡面切割和沟蚀发育的程度、人为活动等;甘肃黄土陷穴的分布规律主要受黄土层位控制,发育方向受构造节理控制,表现在地形地貌上主要分布于斜坡与陡坎的交界地带,坡度较缓、排水不便的坡体上,临沟的塬边凹形地段,冲沟沟头,人工填土地段等。  相似文献   

弓帅  黄万宽 《科技资讯》2012,(14):83+85-83,85
由于贵州特殊的成矿背景,相当长时间以来,蜚声国内外地质界的一直是低温成矿作用和沉积成矿作用及其形成的矿产。随着矿产勘查和地质科研工作的展开,贵州省与黑色岩系有关热水沉积矿产的地位愈来愈高,成为贵州非常重要的一种区域成矿作用而备受关注。本文将按矿床的不同成因,探讨矿床时空分布规律。  相似文献   

永安镇油气田成藏地质条件与油气富集规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
永安镇断块油气田油源充足储层发育、圈闭条件优越,具备形成丰富油气聚集有有利条件。油气分布受断层控制,中、低断块区油气最富集。油气呈阶梯状运移和聚集,因而由低到高断块区依次出现低饱和油藏、高饱和油藏、油气藏和纯气藏完整序列,同时原油逐渐变粘、变重。  相似文献   

 250 多年的世界油气勘探表明,全球石油和天然气储量主要富集在少数的大型油气田中。2010 年发现的Leviathan 和Franco 等一系列世界级大油气田,更是增强了勘探家对大油气田的勘探信心。研究新增大油气田的分布规律和成藏特征,对未来寻找大油气田更具有实践指导意义。通过搜集2007-2012 年间新增的57 个大油气田资料,在对新增大油气田分布特征、成藏条件和富集规律的分析基础上,结合典型油气田实例分析,总结了新增大油气田成藏特征和对今后的勘探启示。新增大油气田主要分布在21 个盆地,上侏罗-下白垩统页岩是主要烃源岩,下白垩统是大油气田主力富集层位。海底扇和斜坡水道等浊积砂岩是大油气田的有利储集相带。泛特提斯域盆地的中生界和南大西洋两岸盐盆的下白垩统是未来寻找大型油气田的主要场所。  相似文献   

东辛油气田构造特征与油气富集规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东辛油气田为我国最大的复杂断块油气田,该区总体上由东营穹窿背斜、辛镇长轴背斜及过渡带三部分组成,受南北两翼近东西向延伸的二级断层的控制,呈现为东西向堑式背斜带。该区的断裂发育,断块多,断块大小、形状各异。构造的形成与下伏始新统孔店组上部和沙河街组下部的盐、膏岩和欠压实泥岩组成的塑性层上拱有直接关系。多期断裂活动导致油气在纵向上运移活跃,油气分布层位多,含油气井段长,油气藏沿断层呈叠瓦式展布,且由深  相似文献   

大油气田统计特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世界 373个大油气田、中国 39个大油气田以及世界 5个典型含油气盆地中 2 2 2 7个油气田的基础地质特征资料进行了统计分析 ,并建立了数据库。通过概率统计、单因素回归及多元逐步回归等方法 ,分别统计了油气最终可采储量与源岩、储层、盖层及圈闭等多项地质特征参数的关系 ,总结了大油气田的地质特征 ,探讨了大油气田形成与分布的主控因素。研究认为 ,丰度高、分布面积大、生烃转化率高的有效烃源岩是控制大油气田形成与分布的最关键因素 ;圈闭容积也是一个重要影响因素 ,与储量相关性非常好 ,大油气田应具有相当规模的圈闭。影响大油气田的决定因素是储集空间的大小 ,而储层厚度、孔隙度等与储量并无线性相关性。此外 ,由于不同类型盆地的演化规律不同 ,控制大油气田形成与分布的主要因素也不同  相似文献   

世界油气田规模分布的分形研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气田规模分布对油公司及政府油气勘探策略意义重大.本文从数学规律的角度,应用分形理论对油气田规模与数量之间的规律进行研究.油气田规模分布的分数维D及分形拟合线可通过最小二乘法拟合得到.D定义为勘探成熟度,代表某区域勘探成效.其值越高,表明这个特定区域已发现的油气田越多而未发现的越少.分形拟合线包含有大量信息,包括:某一地区油气田的最大规模;大于某一储量级别油气田的累积总数等.这些信息将有助于分析某区域油气资源丰度、可能发现的油气田规模及其数目.通过对比世界不同地区油田规模分布的D值及分形拟合线,可以得出:美国勘探成熟度最高,新发现大型油气田的可能性也就最小;中东地区油气资源最为富集,发现大型油气田的可能性也最大:规模大于1000MMBoe的油田达50个,大于10000MMBoe的达12个(设定所有存在的油田都被发现).  相似文献   

Combined with oil and gas transport and accumulation, structure-lithology evolution history, and with geochemistry and synthesizing geology methods, this paper studies the oil and gas discharge history of Puguang large scale gas field and the main controlling factors of oil accumulation. The natural gas in Puguang gas field is mainly coal-derived gas and oil-racked gas. The main hydrocarbon is Upper Permian coal mudstone and Lower Silurian mud shale with organic material. Puguang gas field has gone through discharge and adjustment 3 times, and it has favorable palaeostructure location, high quality dredge and effectively conserving conditions.  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (>50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

There are great differences in biomarks between Cambrian oil and Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. In this stuty, the authors analyzed 40 oils found in Lunnan area by GC-MS and calculated the content of Cambrian oil in the 40 oils according to the steroid indexes of typical oil mixture and match experiment. The results show that it is a general phenomenon in Ordovician reservoir that the oil derived from Cambrian source rock mixed with the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock in Lunnan area, the mixture degree of the two oils is lower in Carboniferous reservoir than in Ordovician reservoir, and the oils kept in Triassic reservoir have single source, Middle-Upper Ordoviclan source rock. The mixture oils mainly composed of Cambrian oil (〉50%) distributed in Sangtamu fault zone, and the oils found in Lunnan fault zone are Middle-Upper Ordovician oil. This distribution of oils in Lunnan area is owing to that Lunnan fault zone is located in anticline axis part, Lunnan fault zone underwent serious erosion, and the oils from Cambrian source rock accumulated in Lunnan fault zone were degraded completely during Caledonian-Hercynian movement. But the Cambrian oil accumulated in Sangtamu fault zone was not degraded completely and some of them were left for the location of Sangtamu fault zone is lower than Lunnan fault zone. Later, the oil derived from Middle-Upper Ordovician source rock mixed with the remained Cambrian oil, and the mixture oil formed in Sangtamu fault zone.  相似文献   

<正> Hetianhe is a big carbonate gas field which isfound and demonstrated in the period of "Chinese NationalNinth 5-Year Plan". The proved reserve of Hetianhe gas fieldis over 600 ×108 m3. Its main producing layers are Carbon-iferous bioclastic limestone and Ordovician carbonate com-posed of buried hill. The former is stratified gas pool withwater around its side, and the latter is massive gas pool withwater in its bottom. The gases in the gas pools belong to drygases with normal temperature and pressure systems. Basedon the correlation of gas and source rock, the gases aremainly generated from Cambrian source rocks. According tothe researches on source rock and structure evolution, andthe observations on the thin section to reservoir bitumen andthe studies on homogenization temperature of fluid inclu-sions, the gas pool has been identified and divided into threeformation periods. The first is Late Caledonian when the oilgenerated from the Cambrian source rocks and migratedalong faults, as a form of liquid facies into Ordovician carbonate res-ervoir and accumulated there. After that, the crustuplifted, the oil reservoir had been destroyed. The second isLate Hercynian when condensate gases generated from theCambrian source rocks and migrated into Ordovician res-ervoir, as a form of liquid facies. Since the fractures hadreached P strata, so the trap might have a real poor preser-vation condition, and the large-scale gas pool formation hadnot happened. The third gas reservoir formation period oc-curred in Himalaya. The fractures on both sides of Hetianhegas field developed violently under the forces of compression,and thus the present fault horst formed. The dry gases gen-erated from Cambrian source rocks and migrated upwardsas the form of gas facies into Ordovician and Carboniferousreservoirs, and the large gas pool as discovered at presentwas formed finally.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地石油地质基本特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全面系统地总结并提出塔里木盆地10大石油地质基本特征:(1)塔里木盆地为一古生界克拉通盆地与中新生界前陆盆地组成的大型叠合复合型盆地;(2)塔里木盆地经历了多期构造运动及多个演化发展阶段;(3)塔里木盆地主要有寒武—奥陶系、石炭—二叠系,三叠—侏罗系3套烃源岩;(4)塔里木盆地发育多套深埋优质储层及5套良好储盖组合;(5)塔里木盆地油气水性质复杂、油气藏类型丰富多样;(6)塔里木盆地富油又富气,天然气藏以凝析气藏为主;(7)塔里木盆地既有陆相油气,又有海相油气,已发现的石油以海相成因为主,天然气以陆相成因为主;(8)塔里木盆地已发现的油气藏以中小型为主,具有埋深大、丰度低、产能高的特点;(9)塔里木盆地具有多个成油气系统、多期成藏及油气多次运移再分配的特点;(10)塔里木盆地油气分布十分复杂,油气聚集受多重因素制约  相似文献   

塔里木盆地乌什凹陷-温宿凸起油气勘探前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过野外地质调查、岩性剖面与地震资料分析等方法,对塔里木盆地乌什凹陷-温宿凸起的油气前景进行了研究。野外调查结果证实,乌什凹陷发育二叠系、三叠系、侏罗系3套烃源岩及多套储盖组合。烃源岩热演化史及地面油苗显示证实本区有油气运移聚集的条件和历史。地震资料显示喜马拉雅晚期运动导致与逆冲断层伴生的挤压构造十分发育,以挤压背斜为主体的构造构成油气聚集的有利场所。温宿凸起在地质历史时期曾与塔北隆起连为一体,是长期继承性发育的占凸起,古近纪卡拉玉尔滚大型走滑断层将其与塔北隆起分开。温宿凸起被乌什和阿瓦提两个已证实被具有生烃能力的生烃凹陷所挟持,是油气运移的指向区。同时存在碳酸盐岩和砂岩两类多个勘探目的层。乌什凹陷-温宿凸起无疑是塔里木盆地油气勘探具有良好前景的战略接替区。  相似文献   

HeUanhe gas field, Lungudong gas field and Tazhong gas field are marine marine-origin natural gas reservoirs in the craton area in the Tarim Basin. The natural gas is generated from Cambrian source rocks. The simulation experiment indicated that the cracking of the dispersedly dissoluble organic matter remaining in the source rocks is the main origin of marine natural gas. There are two modes to form gas reservoirs, one is the dry gas reservoir such as HeUanhe gas field, in which gas accumulated on the fault belt with violent tectonic movement, the other is condensate gas reservoir formed on the inheriting uplift such as Lunnan and Tazhong gas fields. The hybrid simulation experiment of cracking gas and crude oil indicated that crude oil accumulated on a large scale in those uplift belts at the early stage, and natural gas filled the ancient oil reservoir at the late stage, and the gas reservoirs were formed after the gas mixed with the crude oil.  相似文献   

为明确顺北地区中下奥陶统流体改造与油气充注耦合关系,通过对方解石充填物进行阴极发光、流体包裹体显微镜下观察和油包裹体及其伴生盐水包裹体均一温度测试分析,结合方解石微区原位U-Pb同位素定年开展顺北地区中下奥陶统流体改造期次及序列、油气充注期次和时期及流体改造与油气充注耦合关系研究。结果表明:一间房组和鹰山组上段均经历多期流体改造,形成了具有不同阴极发光特征的多期方解石充填物,两者区别在于鹰山组地层未经历大气水改造;油包裹体荧光显示呈现蓝绿色-蓝白色,指示原油成熟度较高,且一间房组与油包裹体共生的盐水包裹体均一温度分布范围84℃~98℃,平均均一温度92.49℃和113℃~130℃,平均均一温度119.91℃、鹰山组上段均一温度分布范围91.2℃~104℃,平均均一温度96.1℃和112.7℃~128.1℃,平均均一温度119.97℃,表明存在加里东晚期和海西晚期-印支期两期油气充注,主成藏期为海西晚期-印支期。烃类包裹体宿主矿物方解石微区原位U-Pb测试表明,其主要形成于加里东中晚期(466.8±8Ma ~ 470.6±4.5Ma),揭示油气充注发生在加里东晚期混源流体改造形成的具备红色-橙红色阴极发光特征方解石之后。  相似文献   

中苏门答腊盆地基底潜山类油气藏具有较好的勘探前景。而南苏门答腊盆地基底潜山油气藏已经取得了勘探突破,在总结中苏门答腊盆地油气地质条件和对中苏门答腊盆地基底岩性、基底断裂展布及应力分析的基础上,通过类比南苏门答腊盆地基底油气藏成藏主控因素对中苏门答腊盆地基底油气藏进行分析,认为中苏门基底油气藏主控因素主要为烃源岩、基底岩性及断裂系统。中苏门答腊盆地发育良好的湖相烃源岩,基底油气藏烃源供给充足;盆地基底岩性主要为石英岩、千枚岩及火山岩,石英岩是最利于形成裂缝型储层的基底岩性;另外,剪切应力集中区是裂缝型储层发育的有利区。根据上述分析,认为Sembilan隆起东南部及Minas高地东南部(Bengkalis坳陷西南部)不仅位于剪切应力集中区,而且位于基底石英岩发育区,是最有利的基底油气藏勘探区。  相似文献   

Based on the pore cast and cathodolumines-cence thin sections, diagenesis process, source rock matura-tion history, structural evolution and reservoir qualitycharacteristics, the points of view that the porosities of Pa-leozoic clastic eureservoirs in the platform of the Tarim Ba-sin are mainly secondary, and the dissolution plays anunignorable role in the formation of eureservoirs, are putforward. In this paper, a series of criteria for the recognitionof the secondary porosities, the occurrence extent and classi-fication of secondary porosity are introduced, and threekinds of dissolution mechanism—the aluminosilicate dis-solution, the silicon dioxide dissolution and the carbonatedissolution—to generate the secondary porosity are comeup with. The formation, distribution, preservation and dis-appearance of eureservoirs are controlled by the paleo-structural framework and evolution, and hydrocarbon fillingand discharging. Paleostructural framework manipulate themigration path and direction of the acid fluid so as to deter-mine the position and extent of the dissolution. Paleostruc-ture highs and continuous paleouplifts are in favor of devel-oping the secondary porosity. The hydrocarbon filling madethe secondary porosities preserved and the hydrocarbondischarging let the secondary porosities filled by later calciteor quartz overgrowth cements. Paleostructure highs andcontinuous paleouplifts during the maturation period ofCambrian, Ordovician and Carboniferous source rocks(corresponding to S, P and K) are main areas for eureservoirs developing.  相似文献   

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