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Measurements of electrical resistivity, X-ray diffraction, and tensile test at room temperature and -196℃ were performed to investigate the effects of Al addition substituting Ni on the phase transformation behaviors, the mechanical properties, and the shape memory effects of Ti50Ni47Fe2Al1 and Ti50Ni46.5Fe2.5Al1 alloys. It is found that 1at% Al addition dramatically decreases the martensitic start transformation temperature and expands the transformation temperature range of R-phase for TiNiFeAl alloys. The results of tensile test indicate that 1at% Al improves the yield strength of Ti50Ni47Fe2Al1 and Ti50Ni46.5Fe2.5Al1 alloys by 40% and 64%, but decreases the plasticity to 11% and 12% from 26% and 27% respectively. Moreover, excellent shape memory effect of 6.6% and 7.5% were found in Ti50Ni47Fe2Al1 and Ti50Ni46.5Fe2.5Al1 alloys, which results from the stress-induced martensite transformation from the R-phase.  相似文献   

Effect of chemical component on shape memory effect (SME) of Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-C-RE shape memory alloys was studied by bent measurement, thermal cycle training, SEM etc. Results of study indicate that the alloys with high Mn content (25%) appeare better SME, especially in lower strain. SME improves evidently when Si is higher content, especially it′s range from 3% up to 4%.But brittleness of Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-C-RE alloy increases by increasing the Si content. SME of the alloy is weakening gradually as carbon content increases under small strain (3%). But in the condition of large strain (above 6%), SME of the alloy whose carbon content ranges from 0.1% to 0.12% shows small decreasing range, especially of alloy with the addition of compound RE.  相似文献   

The martensite transformation(MT), mechanical properties and shape memory effect(SME) of(Ni_(50)Mn_(35)In_(15))_((1-x))Mg_x(x = 0%, 0.08%, 0.3%, 0.6% at%) alloys were comprehensively investigated. The results showed that due to Mg doping the MT temperature shifted to higher temperatures and a worm-like secondphase precipitated at grain boundaries and inside the grains. With increasing Mg content, the amount of precipitates gradually increased, the thermal hysteresis was almost invariant, and the SME was not obviously affected at 3% pre-strain, even when the volume of the second phase reached up to 28.75%. Compressive stress and strain experiments showed that both the strain and strength of the Ni-Mn-In-Mg alloys were improved substantially(by 46.9% and 53.4%, respectively, at x = 0.6%) compared with those of the pure Ni_(50)Mn_(35)In_(15) alloy; this effect is nearly the same as that achieved by the directional solidification method. Because Mg is nonmagnetic, the magnetization difference of the alloy with Mg doping is much lower than that of the alloy without Mg doping. Overall, the results confirm that adding a small amount of Mg is a potentially viable method for improving the mechanical properties of Ni-Mn-In alloys without adversely damaging their functional properties.  相似文献   

ZrCu-based alloys, as one of the most potential high-temperature shape memory alloys, show quite high martensitic transformation temperature, relatively low price for the raw materials, and good casting fluidity. In this work, the martensitic transformation (MT) and shape memory effect of (ZrCu)50-xTax high-temperature shape memory alloys were systematically investigated. Both X ray diffraction and SEM backscattered electron image demonstrated the coexistence of the main phase monoclinic martensite phase and the second phase Ta2Cu. SEM results also revealed that increasing Ta content resulted in a larger volume fraction of Ta2Cu phase. Differential scanning calorimetry results showed that the MT temperatures remarkably increased with Ta addition. The ductility of the (ZrCu)50-xTax alloys was reduced to some degree with increasing Ta content. The shape memory effect was improved significantly, in which (ZrCu)98Ta2 alloy showed the 6.19% maximum recovery strain during 8% pre-strain under compression at 25 ?°C.  相似文献   

近年来在形状记忆合金(Shape Memory Alloy,SMA)中发现的由于不完全马氏体逆相变引起的温度记忆效应,在智能材料与结构等领域具有潜在的应用价值,建立克服现存SMA本构模型不能考虑SMA温度记忆效应这一局限性的SMA本构模型具有理论和工程实际意义.本文在前期研究的基础上,基于作者提出的形状记忆因子的概念,综合运用热力学、连续介质力学和马氏体相变学的相关理论,建立了描述SMA的形状记忆因子、应力、温度间关系的形状记忆方程和描述SMA的应变、应力、温度间关系的力学本构方程.由形状记忆方程和力学本构方程构成的SMA本构模型,克服了现存SMA本构模型不能考虑SMA温度记忆效应的局限性.数值结果表明,该SMA本构模型能有效描述经历不完全马氏体逆相变的SMA的热力学行为,可为SMA温度记忆效应的应用研究提供理论基础.  相似文献   

基于形状记忆聚合物(SMP)材料研制了热激励主动变形的纤维增强形状记忆聚合物复合材料(SMPC),对其动态力学性能进行了测试分析,应用有限元模拟分析法和层合板理论,得到SMP和SMPC悬臂梁的弯曲变形与刚度变化曲线.分析表明:SMPC材料抵抗变形的能力高于SMP材料.在等温度条件下,SMP梁和SMPC梁的变形与载荷呈线性关系;在等载荷条件下,SMP梁和SMPC梁的变形与温度呈非线性关系.SMPC的刚度特性使其在高温下应用领域得到拓展.  相似文献   

利用X射线分析、原位电阻测量等方法研究了CuAlNiMnTi在马氏体不同温度的时效效应。实验结果表明,淬火态CuAlNiMnTi合金在马氏体态时效过程中发生马氏体稳定化现象;在这一过程中OD3长程度有序无明显变化,但发生了原子短程无序。马氏体稳定化主要是由原子短程无序引起。  相似文献   

水性形状记忆聚氨酯的合成及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以2,4-甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)、聚己内酯二醇(PCL)、二羟甲基丙酸(DMPA)和三羟甲基丙烷(TMP)合成水性内交联型形状记忆聚氨酯(WSPU),研究不同分子量的PCL以及亲水扩链剂的存在下,对其形状记忆性能的影响.FT-IR、1H-NMR、DSC、形状记忆性能表征结果表明,当软硬段质量分数为定值时,PCL分子量的增加使得软段结晶程度增加;当PCL分子量在5 000时,乳液性能稳定,它的形状记忆恢复率已达到95%;但随着软段分子量的增大,导致聚氨酯粒径也随之增大,乳液的不稳定性增加.  相似文献   

研究了不同热处理工艺、晶粒束缚以及工作温度、应力循环、热循环和应力热循 环对 CuZnAl合金超弹性的影响。试验结果表明:合金常规淬火获得最佳超弹性的 淬火加热温度为890℃,对于所研究的线材试样而言,保温时间与线材直径有关;合 金采用双相区淬火,可获得较好的超弹性,其最佳淬火加热温度为700℃,保温时间 为10min;晶粒束缚影响合金的超弹性,gs/D越大,晶粒束缚越小,超弹性越好; 合金的超弹性与工作温度有关,超弹性最佳值是在Af点以上一段温度范围内.其下限 温度为Af点以上17~22℃。合金在应力循环后出现了循环软化现象而不是循环硬 化现象,应力循环后,相变的熵及焓变降低;热循环和应力热循环均使合金的相变点 提高。  相似文献   

形状记忆合金的宏观力学本构模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合作者提出的形状记忆因子的概念,阐述了形状记忆合金(SMA)超弹性和形状记忆效应的微观机理,将SMA的超弹性和形状记忆效应统一归结为形状记忆效应.重新定义了形状记忆因子,并明确了其物理意义.利用SMA在相变过程中马氏体体积分数和相变自由能间的微分关系,建立了描述SMA相变行为的形状记忆演化方程.该形状记忆演化方程能同时考虑相变峰值温度、相变开始和结束温度对SMA相变行为的影响,并能描述SMA从孪晶马氏体向非孪晶马氏体的转变过程,克服了现存SMA相变方程或形状记忆方程的局限性,能更全面准确地描述SMA的相变行为.从宏观力学角度,建立了能全面描述SMA实现形状记忆效应的热力学本构方程,在假设SMA为各向同性材料的基础上,将该本构方程从一维推广到三维.该本构方程中的所有材料参数都可以通过宏观实验测定,比现存三维本构方程更便于工程实际应用.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction (XRD), auger electron spectroscopy (AES), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the surface properties of the N+-ion-implanted TiNi alloy. There is a high nitrogen content region at the outermost surface of the N+-ion-implanted TiNi alloy. The detected nitrogen exists mainly in the form of TiN. Small amounts of Ti3O5 and TiO2 also exist on the surface of the N+-ion-implanted TiNi sample. The modified layer of the N+-ion-implanted sample can work as an obstacle layer of the nickel’s dissolution, which obstructs Ni dissolving from the TiNi surface effectively.  相似文献   

通过对常温下的NiTi形状记忆合金丝进行拉伸试验,研究这种形状记忆合金材料的超弹性能力和加卸载循环下的耗能能力.根据试验结果分析应变幅值、加载频率和循环次数对这种记忆合金材料在奥氏体状态下加卸载循环时的等效刚度、单位循环的耗能能力和等效阻尼比的影响,并对三个特征参数随工作温度变化的规律进行了理论分析,为形状记忆合金阻尼器在工程结构中的应用奠定基础.  相似文献   

镍钛形状记忆合金管材因为具有良好的形状记忆效应和超弹性而在工程领域得到了广泛的应用.文章总结了国内外众多学者的研究成果,系统介绍了镍钛形状记忆合金管材的加载力学行为、塑性成形方法和典型工程应用.镍钛形状记忆合金管材在单向拉伸加载、单向扭转加载以及拉伸扭转复合加载方式下表现出了不同的力学行为.奥氏体镍钛形状记忆合金管材在单向拉伸加载下,可以观察到明显的应力诱发马氏体螺旋带.镍钛形状记忆合金管材的塑性成形方法主要有拉拔、挤压和旋压,拉拔工艺仍是目前生产镍钛形状记忆合金管材的主要手段.镍钛形状记忆合金管材的典型工程应用主要有生物医用支架和管接头.镍钛形状记忆合金管材在科学研究和工程应用方面仍具有广阔的发展空间.  相似文献   

以环氧树脂、胺类固化剂DDM为原料,经过化学反应得到形状记忆环氧树脂,将其作为基体,加入导电炭黑,采用共混的方法制备了导电型的形状记忆环氧树脂.通过实验方法,研究了炭黑含量对导电型的形状记忆环氧树脂的形状记忆性能、拉伸性能、黏弹性能、导电性能等的影响.实验结果表明,导电型的SMP具有较好的形状回复性能.通过不同温度下的应力松弛实验,显示随着温度的升高,炭黑含量不同的4种样品的弹性模量均降低;随着炭黑含量的增加,各种样品的玻璃化转变温度呈递减状态,同时SMP复合材料的黏弹性减弱,材料表现为一定的绝缘性;当炭黑含量达到25%时,体积电阻率急剧下降,导电性迅速提高.  相似文献   

通过恰当的成分设计 ,研制出一种具有高强度、高塑性、同时又有较好的单向形状记忆效应的Cu Al Mn Zn合金 .通过加入适量的Zn来稳定马氏体使其As 点高于 30 0℃ .这种合金的硬度达取HRC2 3以上 ,强度达 2 5 0MPa以上 ,塑性达 7%以上 ,其形状恢复率达70 %以上 .用此合金制造常温下工作的联结件 ,具有生产方法简单 ,成本低廉 ,性能稳定的特点 .  相似文献   

采用电化学测试方法对TiNiCu形状记忆合金在Hank’s人工模拟体液中的电化学性能进行研究.结果表明,阳极极化时,在100~150 mV电位区间出现了活性溶解.随pH的降低和Cl-浓度升高,孔蚀电位Eb值负移,孔蚀敏感性增大,而温度对TiNiCu形状记忆合金的电化学性能影响不大.比较而言,在Hank’s人工模拟体液中,TiNiCu形状记忆合金的电化学性能比TiNi形状记忆合金劣,其原因可能是TiNiCu形状记忆合金在常温下的马氏体B19'可能掺杂着中间相B19,造成材料晶体结构不单一,易形成腐蚀原电池.此外,扫描电镜与X-射线分析表明,在晶界析出的Ti2Ni相及表面疏松的富Cu结构也促进了阳极活性溶解.  相似文献   

采用电子万能拉伸试验机对CuZnAl形状记忆合金进行了拉伸试验.试验结果表明。拉伸曲线的骨架曲线与滞回曲线因为残余马氏体量不同而形状不同.由于马氏体开始转变温度的不同.CuZnAl形状记忆合金的骨架曲线模型与滞回曲线模型的参数稍有区别,因此,不同相变温度的CuZnAl形状记忆合金的模型需要作修正.另外,马氏体状态记忆合金的力学曲线模型为双线性模型.  相似文献   

苯乙烯基形状记忆复合材料梁的弯曲性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高形状记忆聚合物(SMP)的刚度性能,研制了纤维增强苯乙烯基形状记忆聚合物复合材料(SMPC),对其动态力学和弯曲性能进行了测试分析,采用有限元分析法得到SNIP和SMPC梁的弯曲变形规律,并利用经典层合板理论对其刚度进行分析.结果表明:SMPC材料的弯曲回复率和抵抗变形的能力都高于纯SMP材料.在等温度条件下,SNIP梁和SMPC梁的变形与载荷呈线性关系;在等载荷条件下,SMP梁和SMPC梁的变形与温度呈非线性关系.SMPC的刚度特性使其应用领域得到拓展.  相似文献   

桨叶多发生穴蚀,而有关形状记忆合金抗穴蚀方面的研究较少,为此选用CuZnAl、TiNi涂层、热处理TiNi涂层等几种形状记忆合金材料制作的试件,利用磁致伸缩激振穴蚀装置研究其抗穴蚀性能.试验结果表明TiNi涂层的抗穴蚀能力优于CuZnAl合金,热处理TiNi涂层的抗穴蚀能力优于未经热处理的TiNi涂层.  相似文献   

The atmospheric oxidation of a quenched CuZnAlMnNi alloy after ion-polishing was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that a lot of oxide grains with various sizes yield homogeneously on the surface of the alloy after exposure at room temperature for 90 d. The grains mainly form along the planes of stacking fault, meanwhile, they can also be observed at the stacking fault tetrahedrals or around the dislocation lines. The formation of the oxides gives rise to the reduction of the stacking faults, and even complete disappearance in some zones, which is partly responsible for the decrement of shape memory effect (SME) of the alloy quenched during long-term holding at room temperature.  相似文献   

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