



Evaluation model of indoor thermal comfort for passive houses in cold regions in winter
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    关于热舒适的研究主要针对空调房间,而被动房主要通过被动技术来保证室内环境舒适,为研究寒冷地区被动房冬季的热环境状况,了解被动技术对热舒适的影响,选取天津地区某被动房为实验对象,分为供暖和无供暖工况,通过室内环境测试及问卷调查,得到每种工况下的实际热感觉投票值TSV,数据拟合后对比TSV模型与PMV模型,对偏差较大的无供暖工况下原始热舒适预测模型进行修正,最终得到适用于寒冷地区被动房供暖与无供暖工况下的热舒适评价模型。结果表明,无供暖工况下,有44%的人希望温度升高,单纯通过被动技术无法完全满足寒冷地区被动房冬季热舒适,但无供暖工况下,比预测可接受温度下限降低1.93 ℃,用户对热环境的适应性强,可以适当延长过渡季时间。


    Previous studies on thermal comfort mainly focus on air-conditioned rooms, whereas passive houses mainly rely on passive technology to ensure comfortable indoor environment. In order to study the thermal environment and the influence of passive technology on thermal comfort of passive houses in winter in cold regions, a passive house in Tianjin area was selected as the research object. The experiment was carried out in two conditions: with heating and without heating. Through indoor environmental test and questionnaire survey, the actual thermal sensation polling value TSV under each working condition was obtained. After data fitting, the TSV model was compared with the PMV model. The original thermal comfort prediction model without heating was modified due to the large deviation of the model. Finally, a thermal comfort evaluation model for passive houses in cold regions was obtained under heating condition and without heating condition. The results show that 44% of the people want the temperature to rise under the condition of no heating. Passive technology alone cannot completely satisfy the thermal comfort requirement of passive housing in cold areas in winter. However, the actual acceptable temperature limit was reduced by 1.93 degrees centigrade under the condition of no heating, suggesting that users are more adaptable to the thermal environment and the transition season can be appropriately extended.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-01-19
  • 最后修改日期:2020-04-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-07-27