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摘    要:目的 :探讨从南瓜中提取的多糖对动物肿瘤的抑制作用以及免疫活性 ,以寻找和开发新的植物抗肿瘤药。方法 :以小鼠 S- 180、艾氏腹水癌 (EAC)为动物模型 ,通过灌胃给予南瓜多糖 ,按 10 mg/ m L 每天灌胃 0 .4m L,连续给药七天 ,第八天处死动物 ,取瘤及胸腺称重求抑瘤率及增重率 ,并作眼底取血以检测外周血各种血细胞数、血浆总蛋白、白蛋白、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、丙二醛 (MDA)、红细胞免疫功能试验。将所有数据进行 t检验。阳性对照安瘤乳组和阴性对照生理盐水组作同样检测和统计学处理。结果 :南瓜多糖对S- 180、艾氏腹水癌的抑瘤率分别为 37.3%和 33.3% ,对胸腺增重率为 8.3%。对白细胞及淋巴细胞数的影响 ,南瓜多糖与安瘤乳组比较 ,南瓜多糖组明显高于安瘤乳组 ,P<0 .0 1。对红细胞、血小板计数及血浆白蛋白水平均无显著影响。南瓜多糖组血浆 SOD活性升高 ,MDA含量有不同程度的降低 ,但无显著差异。红细胞免疫吸附肿瘤细胞能力增强 ,P<0 .0 5。结论 :南瓜多糖具有一定的抗癌及升高血浆白细胞、淋巴细胞的作用 ,增强红细胞免疫吸附功能。

关 键 词:南瓜多糖  肿瘤  S-180肉瘤  艾氏腹水癌  红细胞免疫

A Study of the Possible Anti-tumour Effect and Immunompetence of Pumpkin polysaccharide
Abstract:Objective: To verify the anti tumour effects and immunompetence of polysaccharide isolated from pumpkin on mouse's transplantable tumour, and to develop a new anticancer drug from plant. Methods: Mice were transplanted with S 180 or Ehrlich's ascitic carcinoma. Drugs were given daily, by oral administration. Dosage of pumpkin polysaccharide was 0.4mL/day(10mg/mL) for seven days. On the eighth day animals were sacrificed and tumor nodules were removed from the transplant sites, and thymus were also removed. Parameters for this study were tumor and thymus weight, the former shown by inhibition rate and the latter by increase rate. Peripheral blood cell counts, as well as plasma total protein and albumin, SOD, MDA were determined. T test was used to analyse the results. Results: The inhibition rate of pumpkin polysaccharide for mice S 180 and EAC were 37.3% and 33.3% respectively and thymus increase rate were 8.3%. The effects of pumpkin polysccharide on peripheral blood counts were increasing numbers of peripheral leukocytes and lymphocytes and the pumpkin polysaccharide group was higher than Anliuru group (P<0.01). There was no difference in erythrocytes and platelets counts and plasm total protein、 albumin between two groups. SOD activity increased and MDA content depressed, but there was no significant difference between two groups. Red blood cell immune function increased (P<0.05). Conclusion: Pumpkin polysaccharide exhibits anti cancer activity and may increase peripheral leucocyte count and number of lymphocytes and enhance immunompetence. It is promising in adjuvant therapy. Further study is worth continuing.
Keywords:pumpkin polysaccharide  tumour  S  180    EAC    erythrocyte immu?
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