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M West  W Menke  M Tolstoy  S Webb  R Sohn 《Nature》2001,413(6858):833-836
Axial volcano, which is located near the intersection of the Juan de Fuca ridge and the Cobb-Eickelberg seamount chain beneath the northeast Pacific Ocean, is a locus of volcanic activity thought to be associated with the Cobb hotspot. The volcano rises 700 metres above the ridge, has substantial rift zones extending about 50 kilometres to the north and south, and has erupted as recently as 1998 (ref. 2). Here we present seismological data that constrain the three-dimensional velocity structure beneath the volcano. We image a large low-velocity zone in the crust, consisting of a shallow magma chamber and a more diffuse reservoir in the lower crust, and estimate the total magma volume in the system to be between 5 and 21 km3. This volume is two orders of magnitude larger than the amount of melt emplaced during the most recent eruption (0.1-0.2 km3). We therefore infer that such volcanic events remove only a small portion of the reservoir that they tap, which must accordingly be long-lived compared to the eruption cycle. On the basis of magma flux estimates, we estimate the crustal residence time of melt in the volcanic system to be a few hundred to a few thousand years.  相似文献   

Davis E  Becker K  Dziak R  Cassidy J  Wang K  Lilley M 《Nature》2004,430(6997):335-338
Seafloor hydrothermal systems are known to respond to seismic and magmatic activity along mid-ocean ridges, often resulting in locally positive changes in hydrothermal discharge rate, temperature and microbial activity, and shifts in composition occurring at the time of earthquake swarms and axial crustal dike injections. Corresponding regional effects have also been observed. Here we present observations of a hydrological response to seafloor spreading activity, which resulted in a negative formation-fluid pressure transient during and after an earthquake swarm in the sediment-sealed igneous crust of the Middle Valley rift of the northernmost Juan de Fuca ridge. The observations were made with a borehole seal and hydrologic observatory originally established in 1991 to study the steady-state pressure and temperature conditions in this hydrothermally active area. The magnitude of the co-seismic response is consistent with the elastic strain that would be expected from the associated earthquakes, but the prolonged negative pressure transient after the swarm is surprising and suggests net co-seismic dilatation of the upper, permeable igneous crust. The rift valley was visited four weeks after the onset of the seismic activity, but no signature of increased hydrothermal activity was detected in the water column. It appears that water, not magma, filled the void left by this spreading episode.  相似文献   


Mantle segmentation along the Oman ophiolite fossil mid-ocean ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Le Mée L  Girardeau J  Monnier C 《Nature》2004,432(7014):167-172
It has been difficult to relate the segmentation of mid-ocean ridges to processes occurring in the Earth's underlying mantle, as the mantle is rarely sampled directly and chemical variations observed in lavas at the surface are heavily influenced by details of their production as melt extracted from the mantle. Our understanding of such mantle processes has therefore relied on the analysis of pieces of fossil oceanic lithosphere now exposed at the Earth's surface, known as ophiolites. Here we present the phase chemistry and whole-rock major- and trace-element contents of 174 samples of the mantle collected along over 400 km of the Oman Sultanate ophiolite. We show that, when analysed along the fossil ridge, variations of elemental ratios sensitive to the melting process define a three-dimensional geometry of mantle upwellings, which can be related to the segmentation observed in modern mid-ocean ridge environments.  相似文献   

Carbotte SM  Small C  Donnelly K 《Nature》2004,429(6993):743-746
The Earth's mid-ocean ridges display systematic changes in depth and shape, which subdivide the ridges into discrete spreading segments bounded by transform faults and smaller non-transform offsets of the axis. These morphological changes have been attributed to spatial variations in the supply of magma from the mantle, although the origin of the variations is poorly understood. Here we show that magmatic segmentation of ridges with fast and intermediate spreading rates is directly related to the migration velocity of the spreading axis over the mantle. For over 9,500 km of mid-ocean ridge examined, leading ridge segments in the 'hotspot' reference frame coincide with the shallow magmatically robust segments across 86 per cent of all transform faults and 73 per cent of all second-order discontinuities. We attribute this relationship to asymmetric mantle upwelling and melt production due to ridge migration, with focusing of melt towards ridge segments across discontinuities. The model is consistent with variations in crustal structure across discontinuities of the East Pacific Rise, and may explain variations in depth of melting and the distribution of enriched lavas.  相似文献   

Most models of melt generation beneath mid-ocean ridges predict significant reduction of melt production at ultraslow spreading rates (full spreading rates &<20 mm x yr(-1)) and consequently they predict thinned oceanic crust. The 1,800-km-long Arctic Gakkel mid-ocean ridge is an ideal location to test such models, as it is by far the slowest portion of the global mid-ocean-ridge spreading system, with a full spreading rate ranging from 6 to 13 mm x yr(-1) (refs 4, 5). Furthermore, in contrast to some other ridge systems, the spreading direction on the Gakkel ridge is not oblique and the rift valley is not offset by major transform faults. Here we present seismic evidence for the presence of exceptionally thin crust along the Gakkel ridge rift valley with crustal thicknesses varying between 1.9 and 3.3 km (compared to the more usual value of 7 km found on medium- to fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges). Almost 8,300 km of closely spaced aeromagnetic profiles across the rift valley show the presence of discrete volcanic centres along the ridge, which we interpret as evidence for strongly focused, three-dimensional magma supply. The traces of these eruptive centres can be followed to crustal ages of approximately 25 Myr off-axis, implying that these magma production and transport systems have been stable over this timescale.  相似文献   

Barium (Ba) isotopes can be used as potential tracers for crustal material recycling in the mantle. Determination of the Ba isotope composition of the depleted mantle is essential for such applications. However, Ba isotope data for mantle-derived basalts are still rare. In this study, we reported high-precision Ba isotope data of 30 oceanic basalts including 25 mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from geochemically and geologically diverse mid-ocean ridge segments and five back-arc basin basalts. The δ138/134Ba values of these samples varied from ?0.06‰ to +0.11‰, with no systematic cross-region variation. Together with published data, we constrained the average δ138/134Ba of global MORBs to +0.05‰±0.09‰ (2 standard deviation, n = 51). Based on depleted MORBs that have (La/Sm)N < 0.8, low 87Sr/86Sr (< 0.70263), and low Ba/Th < 71.3, we estimated the average δ138/134Ba of the depleted MORB mantle (DMM) as + 0.05‰ ± 0.05‰ (2SD, n = 16) that is significantly lower than the DMM (≈ 0.14‰) reported previously. If a new estimation of the DMM is applied, it is unreasonable to infer that the Ba isotope signatures of the “enriched-type” MORBs (E-MORBs) could be attributed to pervasive sediment recycling in the upper mantle. We, therefore, conclude that the Ba isotope compositions of the E-MORBs could be sourced from the incorporation of subducted altered oceanic crust and/or sediments depending on the Ba isotope composition and other geochemical information of the local mantle.  相似文献   

Abelson M  Baer G  Agnon A 《Nature》2001,409(6816):72-75
The lateral flow of magma and ductile deformation of the lower crust along oceanic spreading axes has been thought to play a significant role in suppressing both mid-ocean ridge segmentation and variations in crustal thickness. Direct investigation of such flow patterns is hampered by the kilometres of water that cover the oceanic crust, but such studies can be made on ophiolites (fragments of oceanic crust accreted to a continent). In the Oman ophiolite, small-scale radial patterns of flow have been mapped along what is thought to be the relict of a fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge. Here we present evidence for broad-scale along-axis flow that has been frozen into the gabbro of the Troodos ophiolite in Cyprus (thought to be representative of a slow-spreading ridge axis). The gabbro suite of Troodos spans nearly 20 km of a segment of a fossil spreading axis, near a ridge-transform intersection. We mapped the pattern of magma flow by analysing the rocks' magnetic fabric at 20 sites widely distributed in the gabbro suite, and by examining the petrographic fabric at 9 sites. We infer an along-axis magma flow for much of the gabbro suite, which indicates that redistribution of melt occurred towards the segment edge in a large depth range of the oceanic crust. Our results support the magma plumbing structure that has been inferred indirectly from a seismic tomography experiment on the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

Submarine hydrothermal venting along mid-ocean ridges is an important contributor to ridge thermal structure, and the global distribution of such vents has implications for heat and mass fluxes from the Earth's crust and mantle and for the biogeography of vent-endemic organisms. Previous studies have predicted that the incidence of hydrothermal venting would be extremely low on ultraslow-spreading ridges (ridges with full spreading rates <2 cm x yr(-1)-which make up 25 per cent of the global ridge length), and that such vent systems would be hosted in ultramafic in addition to volcanic rocks. Here we present evidence for active hydrothermal venting on the Gakkel ridge, which is the slowest spreading (0.6-1.3 cm x yr(-1)) and least explored mid-ocean ridge. On the basis of water column profiles of light scattering, temperature and manganese concentration along 1,100 km of the rift valley, we identify hydrothermal plumes dispersing from at least nine to twelve discrete vent sites. Our discovery of such abundant venting, and its apparent localization near volcanic centres, requires a reassessment of the geologic conditions that control hydrothermal circulation on ultraslow-spreading ridges.  相似文献   

Polymetallic sulfides have attracted more attentions,which are regarded as one of the potential seabed mineral resources for their high grade of precious metal elements such as Cu,Zn,Pb,Au,and Ag.Since2007,there are four China dayang cruises(CDCs)with eight legs totally,which have been carried out to investigate polymetallic sulfides on the southwest Indian ridge(SWIR),and eight hydrothermal vents have been found.In2011,the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association(COMRA)and International Seabed Authority(ISA)signed a 15-year contract for exploration for polymetallic sulfides located on the SWIR between 46°S and 53°S.The area allocated to the COMRA is approximately 10,000 km2.In this paper,we review the recent research advances about hydrothermal activity of the SWIR by the CDCs.As for the sulfides exploration in the future,some aspects should be emphasized,such as the controlling factors of sulfide mineralization on the SWIR,prospecting methods of inactive and buried sulfide deposits,sulfides resources assessment method,and the nearbottom sulfides exploration technology systems.  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原北麓河地区大气降水以及沥青路面和砂砾路面下部浅层土体水热变化的连续监测,分析路面结构中降水、地温以及水分变化之间的关系.结果表明,在降雨时段,5 cm深度土体水分增加,沥青路面下部土体的水分增量约为砂砾路面的2倍.砂砾路面20 cm及以下深度范围水分增加,而沥青路面下部水分变化量小于0.3%.砂砾路面下部土体间存在良好的水力联系,沥青路面结构中的隔水层阻隔了层中水热交换.面层中水分的波动与降水密切相关,基层水分变化受地温控制.路面结构的隔水层增加了面层的蒸发量,同时造成层下水分的大量聚集和路基储热量的增加,表现为基层地温明显高于面层.水热交换的差异是造成沥青路面热效应的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

Lilley MD  Butterfield DA  Lupton JE  Olson EJ 《Nature》2003,422(6934):878-881
The Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge is host to one of the most vigorous hydrothermal areas found on the global mid-ocean-ridge system, with five separate vent fields located within 15 km along the top of the ridge segment. Over the past decade, the largest of these vent fields, the 'Main Endeavour Field', has exhibited a constant spatial gradient in temperature and chloride concentration in its vent fluids, apparently driven by differences in the nature and extent of subsurface phase separation. This stable situation was disturbed on 8 June 1999 by an earthquake swarm. Owing to the nature of the seismic signals and the lack of new lava flows observed in the area during subsequent dives of the Alvin and Jason submersibles (August-September 1999), the event was interpreted to be tectonic in nature. Here we show that chemical data from hydrothermal fluid samples collected in September 1999 and June 2000 strongly suggest that the event was instead volcanic in origin. Volatile data from this event and an earlier one at 9 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise show that such magmatic events can have profound and rapid effects on fluid-mineral equilibria, phase separation, 3He/heat ratios and fluxes of volatiles from submarine hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

 海底热液羽流系统对海洋底部热量与物质输运等科学问题的研究具有重要意义。本文采用数值模拟的方法研究在温度层结环境中二维轴对称热液羽流的发展过程,讨论热液羽流不同喷口条件对羽流发展过程的影响。计算结果表明,热液羽流的喷发过程分为2个阶段:上升过程中温度逐渐降低浮力减小,在背景层结的作用下达到稳定的上升高度;其后羽流顶部转向横向输运。喷口温度、喷口半径对热液羽流的上升高度和横向输运能力的影响正相关。  相似文献   

采用路径分析法,对于娟的专项成绩与身体素质等有关数据进行了统计和分析。结果表明有5项指标与专项成绩有着直接和间接关系。深入、细致地刻画了变量间的复杂联系,绘出了变量间的关系图。  相似文献   

以V2O5和草酸的黄褐色悬浊液为前驱物水热合成VO2(B)纳米带,采用XRD技术研究水热条件对VO2(B)纳米带结构的影响。结果表明,在水热温度为180~190℃、水热时间为20~24h时,可以制备结晶良好的VO2(B)纳米带;随着水热温度的升高,VO2(B)纳米带的平均晶粒尺寸逐渐增大,晶格畸变度逐渐减小,且产物的择优生长趋势逐渐明显;水热反应初期,VO2(B)纳米带的平均晶粒尺寸增长较快,随着水热时间的延长,VO2(B)纳米带的晶粒生长趋于平衡,晶格畸变度逐渐减小并趋于平缓,且产物逐渐形成了一定的结晶取向。  相似文献   

《佛说王忠庆大失散手巾宝卷》讲唱家庭伦理和因果报应,由明末南无教教团中的民间艺人编写。它完全按照民间教派宝卷的形式演唱,但内容主要不是宣传教义,而是宣扬因果,劝善惩恶。这一宝卷对研究清及近现代北方民间念卷和宝卷的源头、形成及其演唱形式的发展有重大意义。  相似文献   

Adaptive visual metamorphosis in a deep-sea hydrothermal vent crab   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hydrothermal vents along the mid-ocean ridges host ephemeral ecosystems of diverse endemic fauna including several crustacean species, some of which undergo planktonic development as larvae up to 1,000 m above and 100 km away from the vents. Little is known about the role of vision in the life history of vent fauna. Here we report that planktonic zoea larvae of the vent crab Bythograea thermydron possess image-forming compound eyes with a visual pigment sensitive to the blue light of mesopelagic waters. As they metamorphose and begin to descend to and settle at the vents, they lose their image-forming optics and develop high-sensitivity naked-retina eyes. The spectral absorbance of the visual pigment in these eyes shifts towards longer wavelengths from larva to postlarva to adult. This progressive visual metamorphosis trades imaging for increased sensitivity, and changes spectral sensitivity from the blue wavelengths of the larval environment towards the dim, longer wavelengths produced in the deeper bathypelagic vent environment of the adults. As hydrothermal vents produce light, vision may supplement thermal and chemical senses to orient postlarval settlement at vent sites.  相似文献   

Hydro-sodalites are zeolitic materials with a wide variety of applications. Fly ash is an abundant industrial solid waste, rich in silicon and aluminum, from which hydro-sodalite can be synthesized. However, traditional hydrothermal synthesis methods are complex and cannot produce high-purity products. Therefore, there is a demand for processing routes to obtain high-purity hydro-sodalites. In the present study, high-purity hydro-sodalite(90.2 wt%) was prepared from fly ash by applying a hydrothermal method to a submolten salt system. Samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis(TG–DTA),and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) to confirm and quantify conversion of the raw material into the product phase. Purity of the samples prepared with an H_2O/Na OH mass ratio of 1.5 and an H_2O/fly ash mass ratio of 10 was calculated and the conversion process of the product phase was studied. Crystallinity of the product was influenced more by the Na OH concentration, less by the H_2O/fly ash mass ratio. The main reaction process of the system is that the Si O ions produced by dissolution of the vitreous body in the fly ash and Na+ ions in the solution reacted on the destroyed mullite skeleton to produce hydro-sodalite. This processing route could help mitigate processing difficulties, while producing high-purity hydro-sodalite from fly ash.  相似文献   

We introduced the observations and researches using a Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) system with high precision, which was designed and made in China and installed in the Observatory of San Juan Uni- versity, Argentina, the capability of the system and the achievement of the cooperative procedure be- tween China and Argentina. The SLR station in San Juan, set up by China and Argentina, is quite sig- nificant for improving the distribution of SLR stations and enhancing the orbital coverage of the whole earth. Since the SLR system started to work in the Observatory of San Juan University in the beginning of 2006, the operation is rather good, and rich data with high precision have been obtained. Further plan of the cooperation for the near future is also presented.  相似文献   

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