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<正>在过去几年的时间里,合成生物学研发吸引了越来越多公司的投资,新的基因编辑技术的应用前景进一步促进了合成生物学研究的发展,传统药品正被遗传工程产品、DNA测序和DNA合成技术所取代。虽然合成生物学市场还面临诸如政府管理规章和政策、生物安全与生物安保问题、生物武器等潜在风险和阻碍,但这些问题正被监管机构和研发机构加以解决。合成生物学市场利用高级计算和设计系统完全改变了传统对  相似文献   

基于质谱技术的计算蛋白质组学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蛋白质组是继人类基因组计划完成之后又一新兴的生命科学研究对象,蛋白质组学研究细胞或组织内所有表达的蛋白质.生物质谱技术已为蛋白质组学研究产生了大规模的质谱数据;而如何从这些数据中提取和发现有关蛋白质组的重要生物学知识为计算蛋白质组学的研究提出了重大需求,如蛋白质鉴定、翻译后修饰、定量分析,以及疾病模式的发现等.本文研究了如何应用计算技术来解决蛋白质组学研究中质谱信息处理的这几个关键问题.  相似文献   

信息科学与生物之谜   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生物之谜实质上就是对生命本质的探索。生物学将从过去50年的分析为主转变为以分析与综合相结合,一方面,人们将继续采用新的实验技术去了解基因,分子,细胞是如何工作的。另一方面,更为重要的是研究多种细微分子是如何相互作用的,实质上是研究各部分是如何调控的,生物体不论在宏观上,即整个生物个体的宏观状态,还是微观上,即在基因层次上,生物的调控作用都符合控制论原理,可以用控制论的理论和规律加以分析。生物体的小  相似文献   

细胞运动的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以细胞运动为主线,讨论细胞内部的生命活动,着重讨论细胞内部物质输运、能量转换、细胞通讯等重要生物学过程。对细胞运动的一些问题提出作者自己的见解。  相似文献   

近年来,人工智能、基因编辑、生物3D打印、诱导多能干细胞、合成生物学等新兴技术备受关注,并逐步运用至临床医学领域,给许多疾病的诊治带来了新方法。这些技术因其独特的优势正在取代或者已经取代传统医疗技术,对现有诊疗理念具有颠覆性的意义。医学领域颠覆性技术的发展,不仅改变了现有的诊疗方式,还改变了现代医学的思维方式。现代医学正逐步向多技术、多学科交叉融合方向发展,并不断孕育新的颠覆性技术。然而,在这些新兴技术进步的同时也产生了很多的问题。本文综述了现代医学中几个代表性颠覆性技术的发展现状,同时对伴生的安全问题进行了浅析及展望。  相似文献   

大量的生物结构,从核酸,蛋白质,病毒到细胞器,其线度在1—100纳米之间,生物结构虽然很小,但异常复杂,又格外活跃,表现出很多特定的生物学功能,纳米生物学就是在纳米水平阐明生物分子作用规律的一门新兴学科,通过对生物大分子超微结构的解析和操纵,获得单个分子在生命活动中的详尽信息,从而在单分子水平上探寻影响人类健康的恶性疾病的发病机理,并最终能够利用对单分子进行微尺度操纵的技术进行治疗。纳米生物学是一个非常有意义,但又神秘莫测的领域,但广阔的应用前景已经昭示了这一交叉学科强劲的生命力。本文将着重介绍原子力显微镜和光镊在纳米生物学研究中的重要应用。  相似文献   

三维可视化是地球物理领域研究的一个重要方向。应用三维可视化技术,可以对原始地震数据做出多方位的图形化展示,为下一步的数据解释分析提供充分的条件。本文是在QT和OpenGL的图形软件开发环境下,研究并实现了速度模型和地震数据的三维显示,从而可以更加直观的看到速度模型和地震数据所反映的地下地层的真实分布。  相似文献   

环肽是一种较线性多肽更为稳定的具有多种生理功能和医药价值的环状多肽,在形成荷尔蒙、抗生素、离子载体系统、抗真菌素、癌制剂以及毒素等方面展现出丰富多样的生物活性,具有重大的应用价值。近年来随着生物技术以及生物学与化学领域的交叉发展,不断有新的环肽被分离并鉴定出来。本文综述了自然界存在的一些环肽及环肽的分离纯化、分析方法,并且对环肽的生物合成机制和化学合成进行了概述。  相似文献   

以德温特创新索引专利数据库为依托,对2006~2016年间相关专利进行检索,综合运用统计分析和可视化分析,进行细胞治疗技术专利申请趋势分析、学科类别分析、专利权人构成分析、发明人合作网络分析、专利热点领域分析、德温特手工代码技术演进分析、高被引用专利分析,研究结果显示:1)该领域细胞治疗技术专利申请呈现波浪式上升状态,技术涉及学科高度集中;2)欧美等发达国家引领技术发展方向,但整个领域技术合作范围相对有限,合作程度比较低;3)该领域热点主要集中在细胞来源、细胞培养、抗原抗体制备、细胞体外诱导材料、工艺、体外抗炎抗感染及药物组合治疗等方面;4)从时间演进变化看,细胞来源与细胞培养是恒定主题,随着技术的发展,工艺的优化、治疗方案的多样化方面的专利正逐步涌现,成为新的焦点。立足我国产业发展实际,本文进一步提出了细胞治疗技术在抗癌领域的发展建议。  相似文献   

美国国家卫生研究所已宣布,它将为三家研究机构提供 拨款,以资助它们进行人类胚胎干细胞的基础生物学研究。 胚胎干细胞能够分化形成人体所需的200多种细胞中的任何一种。利用干细胞的这一特性培育移植用细胞、组织或器官,在医疗上具有重要应用潜力。但美国国家卫生研究  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have been used extensively as in vitro models of neural development and disease, with special efforts towards their conversion into forebrain progenitors and neurons. The forebrain is the most complex brain region, giving rise to several fundamental structures, such as the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus, and the retina. Due to the multiplicity of signaling pathways playing different roles at distinct times of embryonic development, the specification and patterning of forebrain has been difficult to study in vivo. Research performed on ESCs in vitro has provided a large body of evidence to complement work in model organisms, but these studies have often been focused more on cell type production than on cell fate regulation. In this review, we systematically reassess the current literature in the field of forebrain development in mouse and human ESCs with a focus on the molecular mechanisms of early cell fate decisions, taking into consideration the specific culture conditions, exogenous and endogenous molecular cues as described in the original studies. The resulting model of early forebrain induction and patterning provides a useful framework for further studies aimed at reconstructing forebrain development in vitro for basic research or therapy.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling: multiple functions in neural development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Wnt signaling has proven to be essential for neural development at various stages and across species. Wnts are involved in morphogenesis and patterning, and their proliferation-promoting role is a key function in stem cell maintenance and the expansion of progenitor pools. Moreover, Wnt signaling is involved in differentiation processes and lineage decision events during both central and peripheral nervous system development. Additionally, several reports point to a role of Wnt signaling in axon guidance and neurite outgrowth. This article reviews and consolidates the existing evidence for the functions of Wnt signaling in neural development.Received 10 December 2004; received after revision 19 January 2005; accepted 21 January 2005  相似文献   

Development and differentiation of the intestinal epithelium   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The gastrointestinal tract develops from a simple tube to a complex organ with patterns of differentiation along four axes of asymmetry. The organ is composed of all three germ layers signaling to each other during development to form the adult structure. The gut epithelium is a constitutively developing tissue, constantly differentiating from a stem cell in a progenitor pool throughout the life of the organism. Signals from the adjacent mesoderm and between epithelial cells are required for normal orderly development/differentiation, homeostasis, and apoptosis. Embryonically important patterning factors are used during adult stages for these processes. Such critical pathways as the hedgehog, bone morphogenetic protein, Notch, Sox, and Wnt systems are used both in embryologic and adult times of gut development. We focus on and review the roles of these factors in gut epithelial cell development and differentiation.Received 18 October 2002; received after revision 18 December 2002; accepted 18 December 2002  相似文献   

Nodal signals pattern vertebrate embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vertebrate embryonic patterning requires several conserved inductive signals–including Nodal, Bmp, Wnt and Fgf signals. Nodal, which is a member of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily, activates a signal transduction pathway that is similar to that of other TGFβ members. Nodal genes, which have been identified in numerous vertebrate species, are expressed in specific cell types and tissues during embryonic development. Nodal signal transduction has been shown to play a pivotal role in inducing and patterning mesoderm and endoderm, and in regulating neurogenesis and left-right axis asymmetry. Antagonists, which act at different steps in the Nodal signal transduction pathway, have been shown to tightly modulate the inductive activity of Nodal. Received 20 October 2005; received after revision 15 November 2005; accepted 25 November 2005  相似文献   

Numerous studies attest to essential roles for Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands in controlling cell positioning and tissue patterning during normal and oncogenic development. These studies suggest multiple, sometimes contradictory, functions of Eph-ephrin signalling, which under different conditions can promote either spreading and cell-cell adhesion or cytoskeletal collapse, cell rounding, de-adhesion and cell-cell segregation. A principle determinant of the balance between these two opposing responses is the degree of receptor/ligand clustering and activation. This equilibrium is likely altered in cancers and modulated by somatic mutations of key Eph family members that have emerged as candidate cancer markers in recent profiling studies. In addition, cross-talk amongst Ephs and with other signalling pathways significantly modulates cell-cell adhesion, both between and within Eph- and ephrin-expressing cell populations. This review summarises our current understanding of how Eph receptors control cell adhesion and morphology, and presents examples demonstrating the importance of these events in normal development and cancer.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, the coordination of cell behaviors largely relies on biochemical and biophysical signals. Understanding how such signals control development is often challenging, because their distribution relies on the activity of individual cells and, in a feedback loop, on tissue behavior and geometry. This review focuses on one of the best-studied structures in biology, the shoot apical meristem (SAM). This tissue is responsible for the production of all the aerial parts of a plant. In the SAM, a population of stem cells continuously produces new cells that are incorporated in lateral organs, such as leaves, branches, and flowers. Organogenesis from stem cells involves a tight regulation of cell identity and patterning as well as large-scale morphogenetic events. The gene regulatory network controlling these processes is highly coordinated in space by various signals, such as plant hormones, peptides, intracellular mobile factors, and mechanical stresses. Many crosstalks and feedback loops interconnecting these pathways have emerged in the past 10 years. The plant hormone auxin and mechanical forces have received more attention recently and their role is more particularly detailed here. An integrated view of these signaling networks is also presented in order to help understanding how robust shape and patterning can emerge from these networks.  相似文献   

The nervous system is populated by diverse types of neurons, each of which has dendritic trees with strikingly different morphologies. These neuron-specific morphologies determine how dendritic trees integrate thousands of synaptic inputs to generate different firing properties. To ensure proper neuronal function and connectivity, it is necessary that dendrite patterns are precisely controlled and coordinated with synaptic activity. Here, we summarize the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate the formation of cell type-specific dendrite patterns during development. We focus on different aspects of vertebrate dendrite patterning that are particularly important in determining the neuronal function; such as the shape, branching, orientation and size of the arbors as well as the development of dendritic spine protrusions that receive excitatory inputs and compartmentalize postsynaptic responses. Additionally, we briefly comment on the implications of aberrant dendritic morphology for nervous system disease.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations occur when abnormalities of vascular patterning result in the flow of blood from arteries to veins without an intervening capillary bed. Recent work has revealed the importance of the Notch and TGF-β signaling pathways in vascular patterning. Specifically, Notch signaling has an increasingly apparent role in arterial specification and suppression of branching, whereas TGF-β is implicated in vascular smooth muscle development and remodeling under angiogenic stimuli. These physiologic roles, consequently, have implicated both pathways in the pathogenesis of arteriovenous malformation. In this review, we summarize the studies of endothelial signaling that contribute to arteriovenous malformation and the roles of genes implicated in their pathogenesis. We further discuss how endothelial signaling may contribute to vascular smooth muscle development and how knowledge of signaling pathways may provide us targets for medical therapy in these vascular lesions.  相似文献   

Tissue patterning, through the concerted activity of a small number of signaling pathways, is critical to embryonic development. While patterning can involve signaling between neighbouring cells, in other contexts signals act over greater distances by traversing complex cellular landscapes to instruct the fate of distant cells. In this review, we explore different strategies adopted by cells to modulate signaling molecule range to allow correct patterning. We describe mechanisms for restricting signaling range and highlight how such short-range signaling can be exploited to not only control the fate of adjacent cells, but also to generate graded signaling within a field of cells. Other strategies include modulation of signaling molecule action by tissue architectural properties and the use of cellular membranous structures, such as signaling filopodia and exosomes, to actively deliver signaling ligands to target cells. Signaling filopodia can also be deployed to reach out and collect particular signals, thereby precisely controlling their site of action.  相似文献   

The chordate amphioxus: an emerging model organism for developmental biology   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
The cephalochordate amphioxus is the closest living invertebrate relative of the vertebrates. It is vertebrate-like in having a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, notochord, segmental muscles, pharyngeal gill slits and a post-anal tail that develops from a tail bud. However, amphioxus is less complex than vertebrates, lacking neural crest and having little or no mesenchyme. The genetic programs patterning the amphioxus embryo are also similar to those patterning vertebrate embryos, although the amphioxus genome lacks the extensive gene duplications characteristic of vertebrates. This relative structural and genomic simplicity in a vertebrate-like organism makes amphioxus ideal as a model organism for understanding mechanisms of vertebrate development.Received 18 February 2004; received after revision 9 April 2004; accepted 19 April 2004  相似文献   

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