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柏代华 《世界博览》2013,(12):71-72
扼守西亚和欧洲的战略要冲被英土折腾了上百年的塞浦路斯,如今迈入了欧盟门槛倒把众强国玩得够呛。炒卖房产讲究的是location(位置),除了location还是location,一国一地之于全球战略也大致依据这一原则。塞浦路斯位于地中海东端,东临亚洲,西眺欧洲,南望非洲,扼守欧亚非三大洲之冲。  相似文献   

The location determination technology based on simple delay evaluations or GPS is not accurate enough or even impossible in urban and indoor environments due to the multi-path propagation. To enhance the location accuracy and reduce the operation cost within these environments,this paper proposes a novel hybrid location determination technology which combines CELL-ID with the database correlation method. The proposed method generate the prediction database of path loss according to CELL-ID,and after the computation the smallest squared error of measured path loss and the prediction path loss,the location of the mobile terminal is decided by the coordinates of the best matching matrix entry.  相似文献   

Location technology is the key part of location based service. Different technologies have different accuracy,modifying to network and cost of operating. Also these technologies have limitation to network. This paper compares existing popular location technologies and gives some suggestions about choosing of location technologies in GSM and CDMA systems.  相似文献   

Wireless location technology is used to locate,track and monitor the location of given target using devices such as the radio frequency identification(RFID) based on WiFi technology and the sensors. And such applications as long term evolution(LTE) ,wireless local area networks(WLAN) ,RFID and location based service(LBS) are essential in today’s wireless communications industry. In this paper,both wireless location technology and its application are proposed,where our experimental research results and theoretical innovation are included.  相似文献   

Advances in wireless technologies and positioning technologies and spread of wireless devices,an interest in LBS (Location Based Service) is arising. To provide location based service,tracking data should have been stored in moving object database management system (called MODBMS) with proper policies and managed efficiently. So the methods which acquire the location information at regular time intervals then,store and manage have been studied. In this paper,we suggest tracking data management techniques using topology that is corresponding to the moving path of moving object. In our techniques,we update the MODBMS when moving object arrived at a street intersection or a curved road which is rpresented as the node in topology and predict the location at past and future with attribute of topology and linear function. In this technique,location data that are corresponding to the node in topology are stored,thus reduce the number of update and amount of data. Also in case predicting the location, because topology are used as well as existing location information,accuracy for prediction is increased than applying linear function or spline function.  相似文献   

随着移动定位技术的飞速发展,追踪移动对象以提供定位服务(locationbased services, LBS)已变得切实可行。一般地,定位服务器被构建为一个移动对象数据库。主要讨论在移动对象数据库中查询时空数据的相关核心技术,包括数据模型、索引结构。并给出了一种可用于LBS环境下的相关实现。  相似文献   

Recently,new techniques to efficiently manage current and past location information of moving objects have received significant interests in the area of moving object databases and location-based service systems. In this paper,we exploit query processing schemes for location management systems,which consist of multiple data processing nodes to handle massive volume of moving objects such as cellular phone users. To show the usefulness of the proposed schemes,some experimental results showing performance factors regarding distributed query processing are explained. In our experiments, we use two kiids of data set:one is generated by the extended GSTD simulator and another is generated by the real-time data generator which generates location sensing reports of various types of users having different movement patterns.  相似文献   

Advances in mobile devices, sensors and wireless networks have motivated the development of location based services(LBS) applications. However, most of the positioning methods specifically designed for either indoor or outdoor and their accuracy and precision differs greatly, so it’s difficult using only one positioning method to meet all people’s demands. This paper proposes a new architecture for ubiquitous location based services in TDSCDMA. In this architecture the proper positioning methods are determined by the uses’ surroundings and the demands of accuracy and precision, and the problem that the user’s environments change has been also resolved commendably. And this architecture solves the problem that environment changes while positioning. The simulation shows that everyone can use the location based services anywhere and anytime with the mobile terminal through this architecture.   相似文献   

A two-tier location management mechanism for IMS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper proposed a two-tier location management mechanism(TTLM)by improving the currentregistration mechanism(CR)in IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS).The TTLM includes the visited networkregistration and the home network registration,in which the visited network registration is responsible forre-registration in IMS.When subscriber roams,the location information of home network will be updatedby the visited network based on the change of user equipment(UE)' s IP address.Therefore the TTLMcan reduce the tim...  相似文献   

提供车辆位置服务是车载网络(vehicle ad hoc networks, VANETs)的重要应用。而用户(车辆行驶人)希望他的位置信息只能暴露于他授权的消息发送者,这就涉及位置隐私问题。提出基于代理重加密的安全位置服务算法(proxy re-encryption- based secure location service, PRESLS)。PRESLS算法采用中心管理模式,并由交通信息港(traffic information center, TIC)扮演中心管理者,且由TIC维持车辆轨迹数据,同时,TIC作为车辆与路边设施单元的中介,使得路边设施单元能安全地共享轨迹数据。利用代理重加密算法,使得轨迹数据不仅对未授权的实体,而且对TIC也是隐匿的,进而实现了位置数据所保密性。通过安全性能分析和基于地图位置服务(map-based location service, MBLS)的实验评估PRESLS算法的性能。分析表明,车辆能够控制仅由车辆允可的路边设施单元才能接入车辆的轨迹数据。同时,基于MBLS的实验数据表明,PRESLS算法在维持车辆轨迹数据安全的同时,并没有降低位置查询成功率。  相似文献   

With the development of location technologies, advanced LBSbased ITS increasingly requires the capability of database technologies to manage the continuously arrived vehicles' location, traffic jam and other interrelated information of large amounts of traffic in the following years. And some burst arrival stream data will challenge the realtime performance and the allocation of limited resource. However, choosing a desirable database operator scheduling strategy can significantly improve the performance of the system. The path capability strategy was chosen and improved as ITS' operator scheduling strategy to meet the realtime response and the minimal memory requirement of the system.   相似文献   

基于位置的服务(location based services, LBS)为人们日常生活带来极大便利的同时也严重地威胁到用户的隐私.为了在保护用户位置隐私的同时降低用户的查询代价,提出了一种基于安全索引的位置隐私保护方法(location privacy protection method based on secure index, LPPMSI).LPPMSI不需要用户搜集数据信息,数据拥有者为虚假位置信息建立安全索引.用户能够安全、快速地检索到虚假位置信息,服务器再执行基于虚假位置的LBS.并且还提出了基于滑动窗口的候选位置选择算法,有效减少候选位置选择时间.实验结果表明,LPPMSI在不改变隐私保护能力的前提下,不需要用户花费大量时间搜集数据分布及查询概率信息.  相似文献   

目暮警官在列车候车室查询了3个可疑的人。这3人中有一人是小偷,讲的全是假话,有一人是从犯,说起话来真真假假.还有一人是好人,句句话属实。当问及职业时,得到回答如下。  相似文献   

To solve the problem that the traditional location-based services anonymity model is not applied to the continuous query, quasi real-time cloak algorithm (QR-TCA) has been proposed, and the non-delay cloak model (N-DCM) has been established. After comprehensive analysis of location-based continuous query privacy protection models, a model that can solve the user service delay problem is proposed, which can provide the users with quasi-real time location-based services. The experiment measures the N-DCM model with multiple dimensions, such as service response time and service quality of standard datasets. The experiment results show that the method is suitable for continuous query location privacy protection and can effectively protect the user’s location privacy.  相似文献   

徐澄 《青年科学》2011,(5):59-59
广场上,一人昂着头,惹得众人皆往天上看,大家都不知道发生什么事了,后来有人一打听,结果是第一个人流鼻血了。这是一个很旧的笑话,讽刺的是人有种盲目从众的心理。如今,它又有了新的现实版本。前些天,吹来一股“抢盐”风,惹得好些人按捺不住,纷纷凑起了热闹。现在风头一过,这些人又后悔不迭,接着上演了一场“退盐”潮。  相似文献   

In the design of nonuniform filter banks (NUFBs) with direct structure, the location of each analysis filter, corresponding to the sampling factor satisfying maximal decimation condition, should be set properly to avoid large aliasing. In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for the setting of the location of each analysis filter is derived. The NUFBs, we focus on, have rational decimation factors. Based on the derived condition, the frequency support of each analysis filter for the realizable NUFBs can be determined directly in such a way that the analysis filters can extract the corresponding bands of the input signal. This provides a guideline for the design of NUFBs with direct structure in choosing proper locations of analysis filters.  相似文献   

张庆、李晓、王海是同班同学。大学毕业后,一人去了知名企业当工程师,一人继续攻读博士学位.一人创业当老板,现已知:  相似文献   

海德格尔价值论及其局限性的说明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对海德格尔价值论及其局限性作了分析说明。文章认为:海德洛尔在本体论上提出和坚持的“时间分析范式”是他整个哲学体系的基础,其价值方面的论述也是由此而展开的。海氏认为人的“曾在”和“将在”都是一种“虚无”,而人的“此在”作为人的“在”的现实样式,其存有也是有限的,必然最后转化为“将在”而归于“无”。因此人在根本上是一种虚无,人的存在是毫无价值的。人的价值产生于人在自为的生成过程中对“虚无”的逃避而显现的自主性,价值是一种人的自我设计,是一种主观性的人为规定,是相对的。文章认为,海氏的价值论是以个体人为基点的,忽视了人存在的社会性特征,是狭隘而片面的。  相似文献   

王晓莉 《科技信息》2011,(17):154-154,121
哲学家们对“哲学的含义”“人的本质”等问题进行了深入思考,并得出多种答案。笔者认为哲学是一种存在方式,对于物,人们侧重追求它存在的真理,对于人,则更注重其价值追求。然而对于事物真理的追求,也是人的行为,是人价值追求的一种情况。人的价值判断和价值选择主要蕴含于人自己创造的文化中,因此对人的认识,就是对文化的认识,就是对人的价值变换的认识。  相似文献   

许奕春 《咸宁学院学报》2010,30(11):142-143
专业教育面对的是人,培养的是人才;而实施职业教育的教师也是人,也是普通人。我们的教育宗旨是赋予人成为真正的人,具有知识、能力和品格;而并非铸造一种机器、一种工具。所以我们的专业教育必须以产业发展为基础,以地方经济为后盾,不断注入新的内涵,为自身发展增添活力。  相似文献   

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