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Solid-state superconducting circuits are versatile systems in which quantum states can be engineered and controlled. Recent progress in this area has opened up exciting possibilities for exploring fundamental physics as well as applications in quantum information technology; in a series of experiments it was shown that such circuits can be exploited to generate quantum optical phenomena, by designing superconducting elements as artificial atoms that are coupled coherently to the photon field of a resonator. Here we demonstrate a lasing effect with a single artificial atom--a Josephson-junction charge qubit--embedded in a superconducting resonator. We make use of one of the properties of solid-state artificial atoms, namely that they are strongly and controllably coupled to the resonator modes. The device is essentially different from existing lasers and masers; one and the same artificial atom excited by current injection produces many photons.  相似文献   

超导量子电路可以被等效地看作人造原子,其内部能级结构随外磁场而变化.这里根据这些超导量子电路中的宏观量子相干性,设计了一种新型的磁强计.这种磁强计不仅体积小,而且具有低耗散和高灵敏度的优点.正因为此,它在读取诸如超导磁通量子比特等量子纳米设备方面,具有很大的应用前景.  相似文献   

The interaction between a single confined spin and the spins of an electron reservoir leads to one of the most remarkable phenomena of many-body physics--the Kondo effect. Electronic transport measurements on single artificial atoms, or quantum dots, have made it possible to study the effect in great detail. Here we report optical measurements on a single semiconductor quantum dot tunnel-coupled to a degenerate electron gas which show that absorption of a single photon leads to an abrupt change in the system Hamiltonian and a quantum quench of Kondo correlations. By inferring the characteristic power-law exponents from the experimental absorption line shapes, we find a unique signature of the quench in the form of an Anderson orthogonality catastrophe, induced by a vanishing overlap between the initial and final many-body wavefunctions. We show that the power-law exponent that determines the degree of orthogonality can be tuned using an external magnetic field, which unequivocally demonstrates that the observed absorption line shape originates from Kondo correlations. Our experiments demonstrate that optical measurements on single artificial atoms offer new perspectives on many-body phenomena previously studied using transport spectroscopy only.  相似文献   

Maxwell's equations successfully describe the statistical properties of fluorescence from an ensemble of atoms or semiconductors in one or more dimensions. But quantization of the radiation field is required to explain the correlations of light generated by a single two-level quantum emitter, such as an atom, ion or single molecule. The observation of photon antibunching in resonance fluorescence from a single atom unequivocally demonstrated the non-classical nature of radiation. Here we report the experimental observation of photon antibunching from an artificial system--a single cadmium selenide quantum dot at room temperature. Apart from providing direct evidence for a solid-state non-classical light source, this result proves that a single quantum dot acts like an artificial atom, with a discrete anharmonic spectrum. In contrast, we find the photon-emission events from a cluster of several dots to be uncorrelated.  相似文献   

Fujisawa T  Austing DG  Tokura Y  Hirayama Y  Tarucha S 《Nature》2002,419(6904):278-281
The strength of radiative transitions in atoms is governed by selection rules that depend on the occupation of atomic orbitals with electrons. Experiments have shown similar electron occupation of the quantized energy levels in semiconductor quantum dots--often described as artificial atoms. But unlike real atoms, the confinement potential of quantum dots is anisotropic, and the electrons can easily couple with phonons of the material. Here we report electrical pump-and-probe experiments that probe the allowed and 'forbidden' transitions between energy levels under phonon emission in quantum dots with one or two electrons (artificial hydrogen and helium atoms). The forbidden transitions are in fact allowed by higher-order processes where electrons flip their spin. We find that the relaxation time is about 200 micro s for forbidden transitions, 4 to 5 orders of magnitude longer than for allowed transitions. This indicates that the spin degree of freedom is well separated from the orbital degree of freedom, and that the total spin in the quantum dots is an excellent quantum number. This is an encouraging result for potential applications of quantum dots as basic entities for spin-based quantum information storage.  相似文献   

Brennecke F  Donner T  Ritter S  Bourdel T  Köhl M  Esslinger T 《Nature》2007,450(7167):268-271
Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) describes the coherent interaction between matter and an electromagnetic field confined within a resonator structure, and is providing a useful platform for developing concepts in quantum information processing. By using high-quality resonators, a strong coupling regime can be reached experimentally in which atoms coherently exchange a photon with a single light-field mode many times before dissipation sets in. This has led to fundamental studies with both microwave and optical resonators. To meet the challenges posed by quantum state engineering and quantum information processing, recent experiments have focused on laser cooling and trapping of atoms inside an optical cavity. However, the tremendous degree of control over atomic gases achieved with Bose-Einstein condensation has so far not been used for cavity QED. Here we achieve the strong coupling of a Bose-Einstein condensate to the quantized field of an ultrahigh-finesse optical cavity and present a measurement of its eigenenergy spectrum. This is a conceptually new regime of cavity QED, in which all atoms occupy a single mode of a matter-wave field and couple identically to the light field, sharing a single excitation. This opens possibilities ranging from quantum communication to a wealth of new phenomena that can be expected in the many-body physics of quantum gases with cavity-mediated interactions.  相似文献   

在开放系统中研究超导人造原子与共振萤光的现象,对共振吸收作了定量分析,证明约瑟芬接超导线路可以用来建构可调控宏观量子相干的人造结构,对量子信息理论与量子位的研究有着显著的帮助.  相似文献   

Bakr WS  Preiss PM  Tai ME  Ma R  Simon J  Greiner M 《Nature》2011,480(7378):500-503
Interaction blockade occurs when strong interactions in a confined, few-body system prevent a particle from occupying an otherwise accessible quantum state. Blockade phenomena reveal the underlying granular nature of quantum systems and allow for the detection and manipulation of the constituent particles, be they electrons, spins, atoms or photons. Applications include single-electron transistors based on electronic Coulomb blockade and quantum logic gates in Rydberg atoms. Here we report a form of interaction blockade that occurs when transferring ultracold atoms between orbitals in an optical lattice. We call this orbital excitation blockade (OEB). In this system, atoms at the same lattice site undergo coherent collisions described by a contact interaction whose strength depends strongly on the orbital wavefunctions of the atoms. We induce coherent orbital excitations by modulating the lattice depth, and observe staircase-like excitation behaviour as we cross the interaction-split resonances by tuning the modulation frequency. As an application of OEB, we demonstrate algorithmic cooling of quantum gases: a sequence of reversible OEB-based quantum operations isolates the entropy in one part of the system and then an irreversible step removes the entropy from the gas. This technique may make it possible to cool quantum gases to have the ultralow entropies required for quantum simulation of strongly correlated electron systems. In addition, the close analogy between OEB and dipole blockade in Rydberg atoms provides a plan for the implementation of two-quantum-bit gates in a quantum computing architecture with natural scalability.  相似文献   

Many-particle entanglement with Bose-Einstein condensates   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sørensen A  Duan LM  Cirac JI  Zoller P 《Nature》2001,409(6816):63-66
The possibility of creating and manipulating entangled states of systems of many particles is of significant interest for quantum information processing; such a capability could lead to new applications that rely on the basic principles of quantum mechanics. So far, up to four atoms have been entangled in a controlled way. A crucial requirement for the production of entangled states is that they can be considered pure at the single-particle level. Bose-Einstein condensates fulfil this requirement; hence it is natural to investigate whether they can also be used in some applications of quantum information. Here we propose a method to achieve substantial entanglement of a large number of atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate. A single resonant laser pulse is applied to all the atoms in the condensate, which is then allowed to evolve freely; in this latter stage, collisional interactions produce entanglement between the atoms. The technique should be realizable with present technology.  相似文献   

运用全量子理论,研究了Tavis-Cummings模型中量子态平均保真度的演化特性,对原子和光场的初态以及两原子的关联程度对平均保真度的影响进行了研究.结果表明,原子、光场和系统的平均保真度依赖于初态时2个原子处在基态的几率以及光场处于真空态的几率;初态两原子在基态无关联,光场处于真空态,体系不失真.  相似文献   

Feedback loops are central to most classical control procedures. A controller compares the signal measured by a sensor (system output) with the target value or set-point. It then adjusts an actuator (system input) to stabilize the signal around the target value. Generalizing this scheme to stabilize a micro-system's quantum state relies on quantum feedback, which must overcome a fundamental difficulty: the sensor measurements cause a random back-action on the system. An optimal compromise uses weak measurements, providing partial information with minimal perturbation. The controller should include the effect of this perturbation in the computation of the actuator's operation, which brings the incrementally perturbed state closer to the target. Although some aspects of this scenario have been experimentally demonstrated for the control of quantum or classical micro-system variables, continuous feedback loop operations that permanently stabilize quantum systems around a target state have not yet been realized. Here we have implemented such a real-time stabilizing quantum feedback scheme following a method inspired by ref. 13. It prepares on demand photon number states (Fock states) of a microwave field in a superconducting cavity, and subsequently reverses the effects of decoherence-induced field quantum jumps. The sensor is a beam of atoms crossing the cavity, which repeatedly performs weak quantum non-demolition measurements of the photon number. The controller is implemented in a real-time computer commanding the actuator, which injects adjusted small classical fields into the cavity between measurements. The microwave field is a quantum oscillator usable as a quantum memory or as a quantum bus swapping information between atoms. Our experiment demonstrates that active control can generate non-classical states of this oscillator and combat their decoherence, and is a significant step towards the implementation of complex quantum information operations.  相似文献   

Julsgaard B  Sherson J  Cirac JI  Fiurásek J  Polzik ES 《Nature》2004,432(7016):482-486
The information carrier of today's communications, a weak pulse of light, is an intrinsically quantum object. As a consequence, complete information about the pulse cannot be perfectly recorded in a classical memory, even in principle. In the field of quantum information, this has led to the long-standing challenge of how to achieve a high-fidelity transfer of an independently prepared quantum state of light onto an atomic quantum state. Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate a protocol for such a quantum memory based on atomic ensembles. Recording of an externally provided quantum state of light onto the atomic quantum memory is achieved with 70 per cent fidelity, significantly higher than the limit for classical recording. Quantum storage of light is achieved in three steps: first, interaction of the input pulse and an entangling field with spin-polarized caesium atoms; second, subsequent measurement of the transmitted light; and third, feedback onto the atoms using a radio-frequency magnetic pulse conditioned on the measurement result. The density of recorded states is 33 per cent higher than the best classical recording of light onto atoms, with a quantum memory lifetime of up to 4 milliseconds.  相似文献   

讨论在腔QED中如何利用非最大三粒子纠缠GHZ态实现未知单原子态、两原子纠缠态的概率隐形传送.在量子态传送过程中需要引入一个辅助粒子以解决使用非最大纠缠量子信道导致的态畸变问题.本方案在两原子与腔相互作用的整个过程中,由于经典场同时对两原子进行驱动,量子态的演化不依赖于腔场的态,因而不受腔泄漏和热腔场的影响.  相似文献   

Bayer M  Stern O  Hawrylak P  Fafard S  Forchel A 《Nature》2000,405(6789):923-926
Quantum dots or 'artificial atoms' are of fundamental and technological interest--for example, quantum dots may form the basis of new generations of lasers. The emission in quantum-dot lasers originates from the recombination of excitonic complexes, so it is important to understand the dot's internal electronic structure (and of fundamental interest to compare this to real atomic structure). Here we investigate artificial electronic structure by injecting optically a controlled number of electrons and holes into an isolated single quantum dot. The charge carriers form complexes that are artificial analogues of hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron and carbon excitonic atoms. We observe that electrons and holes occupy the confined electronic shells in characteristic numbers according to the Pauli exclusion principle. In each degenerate shell, collective condensation of the electrons and holes into coherent many-exciton ground states takes place; this phenomenon results from hidden symmetries (the analogue of Hund's rules for real atoms) in the energy function that describes the multi-particle system. Breaking of the hidden symmetries leads to unusual quantum interferences in emission involving excited states.  相似文献   

Bloch I 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1016-1022
At nanokelvin temperatures, ultracold quantum gases can be stored in optical lattices, which are arrays of microscopic trapping potentials formed by laser light. Such large arrays of atoms provide opportunities for investigating quantum coherence and generating large-scale entanglement, ultimately leading to quantum information processing in these artificial crystal structures. These arrays can also function as versatile model systems for the study of strongly interacting many-body systems on a lattice.  相似文献   

During the past decade, research into superconducting quantum bits (qubits) based on Josephson junctions has made rapid progress. Many foundational experiments have been performed, and superconducting qubits are now considered one of the most promising systems for quantum information processing. However, the experimentally reported coherence times are likely to be insufficient for future large-scale quantum computation. A natural solution to this problem is a dedicated engineered quantum memory based on atomic and molecular systems. The question of whether coherent quantum coupling is possible between such natural systems and a single macroscopic artificial atom has attracted considerable attention since the first demonstration of macroscopic quantum coherence in Josephson junction circuits. Here we report evidence of coherent strong coupling between a single macroscopic superconducting artificial atom (a flux qubit) and an ensemble of electron spins in the form of nitrogen-vacancy colour centres in diamond. Furthermore, we have observed coherent exchange of a single quantum of energy between a flux qubit and a macroscopic ensemble consisting of about 3?×?10(7) such colour centres. This provides a foundation for future quantum memories and hybrid devices coupling microwave and optical systems.  相似文献   

利用3-Λ型五能级原子介质操控纠缠态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析3-Λ型五能级原子系统的暗态极化子,讨论三模量子场与原子介质的信息转换过程以及三个信号场之间的信息转换过程.研究结果表明,利用3-Λ型五能级原子系统,可以存储三模量子态,从理论上解释了三模量子信息在介质中的"写入"和"读出"过程.另外利用3-Λ型五能级原子系统还可以操控某些纠缠态,如实现纠缠态的生成、存储、读出、转换等.  相似文献   

讨论了激发相干态光场与级联三能级原子相互作用时原子、光场和整个系统的量子信息保真度的时间演化过程。研究了光场参数和失谐量对保真度的影响。结果表明,光场参数和失谐量对保真度的振荡频率和振荡周期有明显影响,而对保真度的平均值影响甚微。  相似文献   

We have demonstrated preparing and rotating single neutral rubidium atoms in an optical ring lattice generated by a spatial light modulator, inserting two atoms into a single microscopic optical potential efficiently by dynamically reshaping the optical dipole trap, trapping single atoms in a blue detuned optical bottle beam trap, and confining single atoms into the Lamb-Dicke regime by combining red and blue detuned optical potentials. In combination with the manipulation of internal states of single atoms, the study is opening a way for research in the field of quantum information processing and quantum simulation. In this paper we review the past works and discuss the prospects.  相似文献   

该文在相互作用绘景中,用完全量子化的方法研究了压缩相干态与两个耦合二能级原子相互作用过程中,系统光子数的统计演化规律;讨论了光场压缩参量,相干振幅分量、原子-场耦合系数以及原子间耦合系数对系统平均光子数的影响,揭示了它们之间的联系.  相似文献   

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