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对于多自由度机器人位姿控制方法来说,机器人位姿稳定性受到各种因素的干扰,容易发生位姿失稳现象,为此,提出一种新的方法来解决此问题.采用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法实现多自由度机器人各个传感器数据的有效融合,获取多方位机器人位姿数据;通过传感器信号处理去除机器人位姿测量噪声,使用自适应扩展技术实现机器人参量与姿态角校正信息融合,通过反演积分项自适应调节姿态参量并弥补稳态误差,实现机器人的位姿稳定控制.仿真实验结果表明,该控制方法能够准确实现多自由度机器人位姿稳定性控制,即使引入扰动机制仍然不会出现控制失衡,具有较好的稳态控制效果.  相似文献   

Arctic microorganisms respond more to elevated UV-B radiation than CO2   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Surface ultraviolet-B radiation and atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased as a result of ozone depletion and burning of fossil fuels. The effects are likely to be most apparent in polar regions where ozone holes have developed and ecosystems are particularly sensitive to disturbance. Polar plant communities are dependent on nutrient cycling by soil microorganisms, which represent a significant and highly labile portion of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). It was thought that the soil microbial biomass was unlikely to be affected by exposure of their associated plant communities to increased UV-B. In contrast, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations were thought to have a strong effect as a result of greater below-ground C allocation. In addition, there is a growing belief that ozone depletion is of only minor environmental concern because the impacts of UV-B radiation on plant communities are often very subtle. Here we show that 5 years of exposure of a subarctic heath to enhanced UV-B radiation both alone and in combination with elevated CO2 resulted in significant changes in the C:N ratio and in the bacterial community structure of the soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Wet and dry deposition of Chernobyl releases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M J Clark  F B Smith 《Nature》1988,332(6161):245-249
The passage of the Chernobyl plume over the United Kingdom in May 1986 led to the deposition of radionuclides on the ground by wet and dry deposition processes. Here we analyse rainfall during the passage of the plume and the published monitoring data obtained afterwards, and show that levels of deposited 137Cs can be closely related to rainfall intercepting the plume. 137Cs was present in the atmosphere mostly as particulate species with wet deposition mechanisms dominating. In contrast, 131I was present as particulate and vapour phase material, and reported levels on grass and in cow's milk show that both wet and dry deposition mechanisms were important. 131I on grass and in cow's milk therefore shows a different geographic pattern to 137Cs, and is not so closely related to rainfall. We have calculated washout factors for locations where there are data on deposition, rainfall and air concentrations during the passage of the Chernobyl plume. From these factors and interpolated concentrations in the atmosphere, the total deposition of 137Cs has been estimated at each of 4,000 rain gauge stations in the United Kingdom. The results are presented as deposition contours and have been compared with measurements in parts of the country. Estimates of the total deposition of 131I and 137Cs show that less than or equal to 1% of the estimated total releases from Chernobyl were deposited on the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

The vertically dependent expressions of obliquely incident waves induced radiation stress are derived by use of the second order Stokes wave theory within three regions of the water column, that is, above the mean water level, below the wave trough level, and between these two levels. Computations indicate that the wave-induced radiation stress below the wave trough level is from the water wave particle velocity only, whereas both the water wave particle velocity and the wave pressure contribute to the tensor above the wave trough level; the vertical variations of the wave-induced radiation stress are influenced substantially by the velocity component in the direction of wave propagation; the distributions of the wave-induced radiation stress tensor over depth are non-uniform and the proportion of the tensor below the wave trough level becomes considerable in the shallow water; from water surface to seabed, the reversed variations occur for the predominant tensor components.  相似文献   

Poverty and crime are two maladies that plague metropolitan areas. The economic theory of crime[1]demonstrates a direct correlation between poverty and crime. The model considered in this study seeks to examine the dynamics of the poverty-crime system through stability analysis of a system of ordinary differential equations in order to identify cost-effective strategies to combat crime in metropolises.  相似文献   

陈禹  刘慧  梁东升  张雷 《科学技术与工程》2024,24(12):5051-5058
行人重识别是利用人工智能解决边防检查、人员追踪等公共安全应用问题的技术,具有从跨设备采集的图像中识别某一特定行人的能力。但是在人员追踪等问题中,往往会出现行人刻意遮挡、复杂场景环境遮挡等因素,大大提高了行人重识别的难度。针对行人重识别遮挡问题,基于ResNet50网络,结合姿态估计(Pose estimation)和转换器(Transformer)模型,提出了一种改进的行人重识别网络PT-Net,以提高遮挡条件下的行人重识别能力。该方法首先利用现有的姿态估计方法对输入图像进行关键点检测,并将关键点信息与行人特征图像结合起来生成一个基于姿态的行人特征表示;然后利用Transformer模型对基于姿态的行人特征表示编码,用来实现特征对齐和特征融合。论文基于国际公开的数据集Occluded-Duke开展实验验证,结果表明,PT-Net方法相对于基线模型,其均值精度mAP和相似度排序Rank-1指标分别提高了1.3和1.5个百分点,验证了该方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

基于深度学习方法,运用Faster R-CNN目标检测架构和ZFNet卷积神经网络,针对微装配系统目标的特点对网络进行训练,在此基础上设计了一个网络对识别目标进行姿态检测.实验结果表明:采用深度学习方法可以有效地对部分遮挡的目标进行识别并检测其姿态,相比于传统方法,该方法对环境适应性更强且速度更快,具有实际应用价值.  相似文献   

空间目标的相对位置与姿态探测是航天器对接领域的研究重点,探测方法主要分为遥测法和光学测量法两大类.其中,后者依靠其速度快、稳定性高、信息量大等优势,成为了近距离位姿探测的主要方法.我们通过双目视觉模型可计算出空间合作目标上特征光点深度信息,再根据特征光点间已知的结构、尺寸等约束信息,实现对目标姿态的解算.本文依据PSD相较于CCD和CMOS传感器,有无需图像特征提取过程、响应速度快、位置分辨率高等优势,且双目立体视觉系统的仿生学结构可直接获取到探测目标的深度信息,提出了采用双PSD视觉模型,并配合特征光点的亮度与顺序联合调制实现对空间合作目标的位姿探测方法.实验结果表明,当光标靶姿态调整±30°时,系统的平均测量误差为2.541°,当姿态角小于15°时,俯仰角和偏航角的平均偏差分别为0.923°和0.563°;大于15°时,受限于光源发散角度的影响,俯仰角和偏航角平均偏差分别增加至4.566°和4.106°,系统能够快速、稳定解算光标靶的空间位姿.  相似文献   

Bolotin D  Fuchs E 《Nature》2003,421(6923):594-595

Aldhous P 《Nature》2002,420(6917):730-731

Ball P 《Nature》2011,478(7370):467-468

在分析移动机器人车载摄像机位姿的特殊性质的基础上,根据摄像机的等效转轴构造辅助旋转矩阵,利用该旋转矩阵将原始待分解本质矩阵和单应矩阵转换为一类简单的、可通过初等数学运算进行分解的本质矩阵和单应矩阵。仿真实验的结果表明,该车载摄像机位姿估计算法较传统方法具有更高的精度和更快的运算速度,对摄像机等效转轴的扰动也具有很好的鲁棒性。此外,分解出的可能解的数目较传统算法减少了一半,且在除诱导单应阵的空间景物平面与地面垂直的情况下,均能直接得到移动机器人的唯一转角,为移动机器人姿态控制提供了极大的便利。  相似文献   

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