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In brain, heart and kidney, cell work in the absence of oxygen has been thought to precipitate anoxic damage by increasing the rate of depletion of cellular energy stores. In the medullary thick ascending limb of isolated perfused rat kidneys, however, reduction of ATP synthesis by a variety of mitochondrial or metabolic inhibitors caused ATP depletion comparable to that produced by oxygen deprivation but did not reproduce the lesions of anoxia. In these cells, unrestrained mitochondrial activity may be an important source of anoxic injury.  相似文献   

Summary In brain1, heart2 and kidney3, cell work in the absence of oxygen has been thought to precipitate anoxic damage by increasing the rate of depletion of cellular energy stores. In the medullary thick ascending limb of isolated perfused rat kidneys, however, reduction of ATP synthesis by a variety of mitochondrial or metabolic inhibitors caused ATP depletion comparable to that produced by oxygen deprivation but did not reproduce the lesions of anoxia. In these cells, unrestrained mitochondrial activity may be an important source of anoxic injury.  相似文献   

Bistramide A, a new toxin isolated from the UrochordateLissoclinum bistratum Sluiter, was applied to rat auricular heart muscle bundles. At a stimulation frequency of 0.2 Hz, the toxin induces a dose-dependent reduction of the stimulated twitch tension force; it decreases and shortens the duration of the plateau and the slow repolarizing phase of the action potential. In the control solution, switching from a stimulation frequency of 0.2 Hz to 1 Hz decreases the force with which a positive potentiation develops either at a maintained high frequency or after switching from 1 Hz to 0.2 Hz. Bistramide A reduces both the force evoked at 1 Hz and the potentiation. The data suggest that Bistramide A blocks Na+ conductance; inhibits Ca++ channels in a time-and frequency-dependent manner; reduces Na+–Ca++ exchange activity; but does not modify the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to be refilled although the rate of Ca++ accumulation is decreased.  相似文献   

Cultured bEND.3 endothelial cells show a marked increase in NO production when subjected to anoxia, even though the normal arginine pathway of NO formation is blocked due to absence of oxygen. The rate of anoxic NO production exceeds basal unstimulated NO synthesis in normoxic cells. The anoxic release of NO is mediated by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), can be abolished by inhibitors of NOS and is accompanied by consumption of intracellular nitrite. The anoxic NO release is unaffected by the xanthine oxidase inhibitor oxypurinol. The phenomenon is attributed to anoxic reduction of intracellular nitrite by eNOS, and its magnitude and duration suggests that the nitrite reductase activity of eNOS is relevant for fast NO delivery in hypoxic vascular tissues. Received 20 August 2006; received after revision 21 September 2006; accepted 8 November 2006  相似文献   

Severe hypoxia (anoxia), if maintained for more than a few minutes, causes irreversible damage in humans and other mammals. Why mammals are so vulnerable to anoxia is not fully understood. It is therefore of interest to study animals that are more tolerant of anoxia in order to identify physiological and metabolic properties that are correlated with a high tolerance of anoxia. Insects have high metabolic rates and their energy metabolism is dependent on aerobic ATP production. In insects, as in mammals, anoxia causes a rapid breakdown of physiological function, resulting in a state similar to rigor mortis. This is accompanied by a precipitous decrease in metabolic rate. In contrast to mammals, however, insects can survive anoxia for many hours and recover spontaneously and completely when air is again available. We have followed the metabolism of adenine nucleotides in locust tissues (mainly in the flight muscle) over 3 h of anoxia and during recovery from 1 h of anoxia. The content of ATP in the flight muscle dropped to 1% of normal during 2 h of anoxia. The main product was AMP which increased in content more than 20-fold. Some of the AMP was deaminated to IMP and this was further dephosphorylated to inosine. Altogether less than 30% of the total adenine nucleotides were degraded during 3 h of anoxia and this may contribute to the amazing ability of insects to recover from prolonged anoxia.  相似文献   

A review of the literature suggests that the effects of nitric oxide (NO) on skeletal muscles fibers can be classified in two groups. In the first, the effects of NO are direct, due to nitrosation or metal nitrosylation of target proteins: depression of isometric force, shortening velocity of loaded or unloaded contractions, glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration. The effect on calcium release channels varies, being inhibitory at low and stimulatory at high NO concentrations. The general consequence of the direct effects of NO is to ‘brake’ the contraction and its associated metabolism. In the second group, the effects of NO are mediated by cGMP: increase of the shortening velocity of loaded or unloaded contractions, maximal mechanical power, initial rate of force development, frequency of tetanic fusion, glucose uptake, glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration; decreases of half relaxation time of tetanus and twitch, twitch time-to-peak, force maintained during unfused tetanus and of stimulus-associated calcium release. There is negligible effect on maximal force of isometric twitch and tetanus. The general consequence of cGMP-mediated effects of NO is to improve mechanical and metabolic muscle power, similar to a transformation of slow-twitch to fast-twitch muscle, an effect that we may summarize as a ‘slow-to-fast’ shift.  相似文献   

Glycolysis was assessed in the isolated foetal Rat in hypoxia. Measurements were made of glucose uptake, lactate output, C14 glucose incorporation into glycogen and tissular levels of ATP, PCr, glycogen and lactate. Glycolysis was stimulated by hypoxia to a greater extent in the young foetal heart of 16.5 days post coitum than in the foetal heart at term. Thus high energy phosphates were maintained at a higher level in the younger heart. The results are discussed in relation to the high resistance to hypoxia of the foetal heart.  相似文献   

Conclusion On the basis of measurements of the high energy phosphate usage associated with different mechanical states, as well as the degree of myosin light chain phosphorylation and mechanical properties, information has been gained concerning the existence and regulation of different crossbridge states in smooth muscle. Although incomplete, a general operational scheme is shown in figure 5. At very low intracellular calcium concentrations, actin and myosin are dissociated, as shown by a loss of resistance to stretch in resting muscles. At somewhat higher intracellular calcium concentrations in atonic, resting muscles, crossbridges can attach and be manifest mechanically as an increased resistance to stretch without ATP-driven crossbridge cycling and active force production. When the muscle is activated, intracellular calcium increases further, the light chains of myosin are phosphorylated through the calcium-calmodulin activation of myosin light chain kinase, actin-activated myosin ATPase activity increases and crossbridges cycle. Calcium also appears to modulate the ATPase activity and the rate of cycling of the phosphorylated crossbridge. The crossbridge cycling rate is highest during force development and slows with time as maximum isometric force is maintained reflecting a change in the rate at which phosphorylated crossbridges cycle. This may result from a decrease in the intracellular free calcium concentration with continued stimulation. During relaxation, the intracellular calcium concentration decreases, there is net dephosphorylation of the myosin light chains, the rate at which phosphorylated crossbridges cycle slows further with a gradual return to the attached, but non-cycling state or the detached state.  相似文献   

Fenretinide induces apoptosis in neuroblastoma by induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we investigated the role of mitochondria in fenretinide-induced cytotoxicity and ROS production in six neuroblastoma cell lines. ROS induction by fenretinide was of mitochondrial origin, demonstrated by detection of superoxide with MitoSOX, the scavenging effect of the mitochondrial antioxidant MitoQ and reduced ROS production in cells without a functional mitochondrial respiratory chain (Rho zero cells). In digitonin-permeabilized cells, a fenretinide concentration-dependent decrease in ATP synthesis and substrate oxidation was observed, reflecting inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. However, inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain was not required for ROS production. Co-incubation of fenretinide with inhibitors of different complexes of the respiratory chain suggested that fenretinide-induced ROS production occurred via complex II. The cytotoxicity of fenretinide was exerted through the generation of mitochondrial ROS and, at higher concentrations, also through inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate whether neural activity of hippocampal slices can be preserved after replacingd-glucose with glycolytic intermediate metabolites such as lactate, pyruvate and citrate or with other sugars such as fructose, mannose, maltose, glucosamine, sucrose and galactose. As an index of neural activity, population spikes (PS) were recorded in the granule cell layers after electrical stimulation to the perforant path of guinea pig hippocampal slices. In addition, we determined the levels of ATP and creatine phosphate (CrP) in each slice after the replacement ofd-glucose with these substrates, and correlated it with the neural activity. Substrates other thand-glucose could not maintain the PS for even 20 min although the slices perfused with medium containing lactate, pyruvate, galactose, fructose and maltose maintained similar levels of ATP and CrP as in slices incubated in thed-glucose-containing medium. These results indicate thatd-glucose is essential for the preservation of synaptic activity in addition to its main role as the substrate for energy production to maintain the levels of high energy phosphates.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa: models for studying regulatory aspects of energy metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spermatozoa are highly specialized cells, and they offer advantages for studying several basic aspects of metabolic control such as the role of adenosine triphosphate-(ATP)-homeostasis for cell function, the mechanisms of fatigue and metabolic depression, the metabolic channelling through the cytoplasm and the organization and regulation of glycolytic enzymes. Spermatozoa of four species with different reproductive modes are, introduced and the first results are presented: Spermatozoa of the marine wormArenicola marina are well adapted to external fertilization in sea water with fluctuating oxygen tension: they are motile for several hours in oxygen-free sea water, even when the ATP level is dramatically reduced. Anaerobic ATP production occurs by alanine, acetate and propionate fermentation probably by the same pathways known from somatic cells of this species. Under aerobic conditions the phosphagen system might function like a shuttle for energy-rich phosphate from mitochondria to the dynein-ATPases. Storage of turkey and carp spermatozoa for several hours without exogenous substrates and oxygen results in the degradation of phosphocreatine and ATP to inorganic phosphate and adenosine monophosphate (AMP), respectively. Despite low energy charges, stored spermatozoa of both species are capable of progressive movements. In carp spermatozoa fatigue of motility is not accompanied by the dramatic acidosis one discusses as an important effect in muscle fatigue. Energy metabolism of boar spermatozoa is typically based on glycolysis consuming extracellular carbohydrates and producing lactate and protons. The sperm seem to tolerate low intracellular pH (<6.5). The lack of a phosphagen system (no energy shuttle from mitochondria to the distal dynein-ATPases) is probably compensated by a high glycolytic ATP-production in the mitochondria-free piece of the flagellum.  相似文献   

T M Nosek 《Experientia》1980,36(7):844-846
The effects of inhibition by ouabain and stimulation by high frequency drive of the sarcolemmal Na+-K+ active transport system on the resting input conductance (gi) of guinea-pig ventricular muscles were determined. Although both pump inhibition and stimulation were associated with changes in electrophysiological properties of the muscles, neither had a significant effect on gi.  相似文献   

C J Duncan 《Experientia》1990,46(1):41-48
The O2- and Ca2(+)-paradoxes have a number of features in common and it is suggested that release of cytosolic proteins in both paradoxes is initiated by the activation of a sarcolemma NAD(P)H dehydrogenase which can generate a transmembrane flow of H+ and e- and also oxygen radicals or redox cycling which damage ion channels and membrane proteins (phase I). Entry of Ca2+ through the damaged ion channels then exacerbates the damage by further activating this system, either directly or indirectly, and the redox cycling and/or oxygen radicals cause further damage to integral and cytoskeletal proteins of the sarcolemma resulting in microdamage to the integrity of the membrane (phase II) and the consequent release or exocytosis of cytoplasmic proteins and, under specialised conditions, the blebbing of the sarcolemma. The system may be primed either by removal of extracellular Ca2+ or by raising [Ca2+]i by a variety of measures, these two actions being synergistic. The system is initially activated in the Ca2(+)-paradox by the membrane perturbation associated with removal of extracellular Ca2+; prolonged anoxia in the metabolically active cardiac muscle causes a depletion of the ATP supply, particularly in the absence of glucose, and hence a rise in [Ca2+]i in phase I of the oxygen paradox with the consequent activation of the NAD(P)H oxidase at the sarcolemma. Oxygen radicals are probably generated in both paradoxes and may have a partial role in the genesis of damage, but are not essential in the Ca2(+)-paradox which continues under anoxia. Massive entry of Ca2+ also activates an intracellularly localised dehydrogenase (probably at the SR) which produces myofilament damage by redox cycling.  相似文献   

Male rats exposed to the cold (4°C) for five or ten days exhibited modifications in their thyroid state, as documented by increases in serum thyroid hormone levels, to which differently graded modifications of heart weight/body weight ratio, heart rate, and resting metabolic rate were associated. The values of the above mentioned thyroid state indicators returned to those of the control when the animals, kept at cold for ten days, were re-exposed to room temperature (24°C) for an additional 10 days. The configuration of action potentials, recorded in vitro at 26°C from fibres of anterior papillary muscles, was different in control rats of different age and was affected by prolonged cold exposure. In fact, the action potential duration (APD) increased after ten days of cold exposure. In the re-exposed group the APD was not different from that of the controls. Such a pattern was not significantly modified when the stimulation frequency increased from 1 Hz to 5 Hz. The above results suggest that in cold exposure, as in experimental hyperthyroidism, thyroid hormone might exert a cardiac chronotropic effect by modifying heart electrophysiological properties. Thus thyroid hormone should play a basic role during the exposure to cold environment, stimulating the body metabolism and increasing heart rate as a response to the requirement for greater tissue perfusion.  相似文献   

5 hrs after a single sub-cutaneous injection of the drug in a dose of 5 mg/kg, the ATP concentration was reduced by 15%, the incorporation of 14C adenine was augmented by 20% and the turnover of ATP was accelerated: the reduction of specific radioactivity attained 16%, 75 mn after the period of marquage, instead of 7% in the control hearts. When the drug was added to the perfusion fluid, there was no supplementary reduction of the ATP concentration and the action on the nucleotide turnover only existed if the ATP level was reduced by a pretreatment: the reduction of specific radioactivity then attained 24% after 75 min. of perfusion.  相似文献   

T Yamashita  K Takamori  Y Tanaka 《Experientia》1979,35(10):1345-1347
The modification of neutrophils with amino group blocking reagents of different chemical specificities showed that dansyl chloride caused inhibition of chemotaxis without suppression of random movement. Dansylated neutrophils, like control cells, ingested bacteria. Neither the stimulated cyanide-insensitive respiration, nor lactate production during phagocytosis, was affected significantly by dansylation as compared with the inhibition of directed movement.  相似文献   

Activation of δ-opioid receptors (DOR) attenuates anoxic K+ leakage and protects cortical neurons from anoxic insults by inhibiting Na+ influx. It is unknown, however, which pathway(s) that mediates the Na+ influx is the target of DOR signal. In the present work, we found that, in the cortex, (1) DOR protection was largely dependent on the inhibition of anoxic Na+ influxes mediated by voltage-gated Na+ channels; (2) DOR activation inhibited Na+ influx mediated by ionotropic glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, but not that by non-NMDA receptors, although both played a role in anoxic K+ derangement; and (3) DOR activation had little effect on Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-based response to anoxia. We conclude that DOR activation attenuates anoxic K+ derangement by restricting Na+ influx mediated by Na+ channels and NMDA receptors, and that non-NMDA receptors and Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, although involved in anoxic K+ derangement in certain degrees, are less likely the targets of DOR signal. Received 26 November 2008; received after revision 26 December 2008; accepted 13 January 2009  相似文献   

Methotrexate, at non lethal doses, alters the glycolysis of leukaemic L 1210 cells. Glucose uptake and lactate excretion are increased but lactate/glucose ratio remains constant. The activity of glycolytic enzymes in the cytoplasm is increased and the level of intracellular ATP is greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

Summary The modification of neutrophils with amino group blocking reagents of different chemical specificities showed that dansyl chloride caused inhibition of chemotaxis without suppression of random movement. Dansylated neutrophils, like control cells, ingested bacteria. Neither the stimulated cyanide-insensitive respiration, nor lactate production during phagocytosis, was affected significantly by dansylation as compared with the inhibition of directed movement.  相似文献   

A G Kléber 《Experientia》1990,46(11-12):1162-1167
Reduction or interruption of the blood supply to the myocardium leads to marked disturbances of electrical and mechanical function within a few seconds. Electrical dysfunction is characterized by an initial depolarization of the resting membrane, and a decrease of the amplitude, the upstroke velocity and the duration of the action potential. Both depolarization and depression of the action potential are closely associated with intracellular metabolic acidosis. After this initial phase, electrical cell-to-cell uncoupling develops, probably as a consequence of increased cytosolic free [Ca++]. Mechanical dysfunction is characterized by a dissociation of the initial decrease of active force development from the subsequent ischemic contracture. Active force development in acute ischemia is inhibited by the accumulation of ischemic metabolic products (H+, inorganic phosphate (Pi), Mg++) but not by a marked decrease of [ATP]. The subsequent ischemic contracture is probably initiated by release of Ca++ from intracellular stores. This release causes rapid consumption of ATP and the development of rigor within 1-2 minutes.  相似文献   

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