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There is increasing evidence showing that the stromal cells surrounding cancer epithelial cells, rather than being passive bystanders, might have a role in modifying tumor outgrowth. The molecular basis of this aspect of carcinoma etiology is controversial. Some studies have reported a high frequency of genetic aberrations in carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), whereas other studies have reported very low or zero mutation rates. Resolution of this contentious area is of critical importance in terms of understanding both the basic biology of cancer as well as the potential clinical implications of CAF somatic alterations. We undertook genome-wide copy number and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis of CAFs derived from breast and ovarian carcinomas using a 500K SNP array platform. Our data show conclusively that LOH and copy number alterations are extremely rare in CAFs and cannot be the basis of the carcinoma-promoting phenotypes of breast and ovarian CAFs.  相似文献   

Mammals compensate for different doses of X-chromosome-linked genes in male (XY) and female (XX) somatic cells by terminally inactivating all but one X chromosome in each cell. A transiently inactive X chromosome is also found in germ cells, specifically in premeiotic oogenic cells and in meiotic and postmeiotic spermatogenic cells. Here we show that the Xist gene, which is a expressed predominantly from the inactive X-chromosome in female somatic cells, is also expressed in germ cells of both sexes, but only at those stages when an inactive X chromosome is present. This suggests support for the putative role of Xist as a regulator of X-chromosome inactivation and suggest a common mechanism for the initiation and/or maintenance of X-chromosome inactivation in all cell types.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations in human ageing by quantitating the accumulation of the common 4977 nucleotide pair (np) deletion (mtDNA4977) in the cortex, putamen and cerebellum. A significant increase in the mtDNA4977 deletion was seen in elderly individuals. In the cortex, the deleted to total mtDNA ratio ranged from 0.00023 to 0.012 in 67-77 year old brains and up to 0.034 in subjects over 80. In the putamen, the deletion level ranged from 0.0016 to 0.010 in 67 to 77 years old up to 0.12 in individuals over the age of 80. The cerebellum remained relatively devoid of mtDNA deletions. Similar changes were observed with a different 7436 np deletion. These changes suggest that somatic mtDNA deletions might contribute to the neurological impairment often associated with ageing.  相似文献   

Epigenetic inheritance at the agouti locus in the mouse.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

The X-linked red- and green-pigment genes are arranged in a head-to-tail tandem array. The colour-vision defect of deuteranomaly (in 5% of males of European descent) is associated with a 5'-green-red-3' visual-pigment hybrid gene, which may also exist in males with normal colour vision. To explain why males with a normal red, a normal green and a green-red hybrid gene may have either normal or deutan colour vision, we hypothesized that only the first two genes are expressed and deuteranomaly results only if the green-red hybrid gene occupies the second position and is expressed preferentially over normal green-pigment genes occupying more distal positions. We used long-range PCR amplification and studied 10 deutan males (8 deuteranomalous and 2 deuteranopic) with 3 visual pigment genes (red, green and green-red hybrid) to investigate whether position of the hybrid gene in the array determined gene expression. The green-red hybrid gene was always at the second position (and the first position was always occupied by the red gene). Conversely, in two men with red, green and green-red hybrid genes and normal colour vision, the hybrid gene occupied the third position. When pigment gene mRNA expression was assessed in post-mortem retinae of three men with the red, green and green-red genotype, the green-red hybrid gene was expressed only when located in the second position. We conclude that the green-red hybrid gene will only cause deutan defects when it occupies the second position of the pigment gene array.  相似文献   

FLP/FRT-induced mitotic recombination provides a powerful method for creating genetic mosaics in Drosophila and for discerning the function of recessive genes in a heterozygous individual. Here we show that mitotic recombination can be reproducibly induced in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, by Cre/loxP technology, at frequencies ranging from 4.2 x 10(-5) (Snrpn) to 7.0 x 10(-3) (D7Mit178) for single allelic loxP sites, and to 5.0 x 10(-2) (D7Mit178) for multiple allelic lox sites, after transient Cre expression. Notably, much of the recombination occurs in G2 and is followed by X segregation, where the recombinant chromatids segregate away from each other during mitosis. It is X segregation that is useful for genetic mosaic analysis because it produces clones of homozygous mutant daughter cells from heterozygous mothers. Our studies confirm the predictions made from studies in Drosophila that suggest that X segregation will not be limited to organisms with strong mitotic pairing, because the forces (sister-chromatid cohesion) responsible for X segregation are an elemental feature of mitosis in all eukaryotes. Our studies also show that genetic mosaic analysis in mice is feasible, at least for certain chromosomal regions.  相似文献   

Light is a dominant mutant allele of the mouse brown locus which results in hairs pigmented only at their tips. The phenotype is due to premature melanocyte death. We have sequenced the tyrosinase-related protein-1 cDNA encoded at this locus from Light mice and found that it contains a single base alteration from wild-type, causing an Arg to Cys change in the protein. To further elucidate the mutant phenotype, we studied the expression of melanocyte specific genes in the skin of Light mice. We have demonstrated premature melanocyte death, but only in pigmented mice, indicating that the cell death is mediated through the inherent cytotoxicity of pigment production.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor receptor alpha subunit (CSF2RA) has previously been mapped to the pseudoautosomal region of the human sex chromosomes. In contrast, we report that the murine locus, Csf2ra, maps to an autosome in the laboratory mouse. By in situ hybridization and genetic mapping, Csf2ra maps at telomeric band D2 of mouse chromosome 19. This first instance of a pseudoautosomal locus in human being autosomal in mouse, indicates incomplete conservation between the human and mouse X chromosomes and suggests that the genetic content of the pseudoautosomal region may differ between species of eutherian mammals due to chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

The murine Elo (eye lens obsolescence) mutation confers a dominant phenotype characterized by malformation of the eye lens. The mutation maps to chromosome 1, in close proximity to the gamma E-crystallin gene which is the 3'-most member of the gamma-crystallin gene cluster. We have analysed the sequence of this gene from the Elo mouse and identified a single nucleotide deletion which destroys the fourth and last "Greek key" motif of the protein. This mutation is tightly associated with the phenotype, as no recombination was detected in 274 meioses. In addition, the mutant mRNA is present in the affected lens, providing further support for our hypothesis that the deletion is responsible for the dominant Elo phenotype.  相似文献   

To further our understanding of initiation and imprinting of X-chromosome inactivation, we have examined methylation of specific CpG sites of X-linked Pgk-1 and G6pd genes throughout female mouse development. Methylation occurs around the time of inactivation and earlier for Pgk-1, which is closer to the X-inactivation centre. In female primordial germ cells, the inactive X chromosome escapes methylation; this may underly the reversibility of inactivation at meiosis. Similarly, the genes are unmethylated on the inactive X chromosome in sperm; hence, the imprint specifying preferential X-inactivation in extra-embryonic tissues must reside elsewhere.  相似文献   

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is associated with paternal gene deficiencies in human chromosome 15q11-13, suggesting that PWS is caused by a deficiency in one or more maternally imprinted genes. We have now mapped a gene, Snrpn, encoding a brain-enriched small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP)-associated polypeptide SmN, to mouse chromosome 7 in a region of homology with human chromosome 15q11-13 and demonstrated that Snrpn is a maternally imprinted gene in mouse. These studies, in combination with the accompanying human mapping studies showing that SNRPN maps in the Prader-Willi critical region, identify SNRPN as a candidate gene involved in PWS and suggest that PWS may be caused, in part, by defects in mRNA processing.  相似文献   

Tattered (Td) is an X-linked, semi-dominant mouse mutation associated with prenatal male lethality. Heterozygous females are small and at 4-5 days of age develop patches of hyperkeratotic skin where no hair grows, resulting in a striping of the coat in adults. Craniofacial anomalies and twisted toes have also been observed in some affected females. A potential second allele of Td has also been described. The phenotype of Td is similar to that seen in heterozygous females with human X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX2, alternatively known as X-linked dominant Conradi-Hünermann-Happle syndrome) as well as another X-linked, semi-dominant mouse mutation, bare patches (Bpa). The Bpa gene has recently been identified and encodes a protein with homology to 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases that functions in one of the later steps of cholesterol biosynthesis. CDPX2 patients display skin defects including linear or whorled atrophic and pigmentary lesions, striated hyperkeratosis, coarse lusterless hair and alopecia, cataracts and skeletal abnormalities including short stature, rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, epiphyseal stippling and craniofacial defects (MIM 302960). We have now identified the defect in Td mice as a single amino acid substitution in the delta8-delta7 sterol isomerase emopamil binding protein (Ebp; encoded by Ebp in mouse) and identified alterations in human EBP in seven unrelated CDPX2 patients.  相似文献   

We have constructed a new generation yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library from female C57BL/10 mice in a recombination-deficient strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae carrying a mutation in the RAD52 gene. The YAC library contains 41,568 clones with an average insert size of 240 kilobases, representing a greater than threefold coverage of the mouse genome. Currently, the library can be screened by polymerase chain reaction and we have isolated positive clones at a number of loci in the mouse genome. This rad52 library should enable a long-term assessment of the effect of one of the yeast recombination pathway genes on both, genome-wide YAC clone stability and the frequency of chimaeric clones.  相似文献   

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