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摘    要:在至元元年(1264年)议罢世侯前的半个多世纪,山东东平的严实是最著名的世侯之一。他凭借着自己的影响,营救、保护了一批故金儒士,恢复了惨遭破坏的东平府学;沿袭金代科举制度选拔人才,促使了金元之际传统文化的传承发展。尤其是东平府学承继的以"辞藻庄严绝俗"为优、"以学问词气"为大手笔、"以著文作诗相高"的金季文学风尚,对于草创之初的元代文坛具有开启意义。至元年间(1264—1294年),以官居朝廷的东平府学师生为核心,形成了一个相对稳定的文人群体,他们的诗文唱和是至元(1264—1294年)初大都文学活动最主要的内容之一。

关 键 词:元初  东平府学  文化传承  文学活动

Research on Yuan Dynasty's Dongping Fuxue and its Cultural Activities
Institution:,Henan Vocational College of Art
Abstract:The Han Shihou,as a special Han people,formed in wars between Mongolia and Jin Dynasty,were in important status. Yanshi in Shandong Dongping was one of the most famous Han Shihous. He rescued and protected a lot of Jin Dynasty 's Konfucian scholars,recovered Dongping Fuxue which was destroyed in wars,followed the Jin Dynasty's examination system of selecting talents,and prompted traditional culture going from Jin to Yuan Dynasty. Dongping Fuxue inherited Jin Dynasty literary style of paying much attention to rhetoric and style of the unworldliness,text coherence in learning,writing articles and poems in mutual praising at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty Literature. During Zhiyuan period,Dongping Fuxue,including teachers and students who were as the officers in the central court,formed a relatively stable group,their articles and poems,advocating each other,were one of the main literary activities those years.
Keywords:early Yuan Dynasty  Dongping Fuxue  cultural heritage  literature activities
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