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引用本文:朱克印,王栋. 一种类型的三量子比特纠缠态远程制备[J]. 安徽大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 33(3)
作者姓名:朱克印  王栋
摘    要:提出一种类型三量子比特GHZ态远程制备(RSP)实现方案,利用两量子比特的最大纠缠态(即Bell态)作为量子信道,制备成功几率和经典信息消耗都被一一计算出来.就一般情况来说,根据Alice的测量结果,Bob以1/4的几率能够成功实现GHZ态的远程制备.但是,对于三类特殊态,经额外消耗经典信息后其成功几率能够大大提高至1.0.即此方案是决定性的.

关 键 词:量子纠缠态  远程态制备  量子隐形传态  量子信道

Remote preparation of a class of three-qubit entangled states
ZHU Ke-yin,WANG Dong. Remote preparation of a class of three-qubit entangled states[J]. Journal of Anhui University(Natural Sciences), 2009, 33(3)
Authors:ZHU Ke-yin  WANG Dong
Affiliation:School of Physics and Material Science;Anhui University;Hefei 230039;China
Abstract:A remote state preparation(RSP) scheme of a three-qubit Greenberger Horne Zeilinger(GHZ) class state was proposed by using three two-qubit maximally entangled states as the quantum channel.The success probability of preparation and classical communication cost were calculated.Generally speaking,according to Alice's classical message,with probability 1/4 Bob could successfully prepare the GHZ state.However,for three kinds of special states,the success probability of preparation could be increased to 1.0 afte...
Keywords:quantum entangled state  remote state preparation  quantum teleportation  quantum channel  
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