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After Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake, the surface fractures have been investigated in Beichuan City and Yingxiu Town. It was found that the Beichuan-Yingxiu earthquake fracture zone trends northeastward, dipping to northwest. The earthquake fracture zone is mainly characterized by thrust faulting with small amounts of strike-slip movement, and demonstrating various complexities for different areas. The phenomena related to dextral strike-slip displacement are found in Beichuan City and those related to left-lateral strike-slip movement in Yingxiu Town. The compressive shortening of the two surface fracture zones in Beichuan City is 2.8-3.9 m and the left-lateral strike-slip displacement of the surface fractures in Yingxiu Town is 0.52 m.  相似文献   

Using GPS-measured coseismic and post-seismic displacements for the 8 h following the M w 9.0 Sendai earthquake of March 11, 2011, coseismic and post-seismic fault slip models were developed based on a layered crustal model. The geodetic moment magnitude of the main shock was measured as approximately M w 8.98. The slip exhibits clear reverse characteristics, with a maximum near the hypocenter, and a magnitude of about 23.3 m. Some strike-slip behavior may occur on the two sides of the peak rupture zone. Almost 90% of the seismic moments released by the main shock occurred at depths less than 40 km. The energy released by the fault slip in the 8 h following the main shock is approximately equal to an earthquake of M w 8.13. With a maximum of ~1.5 m, the post-seismic slip was concentrated in the southwestern part of the coseismic rupture fault, which agrees well with the location and behavior of the M w 7.9 aftershock. This implies that the post-seismic deformation in the 8 h after the main shock was mainly induced by the M w 7.9 aftershock. In addition, a post-seismic slip of 0.2-0.4 m was observed at the down-dip extension of the coseismic rupture, which may have been caused by the effect of after-slip during this period.  相似文献   

On March 11, 2011, a large earthquake of Mw=9.0 occurred near the east coast of Honshu, Japan. This paper investigates preearthquake ionospheric anomalies during the earthquake period, using data from global navigation satellite systems and ionosonde stations near the epicenter. A clear anomaly that occurred on March 8 lasted 6 hours. Eliminating ionospheric anomalies that may have been caused by solar activities and magnetic storms, we believe that a positive anomaly on March 8 was very possibly an ionospheric precursor. The affected ionospheric area on March 8, which is evident on a vertical total electron content distribution map, extended to 50° in longitude and 20° in latitude, with length ratio approximately 3:1. The anomaly peak arose from 15:00-19:00 LT, and its location did not coincide with the vertical projection of the epicenter, but was instead to its south. Corresponding ionospheric anomalies are also observed in the magnetically conjugated region. There were no obvious ionospheric anomalies in other parts of the world. To analyze changes in the ionospheric anomaly, computerized ionospheric tomography technology was used to invert the spatial and temporal distribution of electron density in the ionosphere. The ionospheric anomaly on March 8, 2011 is suggested to be an ionospheric precursor of the March 11 earthquake in Japan.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal evolution of the M9.0 Tohoku earthquake sequence off the East Coast of Honshu in Japan on March 11,2011 and precursive seismic activity near the Japan Trench show that the earthquake sequence has foreshock-main shock-aftershock characteristics.Its foreshock sequence is characterized by a concentrated spatial distribution,low b value and the same focal mechanisms.Half an hour after the main shock,the two greatest aftershocks,with magnitudes of M7.9 and M7.7,occurred,followed by a rapid reduction in the strength of events.The aftershock activity was enhanced roughly two weeks and one month after the main event.This great earthquake ruptured bilaterally.Five hours after the main shock,the aftershock zone extended over a range that was 500 km in length and 300 km in width.A day later,the long axis of the aftershock area had expanded to about 600 km.Nine years prior to the 2011 earthquake,the seismicity in the location of the seismic source for this event enhanced significantly,with the extent of this area of enhanced seismicity being roughly equivalent to the aftershock zone.  相似文献   

By analyzing surface latent heat flux (SLHF) data from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project for the period three months before and after the Sept. 3, 2010 M S 7.1 New Zealand earthquake, an isolated SLHF positive anomaly on Aug. 1, 2010 was found with a high value of about 160 W/m 2 to the northeast of the epicenter. Historical data, background pixels, and wavelet transforms of time series were comprehensively analyzed to study the spatiotemporal features of the SLHF anomaly. After removing the influences of wi...  相似文献   

In this study, Cry ⅠA(b) gene was successfully transferred into the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum with an efficiency of 60-180 transformants per 10^6 spores by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Putative transformants were analyzed to test the presence of Cry ⅠA(b) gene by Southern blot. Most transformants contained a single T-DNA copy. RT-PCR analysis showed that the Cry ⅠA(b) gene was transcribed. Antifungal activities and insecticidal activities of the transformants were examined. There was no obvious difference in antifungal activities between the transformants and their wild strains. The modified mortalities of the transformants T1 and T2 were 69.57% and 91.30%, respectively. The tranformation system mediated by A. tumefaciens proved to be a powerful tool for the filamentous fungi transformation and functional genomic study with its high transformation frequency, simplicity of T-DNA integration, and genetic stability of transformants.  相似文献   

The attraction of Helicoverpa armigera-and Helicoverpa assulta-induced and mechanical damage-induced tobacco volatiles to Campoletis chlorideae was investigated, and the induced volatiles were analyzed. In windtunnel, C. chlorideae was strongly attracted by herbivoreinduced tobacco volatiles. Mechanically damaged tobacco leaves, whether treated with caterpillar regurgitant or water,were more attractive to the parasitoid than undamaged tobacco leaves. GC-MS analysis revealed that only 4 compounds were released from undamaged tobacco leaves,whereas 13 compounds were commonly emitted from herbivore-infested and mechanically damaged tobacco leaves.Compound β-pinene was specifically induced by the infestation of H. armigera, and (Z)-3-hexenal was only induced by the infestation of H. armigera and H. assulta, whereas hexyl acetate was only induced by mechanical damage. Tobacco leaves infested by H. armigera and H. assulta released larger amounts of volatiles than undamaged tobacco leaves did.Tobacco leaves treated with artificial damage plus caterpillars regurgitant or water emitted the same levels of volatiles,which were higher than that emitted by undamaged tobacco leaves. The emission amounts of single compounds were also different between differently treated plants. The differences were large between herbivore-induced and mechanical damage-induced compounds, and small between H. armigeraand H.assulta-induced compounds, and among compounds emitted from mechanically damaged plants treated with water or caterpillar regurgitant.  相似文献   

The rare fossil Miraluolishania described by Liu et ah from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte in 2004 is regarded as an arthropod sphinx because it bears mosaic features of both Iobopods and arthropods. The discovery of this rare transitional form offers direct fossil evidence for exploring the relationship between Iobopods and arthropods. However, some scientists consider Miraluolishania to be a junior synonym of Luolishania because the former superficially resembles the latter in general appearance. Considering the significant differences between the two taxa, a thorough comparative study of Miraluolishania and Luolishania leads to the conclusion that there are definitely two different genera. Nevertheless, the "Luolishania" of the Haikou area is indeed "Miraluolishania", whereas Luolishania is most likely the typical genus of the Maotianshan area of Chengjiang County.  相似文献   

Fermentation of the pentose sugar xylose to produce ethanol using lignocellulosic biomass would make bioethanol production economically more competitive. Saccharomyce cerevisise, an efficient ethanol producer, cannot utilize xylose because it lacks the ability to convert xylose to its isomer xylulose. In this study, XYLA gene encoding xylose isomerase (XI) from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis MB4T and XKS1 gene encoding xylulokinase (XK) from Pichia stipitis were cloned and functionally coexpressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae EF-326 to construct a recombinant xylose-utilizing strain. The resulting strain S. cerevisiae EF 1014 not only grew on xylose as sole carbon source, but also produced ethanol under anaerobic conditions. Fermentations performed with different xylose concentrations at different temperatures demonstrated that the highest ethanol productivity was 0.11 g/g xylose when xylose concentration was provided at 50 g/L. Under this condition, 28.4% of xylose was consumed and 1.54 g/L xylitol was formed. An increasing fermentation temperature from 30℃ to 37℃ did not improve ethanol yield.  相似文献   

Lepus yarkandensis, an endemic hare species in the Tarim Basin of China, has been suffering from habitat fragmentation due to desert expansion. To evaluate the effect of habitat fragmentation on its genetic diversity, the genetic diversity based on male-specific SRY gene marker is examined. A relatively low level of SRY genetic diversity is found compared to previous studies with mtDNA data, possibly due to the low SRY mutation rate and positive selection. Furthermore, one haplotype exists in eight populations along the Tarim River but not in many other relatively isolated populations, suggesting that habitat fragmentation may affect population divergence. Despite this, our pairwise Fst analysis shows no significant differentiation among populations, and this may be mainly caused by positive selection on the SRY gene in that 88 percent of individuals share the same haplotype. Finally, the phylogenetic analysis shows deep differentiation between L. yarkandensis and other two hare species (L. capensis and L. europaeus).  相似文献   

The type II toxin-antitoxin genes are responsible for the phenotypic switch to a quasi-dormant state that enables cell survival under stresses, a similar function to heterocyst of cyanobacteria. In this paper, we particularly study the role of gene pair all3211-asl3212 under Spectinomycin stress to reveal how the type II toxin-antitoxin involved in environmental stress responses. Bioinformatics prediction shows that toxin protein gene All3211 is homologous to MazF, a member of mazEF family that encoding nucleases. We clone gene all3211-asl3212 into expression vectors to identify its molecular characteristics. Deletion mutant strains of all3211-asl3212 are selected in a tri-parental mating screen. Phenotype comparisons of mutant and wild type reveals no difference of single-deletion-mutants in pigment integrity, the sensitivity to antibiotics, and heterocyst formation. The results show that deletion mutation of single TAS gene pair all3211-asl3212 results in limited effects on the cellular growth of PCC 7120. Thus, we suggest that dosage compensating might be provided from redundant genes or bypass pathways to offset obvious phenotypic differences.  相似文献   

The rate constants for the ozone reactions with n-butyl methyl sulfide (n-BMS, CHaCH2CH2CH2SCH3), sec-butyl methyl sulfide (s-BMS, CH3CH2(CH3)CHSCHa) and tert-butyl methyl sulfide (t-BMS, (CH3)3CSCH3) were measured using our smog chamber under supposedly pseudo-first-order conditions at 30002 K and 760 Torr. The experimental determined rate constants for n-butyl, s-butyl and t-butyl methyl sulfide are (1.23 ± 0.06)×10-19, (5.08 ± 0.19)×10-20 and (2.26 ± 0.14)×10-20 cm3 molecule-1· s-1, respectively. The reactivity-structure relationship of the reactions was discussed and used to illustrate the mechanism of the ozone reaction with thioethers. The results enrich the kinetics data of atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

The cry1Ah gene was one of novel insecticidal genes cloned from Bacillus thuringiensis isolate BT8. Two plant expression vectors containing cry1Ah gene were constructed. The first intron of maize ubiqutinl gene was inserted between the maize Ubiquitin promoter and cry1Ah gene in one of the plant expressing vectors (pUUOAH). The two vectors were introduced into maize immature embryonic calli by microprojectile bombardment, and the reproductively plants were acquired. PCR and Southern blot analysis showed that foreign genes had been integrated into maize genome and inherited to the next generation stably. The ELISA assay to T1 and T2 generation plants showed that the expression of CrylAh protein in the construct containing the ubil intron (pUUOAH) was 20% higher than that of the intronless construct (pUOAH). Bioassay results showed that the transgenic maize harboring cry1Ah gene had high resistance to the Asian corn borers and the insecticidal activity of the transgenic maize containing the ubil intron was higher than that of the intronless construct. These results indicated that the maize ubil intron can enhance the expression of the Bt cry1Ah gene in transgenic maize efficiently  相似文献   

In this paper, we obtain the factorization of direct production and order of group GL(n, Z m ) in a simple method. Then we generalize some properties of GL(2, Z p ) proposed by Huppert, and prove that the group \(GL\left( {2,{Z_{{z^\lambda }}}} \right)\) is solvable. We also prove that group GL(n, Z p ) is solvable if and only if GL(n, Z p ) is solvable, and list the generators of groups GL(n, Z p ) and SL(n, Z p ). At last, we prove that PSL(2, Z p )(p > 3) and PSL(n, Z p )(n > 3) are simple.  相似文献   

The scant hair mutant mouse (locus symbol: snthr 1Bao ) is a recessive mutation that originated in an ethylnitrosourea chemical carcinogenesis study using the DBA/2J inbred strain. The gene responsible for the mutation was previously determined to be phospholipase C, delta 1 (Plcd1; mutant allele symbol Plcd1 snthr1Bao ). To map the modifiers of Plcd1, an intercross (DBA/2J-snthr 1Bao /snthr 1Bao × C57BL/6J+/+) was conducted. The F2 mutant progeny exhibited a variety of alopecia phenotypes; all F2 mutants (n=507) were classified into 3 groups (mild, moderate, and severe alopecia) and genotyped based on 96 microsatellites. A major QTL was identified on mouse chromosome (mChr) 15 at 12 cM with an LOD score greater than 7 (P < 0.0001). Three minor QTLs were detected on mChr 2, 5, and 7 at 40, 84 and 48 cM, respectively. The QTLs on mChr 7 and 15 were associated with minor alopecia while the QTLs on mChr 2 and 5 were associated with moderate to severe alopecia. No antagonistic or synergistic effects among or between the 4 QTLs were found. Integrating the functions of the 4 potential regulatory QTLs and mutant Plcd1 snthr1Bao , we found that these QTLs might contribute to variations of scant hair severity by altering the Ca2+ signal pathways in mouse skin.  相似文献   

The biologically active cis-cinnamic acid (cis-CA) has been perceived as a synthetic plant growth regulator for decades,However,in the present study,we found that cis-CA actually exists as a naturally occurring compound in a Brassica plant,This natural growth-regulating substance presents in both the sunlight-irradiated leaf tissue and the non-irradiated root tissue ,The concentrations of cis-CA in both tissues are comparable to the bilogi-cally effective lvels of those major plant hormones,the presence of cis-CA in root tissue suggests that it may be produced through both light-dependent and -independent path-ways or it can be transproted from a plant organ to another.  相似文献   

We relocated 2098 earthquakes that occurred in Beijing area between 1980 and 2000 using a double-difference (DD) earthquake location algorithm, and obtained the high-precision relative locations of 1825 events, b values versus depth were investigated with the relocated hypocenters. The results show that the b values decrease with the increasing hypocentral depth systematically. A dramatic variation in b is observed around the depth of 8 km. It indicates that there are more smaller earthquakes at shallow depth (0-8 km), while more larger earthquakes at greater depth (8--25 km). The physical mechanism behind this phenomenon can be explained by the variations in material heterogeneity and lithostatic stress condition. Large earthquakes are more likely to nucleate at greater depth with more homogenous material and higher lithostatic stress. On the basis of the results, we suggest that future strong earthquakes in Beijing area tend to occur below the depth of 8 km.  相似文献   

Salt stress is one of the major abiotic stresses in agricultural plants worldwide. We used proteomics to analyze the differential expression of proteins in transgenic OsNAS1 and non-transformant Brassica napus treated with 20 mmol/L Na2CO3. Total protein from the leaves was extracted and separated through a high-resolution and highly repetitive two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) technology system. Twelve protein spots were reproducibly observed to be upregulated by more than 2-fold between transgenic and non-transformant B. napus. These 12 spots were digested in-gel with trypsin and characterized by matrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) to obtain the peptide mass fingerprints. Protein database searching revealed that 5 of these proteins are involved in salt tolerance: dehydrogenase, glutathione S-transferase, peroxidase, 20S proteasome beta subunit, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The potential functions of these identified proteins in substance and energy metabolism, stress tolerance, protein degradation, and cell defense are discussed. The salt tolerance of the transgenic rapeseed was significantly improved by the introduction of the OsNAS1 gene from Brazilian upland rice of Oryza sativa (cv. IAPAR 9).  相似文献   

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