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利用高温高压釜,通过失重法、SEM、XRD以及电子探针微观结构分析等方法,研究X70钢在3种不同高温条件下及2 MPa分压的饱和CO2环境介质中的腐蚀行为.结果表明,在所研究的温度范围内,X70钢在CO2环境介质中表现出高的腐蚀速率;随着温度的升高,腐蚀速率呈上升再下降的趋势,120℃时为最大值;表面腐蚀产物膜的主要成分为Fe3C和FeCO3;CO2腐蚀的作用形成了钢表面点蚀、条状腐蚀特征,EPMA分析显示碳元素也呈条状分布;试样中沿轧制方向的两相对平行侧面的点蚀特征明显,而垂直于轧制方向的两相对平行侧面点蚀极少;CO2腐蚀是各种因素相互作用的结果.  相似文献   

目前CO2已经被用作有效的驱油剂,CO2到达井底时的热力状态对驱油效果有较大影响.针对影响井底CO2压力和温度的因素,根据液态CO2在竖直井筒中的热量传递原理和流体流动理论,在Ramey建立的物理模型基础上,建立了液态CO2井筒流动与传热数学模型,通过求解实例,得到井筒内液态CO2温度和压力的分布规律以及各因素对井底CO2参数的影响.结果表明:井筒内CO2的温度和压力随井深的增加而近似成线性增加;当注入速率增大时,气液分界面加深;井底温度随入口流量的增加而降低,而受入口温度的影响较小;井底压力随井口注入压力的增加而成比例增加,随着流量的增加呈先增后减的趋势;环空介质采用清水比空气的导热效果好.  相似文献   

Y I Sorokin 《Nature》1966,210(5035):551-552

Although the gas cracked from oil has been believed to be one of the important sources in highly ma-tured marine basins, there are still some debates on its resource potentials and chemical and isotopic compositions. In this study a Cambrian-sourced marine oil sample from the Silurian reservoir of well TZ62 in the central Tarim basin was pyrolyzed using sealed gold tubes with two different pyrolysis schemes: continuous pyrolysis in a closed system and stepwise semi-open pyrolysis. The results show that the maximum weight yield of C1–5 gases occurs at EasyRo=2.3% and the residual gas poten-tial after this maturity is only 43.4 mL/g, about 12% of the yield of 361 mL/g at EasyRo=2.3%. Combined with the results of kinetic modeling, the main stage of gas generation from oil cracking is believed within the EasyRo=1.6%―2.3%. The increase in the volume yield of C1–5 gases at EasyRo>2.3% in a closed system is mainly related to the re-cracking of previously formed C2–5 wet gases, not the direct cracking of oil. The stepwise pyrolysis experiments show that the gas from the cracking of residual oil at EasyRo>2.3% is characterized by very high dryness index (higher than 92%) and heavy methane carbon isotopes ranging from -28.7‰ to -26.7‰, which is quite different from the gases from the con-tinuous pyrolysis in a closed system. The kinetic modeling of methane carbon isotope fractionation shows that the carbon isotopes of methane within the main stage of gas generation (EasyRo<2.3%) are far lighter than the carbon isotopes of the precursor oils under a geological heating rate of 2 ℃/Ma. The above observations and results provide some new clues to the accurate recognition and objective re-source evaluation of oil cracking gas in highly mature marine basins.  相似文献   

Peatlands represent a vast store of global carbon. Observations of rapidly rising dissolved organic carbon concentrations in rivers draining peatlands have created concerns that those stores are beginning to destabilize. Three main factors have been put forward as potential causal mechanisms, but it appears that two alternatives--warming and increased river discharge--cannot offer satisfactory explanations. Here we show that the third proposed mechanism, namely shifting trends in the proportion of annual rainfall arriving in summer, is similarly unable to account for the trend. Instead we infer that a previously unrecognized mechanism--carbon dioxide mediated stimulation of primary productivity--is responsible. Under elevated carbon dioxide levels, the proportion of dissolved organic carbon derived from recently assimilated carbon dioxide was ten times higher than that of the control cases. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon appear far more sensitive to environmental drivers that affect net primary productivity than those affecting decomposition alone.  相似文献   

Survival of bacteria in desiccates at 100 degrees C in dry atmospheres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D I Annear  G A Bottomley 《Nature》1965,206(991):1373-1374

R S Young  P H Deal  O Whitefield 《Nature》1967,216(5113):355-356

The electronic transport properties of conventional three-dimensional metals are successfully described by Fermi-liquid theory. But when the dimensionality of such a system is reduced to one, the Fermi-liquid state becomes unstable to Coulomb interactions, and the conduction electrons should instead behave according to Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid (TLL) theory. Such a state reveals itself through interaction-dependent anomalous exponents in the correlation functions, density of states and momentum distribution of the electrons. Metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are considered to be ideal one-dimensional systems for realizing TLL states. Indeed, the results of transport measurements on metal-SWNT and SWNT-SWNT junctions have been attributed to the effects of tunnelling into or between TLLs, although there remains some ambiguity in these interpretations. Direct observations of the electronic states in SWNTs are therefore needed to resolve these uncertainties. Here we report angle-integrated photoemission measurements of SWNTs. Our results reveal an oscillation in the pi-electron density of states owing to one-dimensional van Hove singularities, confirming the one-dimensional nature of the valence band. The spectral function and intensities at the Fermi level both exhibit power-law behaviour (with almost identical exponents) in good agreement with theoretical predictions for the TLL state in SWNTs.  相似文献   

Loya WM  Pregitzer KS  Karberg NJ  King JS  Giardina CP 《Nature》2003,425(6959):705-707
In the Northern Hemisphere, ozone levels in the troposphere have increased by 35 per cent over the past century, with detrimental impacts on forest and agricultural productivity, even when forest productivity has been stimulated by increased carbon dioxide levels. In addition to reducing productivity, increased tropospheric ozone levels could alter terrestrial carbon cycling by lowering the quantity and quality of carbon inputs to soils. However, the influence of elevated ozone levels on soil carbon formation and decomposition are unknown. Here we examine the effects of elevated ozone levels on the formation rates of total and decay-resistant acid-insoluble soil carbon under conditions of elevated carbon dioxide levels in experimental aspen (Populus tremuloides) stands and mixed aspen-birch (Betula papyrifera) stands. With ambient concentrations of ozone and carbon dioxide both raised by 50 per cent, we find that the formation rates of total and acid-insoluble soil carbon are reduced by 50 per cent relative to the amounts entering the soil when the forests were exposed to increased carbon dioxide alone. Our results suggest that, in a world with elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, global-scale reductions in plant productivity due to elevated ozone levels will also lower soil carbon formation rates significantly.  相似文献   

基于水合物法的二氧化碳气体地层封存和固化技术是实现温室气体减排的有效方法之一。进行液化条件下多孔介质水合物的生成过程及其生成特性研究,有助于进一步丰富不同相态CO2的地层存储规律。为此,利用气体水合物生成与分解模拟实验装置研究了粒径分别为24目、32目、40目和60目四种不同的石英砂体系中多孔介质水合物的生 成过程,实验温度选定276.5 K,初始压力为4.85 MPa。结果表明:在液化条件下,水合物生成的诱导时间随多孔介质粒径的减小而缩短,并且当粒径减小到40目附近时,诱导时间将急剧减小,与32目的石英砂体系相比,此时诱导时间明显缩短超过2/3;多孔介质对水合物生成速率和储气量的影响较为显著且存在一临界粒径尺寸,在40目的石英砂介质中,液化条件下水合物的最大生成速率和储气量分别达到了12.35×10-4 mol/h 和30.599 L/L。  相似文献   

本文提出了高温、高压LDMOS的等效电路,讨论了LDMOS泄漏电流及其本征参数在高温下随温度变化的规律.根据分析,漏pn结的反向泄漏电流决定了LDMOS的高温极限温度,导通电阻与温度的关系为Ron∝((T)/(T1))y(y=1.5~2.5).  相似文献   

Taneike M  Abe F  Sawada K 《Nature》2003,424(6946):294-296
Creep is a time-dependent mechanism of plastic deformation, which takes place in a range of materials under low stress-that is, under stresses lower than the yield stress. Metals and alloys can be designed to withstand creep at high temperatures, usually by a process called dispersion strengthening, in which fine particles are evenly distributed throughout the matrix. For example, high-temperature creep-resistant ferritic steels achieve optimal creep strength (at 923 K) through the dispersion of yttrium oxide nanoparticles. However, the oxide particles are introduced by complicated mechanical alloying techniques and, as a result, the production of large-scale industrial components is economically unfeasible. Here we report the production of a 9 per cent Cr martensitic steel dispersed with nanometre-scale carbonitride particles using conventional processing techniques. At 923 K, our dispersion-strengthened material exhibits a time-to-rupture that is increased by two orders of magnitude relative to the current strongest creep-resistant steels. This improvement in creep resistance is attributed to a mechanism of boundary pinning by the thermally stable carbonitride precipitates. The material also demonstrates enough fracture toughness. Our results should lead to improved grades of creep-resistant steels and to the economical manufacture of large-scale steel components for high-temperature applications.  相似文献   

以CC-PVDZ为基组,采用筛选的B1B95密度泛函方法研究了不同外电场对CO2分子结构和特性的影响. 研究发现:CO2的结构参数与电场有明显的依赖关系;CO2分子体系的总能量、偶极矩及HOMO与LUMO能级均会受电场的影响;基于外电场对能隙的影响,可以发现外电场会影响CO2参与化学反应的能力;同时CO2红外光谱的特征峰与光谱强度均会受到外电场的影响,且在外电场作用下CO2还会产生新的红外特征峰,因此可通过外电场对分子红外光谱进行调控,进而便于捕捉相关谱图信息;最后通过考察CO2分子中1C-2O键的解离势垒受外电场的影响情况,发现1C-2O键解离势垒与外电场具有极高的相关性,研究结果为电场降解CO2提供了重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

采用天然沸石颗粒处理模拟氨氮废水,对比研究了常温和中高温下沸石吸附效果的差异,探讨了高温下吸附过程的热力学,并优化了高温下沸石吸附氨氮废水的操作工艺。研究结果表明:天然沸石适合处理高温氨氮废水;氨氮在天然沸石颗粒上的等温吸附符合Freundlich等温吸附模型,达到极显著相关(R2>0.99);在50℃以上的高温氨氮废水中,沸石用量在40~50g/L,沸石粒径为1~2mm,搅拌转速为400~800r/min,pH值维持在5~8之内,此时沸石的氨氮吸附质量比达到2.0mg/g以上。  相似文献   

针对SUS304不锈钢光滑试棒预先导入1073 K·cp-type条件下的预蠕变疲劳损伤,然后开小切口进行时间依存性 923 K·cp-type,1073 K·cp-type及循环数依存性923 K·pp-type的宏观裂纹扩展试验,考察了试棒内部因预蠕变疲劳而产生的大量的粒界微小裂纹对高温疲劳宏观裂纹扩展的影响.结果如下: 1.预损伤加速了923 K·cp-type下的蠕变裂纹扩展,对于同一蠕变J积分范围△Jc,损伤值越大,裂纹扩展速度dl/dN也越大.这种加速起因于主裂纹与微小裂纹的合体. 2.1073 K·cp-type下的预损伤材料和处女材料的dl/dN在同一△Jc。下相等.即,损伤材料的裂纹扩展速度的上限值由1073 K·cp-type下的处女材料的dl/dN-△Jc关系给出. 3.在923 K·pp-type条件下,对于同一疲劳J积分范围△Jf,预损伤材料的dl/dN要比处女材料快10倍左右.一般pp-type的破坏形式为粒内破坏.预损伤材料的场合,因为试棒内部分布有大量的微小粒界裂纹,主裂纹便沿这些破坏阻抗最小的微小裂纹边合体边扩展,主要在粒界上扩展.即微小粒界裂纹是裂纹扩展阻抗减小的主因.  相似文献   

We reported the dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 in the temperature range from room temperature to 800℃ and the frequency range from 20 Hz to 10 MHz.Apart from the widely reported dielectric anomaly occurring around 200℃,three additional dielectric anomalies were found.The new anomalies are very sensitive to electrode sintering conditions and annealing atmospheres,indicating that they are dependent not only on the electrode-sample contact but also on oxygen vacancies.  相似文献   

控制棒驱动机构是核反应堆的关键设备,其是否正常运行直接关系到核反应堆的安全性。该文对水力驱动控制棒系统在摩擦力卡棒和倒置等极限工况下的停堆问题,提出了步进缸内腔卸压的解决方法,并在热态实验研究的基础上,建立了正置落棒和倒置插棒的理论模型。分析了极限落棒过程参数(位移、速度和棒内外差压)的变化规律,得到了摩擦力卡棒和倒置等极限工况下控制棒插入堆芯的能力。结果表明:在极限工况下水力驱动控制棒有足够能力插入堆芯。  相似文献   

复合绝缘子是由芯体和装配有金属附件的外套构成。芯体多采用环氧树脂浸渍的玻璃纤维增强塑料制成,是一种强度高、非脆性复合材料。但在芯棒与伞套之间的粘结层是薄弱环节,在大温差地区容易受力学破坏。文中采用Instron1186电子万能试验机,通过位移控制进行材料力学性能试验,研究复合绝缘子分别在高低温作用下的抗拉性能。试验表明,复合绝缘子机械破坏负荷取决于金具与芯棒连接强度,其破坏的主要特征为端部金具的滑移。因为端部金具的热膨胀系数与玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂芯棒有较大差异,无论是在高温还是低温,复合绝缘子的力学性能均较常温状态产生下滑,尤其是高温下,金具与芯棒的黏结-滑移性能会降低50%甚至更多。  相似文献   

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