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引用本文:仲伟秋,贡金鑫. 恶劣环境下结构可靠度的一种分析法[J]. 吉首大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 24(3): 19-22
作者姓名:仲伟秋  贡金鑫
基金项目:SupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(5 0 0 780 0 9)
摘    要:给出了抗力随时间变化时结构可靠度分析的最小抗力法,并与现行规范的方法和等效抗力法进行比较,分析了3种方法各自的特点.结果表明,结构最小抗力点可以作为结构可靠度分析的一个关键点.通过具体算例说明,最小抗力法计算简便、概念直观,并且形式上能够与现有的结构可靠度分析方法相协调.

关 键 词:结构  随机过程  时变可靠度  最小抗力

Reliability Analysis of Structures in Adverse Environment
Abstract. Reliability Analysis of Structures in Adverse Environment[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Natural Science Edition), 2003, 24(3): 19-22
Affiliation:(Department of Civil Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116023,Liaoning China)
Abstract:Structural resistance changes greatly with time in adverse environment (for example,chemical environment).The minimum resistance method is presented for reliability analysis of structures considering resistance change with time and is compared with the method given by the current building codes and the equal resistance method.The feature of the three methods is analyzed.The idea that the minimum resistance time can be taken as a key point for structural reliability analysis is presented.The minimum resistance method is simple in calculation,intuitive in concept and compatible with the current building codes.It can be a reference when analyzing reliability of structures in adverse environment.
Keywords:structure  random process  time-dependent reliability  minimum resistance
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