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Summary Cyclic voltammetry of molecular oxygen in aprotic media (dimethylformamide) and in the presence of bilirubin and other bile pigments shows that superoxide anion ( ) undergoes proton-induced dismutation. Lactam hydrogens of bile pigments are sufficiently acid to induce disproportionation to O2 and H2O2. Because of its characteristic lipophilic behavior, a biological role for natural bilirubin similar to that of other non-enzymatic lipophilic scavengers of is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of seventy naturally occurring populations ofRhynchosia representing seven species of different subgenera revealed the occurrence of C-glycosides, O-glycosides, prenylated flavonoids and aglycones.Rhynchosia albiflora (R. cyanosperma) differs in gross morphological features and seed coat color and in its flavonoid composition from the other representative species ofRhynchosia.Acknowledgments. P. Ramachandraiah is grateful to U.G.C., New Delhi, for financial assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Males ofLigurotettix spp. grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Gomphocerinae), territorial species that defend individual host plant shrubs, home to their territories by memorizing landmarks. Thus, the insects can navigate efficiently toward high quality shrubs which are chemically distinctive and recognizable via gustation, but indistinguishable from a distance.  相似文献   

Summary The mutant hairy (h) increases the number of sensillae on theDrosophila wing. This allows us to quantify a gradient that determines the type of sense organ that forms along the third long vein. Temperature significantly shifts the positional responses to this underlying gradient.This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant BSR-8300025. We thank Laura Karcher for the figure.  相似文献   

Summary Quercetin is an effective inhibitor of human myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, both with purified enzyme (IC50=3.5 M) and in a system using stimulated human neutrophils. Quercetin is significantly more potent than three other related compounds (rutin, rutin sulfate and troxerutin) and than methimazole, a previously-known myeloperoxidase inhibitor. The inhibitory activity of quercetin is of the competitive type. Moreover, quercetin is directly able to scavenge hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a chlorinated species generated by the, MPO/H2O2/Cl system.  相似文献   

To provide further background data on the wing spot somatic mutation and recombination assay, 10 selected carcinogens (acetamide, acrylamide, benzo(a)pyrene, cyclophosphamide, diethylstilbestrol, 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide, propyleneimine, safrole, thiourea, and o-toluidine) were tested in this assay. 72-h-old third-instar larvae, trans-heterozygous for 2 recessive wing cell markers:multiple wing hairs (mwh) andflare 3 (flr 3) were fed with 3 concentrations of each carcinogen during the rest of their development until pupation, and the genotoxic effects were measured as significant increases in the appearance of visible mutant hair clones on the adult wing blade. Our results show that 6 of the carcinogens tested produce significant increases in wing spot frequency, at least at one of the concentrations assayed. Benzo(a)pyrene, diethylstilbestrol, safrole and thiourea were the compounds that did not increase the incidence of mutant clones.  相似文献   

Summary The dominantly inherited variant, red back, in the migratory grasshopper,Melanoplus sanguinipes, is rare in nature. The present study illustrates that is this probably due, in part, to the trait's association (either through pleiotropy of the red back gene,Pro and/or closely linked fitness loci) with lower egg hatchability, greater developmental time, greater mortality during later stages, and a greater tendency to have an extra instar.A part of an M.Sc. thesis of F. R. H. Hodson, University of Regina (1985).Financial assistance from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (A0485) is greatfully acknowledged. Address reprint requests to W.C.  相似文献   

Summary In the European corn borer, subtle changes in imaginal wing discs during diapause constitute observable indications of diapause development, in experimental as well as in field-grown larvae. Wing disc diapause development is dependent mainly on temperature, and its total achievement is a necessary condition for good diapause termination. By applying these observations, we have improved a method that provides homogeneous populations of larvae that can resume their development rapidly in any season.  相似文献   

Inhaled allergens from house dust, mites or animal danders activate human complement in vitro by engaging the C1-component through a non-antibody-dependent mechanism. These earlier findings are extended by showing that the allergenic components in extracts of Parietaria pollen are almost equally potent complement activators as those from house dust or mites. Spectroscopic evidence indicates that haemolytic complement consumption by the Parietaria allergens and their enzymic fragments is most likely related to post-translational side-chains comprising flavonoid derivatives. These adsorbed and/or peptide-bound tannin-like structures may also explain the exceptional stability of the high- and low-molecular mass allergenic components in Parietaria pollen extracts. Received 12 November 1996; received after revision 12 December 1996; accepted 17 December 1996  相似文献   

Dietary quercetin intake is suggested to be health promoting, but this assumption is mainly based on mechanistic studies performed in vitro. Previously, we identified rat lung as a quercetin target tissue. To assess relevant in vivo health effects of quercetin, we analyzed mechanisms of effect in rat lungs of a chronic (41 weeks) 1% quercetin diet using whole genome microarrays. We show here that fatty acid catabolism pathways, like beta-oxidation and ketogenesis, are up-regulated by the long-term quercetin intervention. Up-regulation of genes (Hmgcs2, Ech1, Acox1, Pcca, Lpl and Acaa2) was verified and confirmed by quantitative real time PCR. In addition, free fatty acid levels were decreased in rats fed the quercetin diet, confirming that quercetin affects fatty acid catabolism. This in vivo study demonstrates for the first time that fatty acid catabolism is a relevant process that is affected in rats by chronic dietary quercetin. Received 6 July 2006; received after revision 29 August 2006; accepted 28 September 2006  相似文献   

Summary It was observed that superoxide dismutase activity was inversely proportional to the amount of lipofuscin present in the various anatomotopographical areas of theTorpedo marmorata central nervous system. These results support the theory that age pigments are a product of free lipoperoxidation induced by free radicals.Part of the present work was presented at XIIth Int. Pigment Cell Conference, Giessen (FRG), 17–19 September 1983.  相似文献   

We showed previously that inhibition of polyamine catabolism with the polyamine oxidase inhibitor MDL 72527 (MDL) potentiates the apoptotic effects of apple procyanidins (Pcy) in SW620 cells. Here we report that Pcy caused an activation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway through enhanced polyamine catabolism and mitochondrial membrane depolarization. MDL in the presence of Pcy caused a profound intracellular depletion of polyamines and exerted a protective effect on mitochondrial functions. MDL potentiation of Pcy-triggered apoptosis was reversed by addition of exogenous polyamines. In addition, MDL in combination with Pcy activated the extrinsic apoptotic pathway through enhanced TRAIL-death receptor (DR4/DR5) expression. Potentiation of Pcy-triggered apoptosis by MDL was inhibited when cells were exposed to specific inhibitors of DR4/DR5. These data indicate that the depletion of intracellular polyamines by MDL in the presence of Pcy caused a switch from intrinsic to extrinsic apoptotic pathways in human colon cancer-derived metastatic cells. Received 15 January 2008; received after revision 19 February 2008; accepted 7 March 2008  相似文献   

The relationship between the induction of mutant clones and the time of mutagen treatment was studied in the somatic mutation and recombination test (SMART) in wing cells ofDrosophila melanogaster. Larvae trans-heterozygous for the recessive marker mutations multiple wing hairs (mwh) and flare (flr) were produced. Batches of these larvae were then treated with mutagen at different ages spanning all three larval instars. Methyl methanesulfonate was fed acutely for 2 h by immersing the larvae in a solution of the mutagen mixed with powdered cellulose. Wings of the surviving adult flies were mounted and scored for the presence of spots. The frequency and size of single and twin spots were recorded separately. Twin spots are produced exclusively by mitotic recombination, whereas single spots can results from various types of mutational and exchange events. There exists a clear correlation between time of induction and frequency as well as size of the single spots. In young larvae only few but very large spots are induced, whereas in older larvae the frequencies are considerably increased but the sizes are smaller. The twin spots show a different relationship. Practically no twin spots are found in very young and in very old larvae. The results demonstrate that in the wing spot test the optimal age of the larvae for mutagen treatment is 72 h.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibitory effect of four flavonoid compounds on virus multiplication and their influence on the intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) level were studied in cell cultures. Quercetin and quercitrin reduced the yields ofHuman (alpha) herpesvirus 1 (HSV-1) andSuid (alpha) herpesvirus 1 (pseudorabies virus), but hesperidin and rutin had no effect. Further, quercetin and quercitrin elevated the intracellular level of cAMP, whereas hesperidin and rutin did not alter the cAMP level. Both antiviral activity and cAMP-enhancing effect were dependent on the concentrations of the flavonoids, and these effects turned out to be parallel.This study suggests that a relation exists between the antiviral effect and the cAMP-enhancing activity of flavonoids.  相似文献   

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