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Blencowe M 《Nature》2010,468(7320):44-45

Steane A 《Nature》2003,422(6930):387-388

Quantum decoherence is a central concept in physics. Applications such as quantum information processing depend on understanding it; there are even fundamental theories proposed that go beyond quantum mechanics, in which the breakdown of quantum theory would appear as an 'intrinsic' decoherence, mimicking the more familiar environmental decoherence processes. Such applications cannot be optimized, and such theories cannot be tested, until we have a firm handle on ordinary environmental decoherence processes. Here we show that the theory for insulating electronic spin systems can make accurate and testable predictions for environmental decoherence in molecular-based quantum magnets. Experiments on molecular magnets have successfully demonstrated quantum-coherent phenomena but the decoherence processes that ultimately limit such behaviour were not well constrained. For molecular magnets, theory predicts three principal contributions to environmental decoherence: from phonons, from nuclear spins and from intermolecular dipolar interactions. We use high magnetic fields on single crystals of Fe(8) molecular magnets (in which the Fe ions are surrounded by organic ligands) to suppress dipolar and nuclear-spin decoherence. In these high-field experiments, we find that the decoherence time varies strongly as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The theoretical predictions are fully verified experimentally, and there are no other visible decoherence sources. In these high fields, we obtain a maximum decoherence quality-factor of 1.49?×?10(6); our investigation suggests that the environmental decoherence time can be extended up to about 500 microseconds, with a decoherence quality factor of ~6?×?10(7), by optimizing the temperature, magnetic field and nuclear isotopic concentrations.  相似文献   

Knill E 《Nature》2005,434(7029):39-44
In theory, quantum computers offer a means of solving problems that would be intractable on conventional computers. Assuming that a quantum computer could be constructed, it would in practice be required to function with noisy devices called 'gates'. These gates cause decoherence of the fragile quantum states that are central to the computer's operation. The goal of so-called 'fault-tolerant quantum computing' is therefore to compute accurately even when the error probability per gate (EPG) is high. Here we report a simple architecture for fault-tolerant quantum computing, providing evidence that accurate quantum computing is possible for EPGs as high as three per cent. Such EPGs have been experimentally demonstrated, but to avoid excessive resource overheads required by the necessary architecture, lower EPGs are needed. Assuming the availability of quantum resources comparable to the digital resources available in today's computers, we show that non-trivial quantum computations at EPGs of as high as one per cent could be implemented.  相似文献   

Blatter G 《Nature》2003,421(6925):796-797

Schulman LJ 《Nature》2005,438(7067):431-432

A fundamental step towards atomic- or molecular-scale spintronic devices has recently been made by demonstrating that the spin of an individual atom deposited on a surface, or of a small paramagnetic molecule embedded in a nanojunction, can be externally controlled. An appealing next step is the extension of such a capability to the field of information storage, by taking advantage of the magnetic bistability and rich quantum behaviour of single-molecule magnets (SMMs). Recently, a proof of concept that the magnetic memory effect is retained when SMMs are chemically anchored to a metallic surface was provided. However, control of the nanoscale organization of these complex systems is required for SMMs to be integrated into molecular spintronic devices. Here we show that a preferential orientation of Fe(4) complexes on a gold surface can be achieved by chemical tailoring. As a result, the most striking quantum feature of SMMs-their stepped hysteresis loop, which results from resonant quantum tunnelling of the magnetization-can be clearly detected using synchrotron-based spectroscopic techniques. With the aid of multiple theoretical approaches, we relate the angular dependence of the quantum tunnelling resonances to the adsorption geometry, and demonstrate that molecules predominantly lie with their easy axes close to the surface normal. Our findings prove that the quantum spin dynamics can be observed in SMMs chemically grafted to surfaces, and offer a tool to reveal the organization of matter at the nanoscale.  相似文献   

The term 'molecular magnet' generally refers to a molecular entity containing several magnetic ions whose coupled spins generate a collective spin, S (ref. 1). Such complex multi-spin systems provide attractive targets for the study of quantum effects at the mesoscopic scale. In these molecules, the large energy barriers between collective spin states can be crossed by thermal activation or quantum tunnelling, depending on the temperature or an applied magnetic field. There is the hope that these mesoscopic spin states can be harnessed for the realization of quantum bits--'qubits', the basic building blocks of a quantum computer--based on molecular magnets. But strong decoherence must be overcome if the envisaged applications are to become practical. Here we report the observation and analysis of Rabi oscillations (quantum oscillations resulting from the coherent absorption and emission of photons driven by an electromagnetic wave) of a molecular magnet in a hybrid system, in which discrete and well-separated magnetic clusters are embedded in a self-organized non-magnetic environment. Each cluster contains 15 antiferromagnetically coupled S = 1/2 spins, leading to an S = 1/2 collective ground state. When this system is placed into a resonant cavity, the microwave field induces oscillatory transitions between the ground and excited collective spin states, indicative of long-lived quantum coherence. The present observation of quantum oscillations suggests that low-dimension self-organized qubit networks having coherence times of the order of 100 micros (at liquid helium temperatures) are a realistic prospect.  相似文献   

Kitamura H  Tsuneyuki S  Ogitsu T  Miyake T 《Nature》2000,404(6775):259-262
Solid hydrogen, a simple system consisting only of protons and electrons, exhibits a variety of structural phase transitions at high pressures. Experimental studies based on static compression up to about 230 GPa revealed three relevant phases of solid molecular hydrogen: phase I (high-temperature, low-pressure phase), phase II (low-temperature phase) and phase III (high-pressure phase). Spectroscopic data suggest that symmetry breaking, possibly related to orientational ordering, accompanies the transition into phases II and III. The boundaries dividing the three phases exhibit a strong isotope effect, indicating that the quantum-mechanical properties of hydrogen nuclei are important. Here we report the quantum distributions of protons in the three phases of solid hydrogen, obtained by a first-principles path-integral molecular dynamics method. We show that quantum fluctuations of protons effectively hinder molecular rotation--that is, a quantum localization occurs. The obtained crystal structures have entirely different symmetries from those predicted by the conventional simulations which treat protons classically.  相似文献   

Jain R  Kabir K  Gilroy JB  Mitchell KA  Wong KC  Hicks RG 《Nature》2007,445(7125):291-294
For over two decades there have been intense efforts aimed at the development of alternatives to conventional magnets, particularly materials comprised in part or wholly of molecular components. Such alternatives offer the prospect of realizing magnets fabricated through controlled, low-temperature, solution-based chemistry, as opposed to high-temperature metallurgical routes, and also the possibility of tuning magnetic properties through synthesis. However, examples of magnetically ordered molecular materials at or near room temperature are extremely rare, and the properties of these materials are often capricious and difficult to reproduce. Here we present a versatile solution-based route to a new class of metal-organic materials exhibiting magnetic order well above room temperature. Reactions of the metal (M) precursor complex bis(1,5-cyclooctadiene)nickel with three different organics A-TCNE (tetracyanoethylene), TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) or DDQ (2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone)--proceed via electron transfer from nickel to A and lead to materials containing Ni(II) ions and reduced forms of A in a 2:1 Ni:A ratio--that is, opposite to that of conventional (low Curie temperature) MA(2)-type magnets. These materials also contain oxygen-based species within their architectures. Magnetic characterization of the three compounds reveals spontaneous field-dependent magnetization and hysteresis at room temperature, with ordering temperatures well above ambient. The unusual stoichiometry and striking magnetic properties highlight these three compounds as members of a class of stable magnets that are at the interface between conventional inorganic magnets and genuine molecule-based magnets.  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍了量子线与量子点的概念,并说明可利用电容测量研究低维系统的性质。  相似文献   

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