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Specialised copper sites have been recruited during evolution to provide long-range electron transfer reactivity and oxygen binding and activation in proteins destined to cope with oxygen reactivity in different organisms. Ceruloplasmin is an ancient multicopper oxidase evolved to insure a safe handling of oxygen in some metabolic pathways of vertebrates. The presently available knowledge of its structure provides a glimpse of its plasticity, revealing a multitude of binding sites that point to an elaborate mechanism of multifunctional activity. Ceruloplasmin represents an example of a 'moonlighting' protein that overcomes the one gene-one structure-one function concept to follow the changes of the organism in its physiological and pathological conditions. Received 19 February 2002; received after revision 29 March 2002; accepted 2 April 2002 RID="*" ID="*"Corresponding author.  相似文献   

Structure, function and evolution of antifreeze proteins   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Antifreeze proteins bind to ice crystals and modify their growth. These proteins show great diversity in structure, and they have been found in a variety of organisms. The ice-binding mechanisms of antifreeze proteins are not completely understood. Recent findings on the evolution of antifreeze proteins and on their structures and mechanisms of action have provided new understanding of these proteins in different contexts. The purpose of this review is to present the developments in contrasting research areas and unite them in order to gain further insight into the structure and function of the antifreeze proteins. Received 2 September 1998; received after revision 21 October 1998; accepted 2 November 1998  相似文献   

In vitro reconstitution of homologous recombination reactions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The proteins essential to homologous recombination inE. coli have been purified and their individual activities have been identified, permitting biochemical reconstitution of steps that comprise the cellular recombination process. This review focuses on the biochemical events responsible for the initiation and homologous pairing steps of genetic recombination. The properties of an in vitro recombination reaction that requires the concerted action of recA, recBCD, and SSB proteins and that is stimulated by the recombination hotspot, Chi(), are described. The recBCD enzyme serves as the initiator of this reaction; its DNA helicase activity produces single-stranded DNA that is used by the recA protein to promote homologous pairing and DNA strand invasion of supercoiled (recipient) DNA. The SSB protein acts to trap the single-stranded DNA produced by recBCD enzyme and to facilitate pairing by the recA protein. The regulatory sequence acts incis by attenuating the nuclease, but not the helicase, activity of recBCD enzyme. This attenuation assures the preservation of ssDNA produced by the DNA helicase activity and is responsible for the simulation in vitro and, presumably, in vivo. The attenuation of nuclease activity by results in the loss or functional inactivation of the recD subunit.  相似文献   

Light-harvesting complexes of vascular plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) located in the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts are the collectors of solar radiation that fuel photosynthesis, and thus enable life on our planet. They consist of pigments that are non-covalently bound to light-harvesting proteins (Lhc proteins), which form a family whose members share a significant sequence identity. Due to their central role in photosynthesis, LHCs belong in several respects to the best-analysed membrane proteins. In the past decade, tremendous progress has been made in identifying new members of the Lhc family, in localising the LHCs within the photosystems, and in elucidating the structure and function of LHCs, which is summarised in this review. By contrast, gaining insight into the assembly process and the degradation of the LHCs could not keep pace. Therefore, topics for the next decade will be the elucidation of the location(s) and the operating mode of steps in the assembly and degradation process. Received 15 June 2008; received after revision 1 July 2008; accepted 10 July 2008  相似文献   

Summary In smooth muscle the Mr 20,000 light chain of myosin is phosphorylated by a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. It consists of 2 subunits: calmodulin, an acidic protein of Mr 17,000 that binds 4 moles of Ca2+; and a larger protein of Mr circa 130,000. Activation of the kinase is dependent upon their association in the presence of Ca2+. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation of the myosin light chain kinase occurs at 2 sites. It decreases the affinity of the kinase for calmodulin and a reduction in the rate of light chain phosphorylation occurs. The kinase has an overall asymmetric shape composed of a globular head and tail region for the skeletal muscle enzyme. Trypsin digestion of this kinase releases a fragment of Mr 36,000 from the globular region that contains the catalytic and calmodulin binding sites. Chymotrypsin digestion of the kinase from smooth muscle generates a fragment of Mr 80,000 that does not contain the calmodulin binding or cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites. It is a Ca2+-independent form of the kinase that phosphorylates the light chain of myosin. These structural features indicate a regulatory role for the kinase in smooth muscle phosphorylation and contraction.  相似文献   

Flavodoxins: sequence, folding, binding, function and beyond   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Flavodoxins are electron-transfer proteins involved in a variety of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic reactions in bacteria, whereas, in eukaryotes, a descendant of the flavodoxin gene helps build multidomain proteins. The redox activity of flavodoxin derives from its bound flavin mononucleotide cofactor (FMN), whose intrinsic properties are profoundly modified by the host apoprotein. This review covers the very exciting last decade of flavodoxin research, in which the folding pathway, the structure and stability of the apoprotein, the mechanism of FMN recognition, the interactions that stabilize the functional complex and tailor the redox potentials, and many details of the binding and electron transfer to partner proteins have been revealed. The next decade should witness an even deeper understanding of the flavodoxin molecule and a greater comprehension of its many physiological roles. The fact that flavodoxin is essential for the survival of some human pathogens could make it a drug target on its own. Received 26 October 2005; received after revision 20 November 2005; accepted 14 December 2005  相似文献   

Structure and function of the fig   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary An overview is given of the functional anatomy of the fig. The fig is the site of pollination and oviposition, it produces wasps, seeds and pollen, and it is the unit of dispersal. Therefore the fig acts as both a flower and a fruit. When a flower is both fertilized and receives a wasp egg, it eventually produces a wasp. Fertilization in flowers that do not recieve a wasp egg initiates seed production. Wide variation exists in the structural features of figs among different subgenera and sections. Monoecious species and gynodioecious species have different strategies for maintaining the symbiosis with the pollinating fig wasps. Monoecious species produce wasps and seeds in a single fig type and show imperfect heterostyly. Gynodioecious species have specialized figs for wasp and for seed production and are characterized by perfect heterostyly.  相似文献   

The study of homologous recombination in the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe has recently been extended to the cytological analysis of meiotic prophase. Unlike in most eukaryotes no tripartite SC structure is detectable, but linear elements resembling axial cores of other eukaryotes are retained. They may be indispensable for meiotic recombination and proper chromosome segregation in meiosis I. In addition fission yeast shows interesting features of chromosome organization in vegetative and meiotic cells: Centromeres and telomeres cluster and associate with the spindle pole body. The special properties of fission yeast meiosis correlate with the absence of crossover interference in meiotic recombination. These findings are discussed. In addition homologous recombination in fission yeast is reviewed briefly.This article is dedicated to Urs Leupold, the founder of fission yeast genetics.  相似文献   

Most methods annotating protein function utilise sequence homology to proteins of experimentally known function. Such a homology-based annotation transfer is problematic and limited in scope. Therefore, computational biologists have begun to develop ab initio methods that predict aspects of function, including subcellular localization, post-translational modifications, functional type and protein-protein interactions. For the first two cases, the most accurate approaches rely on identifying short signalling motifs, while the most general methods utilise tools of artificial intelligence. An outstanding new method predicts classes of cellular function directly from sequence. Similarly, promising methods have been developed predicting protein-protein interaction partners at acceptable levels of accuracy for some pairs in entire proteomes. No matter how difficult the task, successes over the last few years have clearly paved the way for ab initio prediction of protein function.Received 26 March 2003; received after revision 15 May 2003; accepted 12 June 2003  相似文献   

Structure and function of eukaryotic NAD(P)H:nitrate reductase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Pyridine nucleotide-dependent nitrate reductases (NRs; EC–3) are molybdenum-containing enzymes found in eukaryotic organisms which assimilate nitrate. NR is a homodimer with an ∼100 kDa polypeptide which folds into stable domains housing each of the enzyme's redox cofactors—FAD, heme-Fe molybdopterin (Mo-MPT) and the electron donor NAD(P)H—and there is also a domain for the dimer interface. NR has two active sites: the nitrate-reducing Mo-containing active site and the pyridine nucleotide active site formed between the FAD and NAD(P)H domains. The major barriers to defining the mechanism of catalysis for NR are obtaining the detailed three-dimensional structures for oxidized and reduced enzyme and more in-depth analysis of electron transfer rates in holo-NR. Recombinant expression of holo-NR and its fragments, including site-directed mutagenesis of key acative site and domain interface residues, are expected to make large contributions to this effort to understand the catalytic mechanism of NR.  相似文献   

Structure, function and metabolism of sialic acids   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sialic acids represent a family of sugar molecules with an unusual and highly variable chemical structure that are found mostly in the terminal position of oligosaccharide chains on the surface of cells and molecules. These special features enable them to fulfil several important and even diametrical biological functions. Because of the great importance of sialic acids, it is also worth having a look at their metabolism in order to get an idea of the intimate connection between structure and function of these fascinating molecules and the often serious consequences that result from disturbances in the balance of metabolic reactions. The latter can be due to genetic disorders that result in the absence of certain enzyme activity, leading to severe illness or even to death. Received 17 July 1998; received after revision 2 September 1998; accepted 2 September 1998  相似文献   

Summary It has been thought that the ventral motor column in the rat spinal cord is virtually free of dopaminergic fibers. However, a new dopaminergic terminal plexus was visualized at all spinal levels in the ventral horn using electron as well as light microscopic immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

Desmosomes represent major intercellular adhesive junctions at basolateral membranes of epithelial cells and in other tissues. They mediate direct cell-cell contacts and provide anchorage sites for intermediate filaments important for the maintenance of tissue architecture. There is increasing evidence now that desmosomes in addition to a simple structural function have new roles in tissue morphogenesis and differentiation. Transmembrane glycoproteins of the cadherin superfamily of Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecules which mediate direct intercellular interactions in desmosomes appear to be of central importance in this respect. The complex network of proteins forming the desmosomal plaque associated with the cytoplasmic domain of the desmosomal cadherins, however, is also involved in junction assembly and regulation of adhesive strength. This re-view summarizes the structural features of these desmosomal proteins, their function during desmosome assembly and maintenance, and their role in development and disease.Received 5 February 2003; received after revision 14 March 2003; accepted 1 April 2003  相似文献   

Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein PBP3 is a key element in cell septation. It is presumed to catalyse a transpeptidation reaction during biosynthesis of the septum peptidoglycan but, in vitro, its enzymatic activity has only been demonstrated with thiolester analogues of the natural peptide substrate. It has no detectable transglycosylase activity with lipid II as substrate. This tripartite protein is constructed of an N-terminal membrane anchor-containing module that is essential for cell septation, a non-penicillin-binding (n-PB) module of unknown function and a C-terminal penicillin-binding (PB) module exhibiting all the characteristic motifs of penicilloyl serine transferases. The n-PB module, which is required for the folding and stability of the PB module, may provide recognition sites for other cell division proteins. Initiation of septum formation is not PBP3-dependent but rests on the appearance of the FtsZ ring, and is thus penicillin-insensitive. The control of PBP3 activity during the cell cycle is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Mammalian blood coagulation is based on the proteolytically induced polymerization of fibrinogens. Initially, fibrin monomers noncovalently interact with each other. The resulting homopolymers are further stabilized when the plasma transglutaminase (TGase) intermolecularly cross-links -(-glutamyl)lysine bonds. In crustaceans, hemolymph coagulation depends on the TGase-mediated cross-linking of specific plasma-clotting proteins, but without the proteolytic cascade. In horseshoe crabs, the proteolytic coagulation cascade triggered by lipopolysaccharides and b-1,3-glucans leads to the conversion of coagulogen into coagulin, resulting in noncovalent coagulin homopolymers through head-to-tail interaction. Horseshoe crab TGase, however, does not cross-link coagulins intermolecularly. Recently, we found that coagulins are cross-linked on hemocyte cell surface proteins called proxins. This indicates that a cross-linking reaction at the final stage of hemolymph coagulation is an important innate immune system of horseshoe crabs.Received 27 October 2003; received after revision 25 November 2003; accepted 1 December 2003  相似文献   

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