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引用本文:于枫,罗军舟,李伟. 基于T-不变量消除的Petri网合法变迁引发序列判定算法[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 9(5): 522-527
作者姓名:于枫  罗军舟  李伟
摘    要:Petri网的合法变迁引发序列问题(LFS)是其可达性问题的子问题.前人在LFS判定时常因判定算法的指数级时空复杂度或算法难以推广至一般Petri网而受限.因此,基于Petri网T-不变量支集变迁与可达图有向环路上标注变迁的对应关系,综合应用线性代数与可达树分析,原LFS判定被缩减为以基础向量为发生数向量的LFSb判定.通过两棵可达树(分别以原网、初始标识;逆网、目的标识为根)层序轮流构造同时比较当前叶节点层中的标识,若算法终止前有相同标识出现,则LFSb(LFS)判定成功;反之,LFS判定失败.分析表明,算法的时间复杂度为多项式级别的,且适用于一般Petri网的LFS判定.

关 键 词:Petri网  可达性  合法变迁引发序列  T-不变量

Decision algorithm for legal firing transition sequence ofPetri net based on T-invariant eliminating
YU Feng,LUO Jun-zhou and LI Wei. Decision algorithm for legal firing transition sequence ofPetri net based on T-invariant eliminating[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2008, 9(5): 522-527
Authors:YU Feng  LUO Jun-zhou  LI Wei
Affiliation:School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;School of Electronics and Information,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,Zhenjiang 212003,China;School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;School of Computer Science and Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
Abstract:Legal f iring t ransit ion sequence ( LFS for short ) of Pet ri Net is a sub-problem of reachability .The previous LFS decisio n algor ithm fails in EXE-t ime complexity and co uld not be ado pted in g eneralPet ri net . T o ov ercome these disadv antages, an algo rithm integ rat ing linear algebr a and r eachable tree w aspr opo sed. Since a T -invariant indicated a LFS marked on loop in reachable gr aph, the so lut ion vector ofstate equat ion could be separated into tw o part s: linear combinat io n of minimal T -invariant and a basic vector w hich did no t contain any minimal T -invariant . So , the original LFS decision w as reduced to that ofbasic vecto r. Reachable tr ees o f both original pet ri net s with init ial marking and inversed petr i net w ithtarget marking w er e const ructed in layer o rder by turns. Simultaneously, markings in current leaf layer ofreachable tr ees w er e compared to find an equal marking . Analysis show s that the t ime complex ity of thisalgo rithm is polynomial, which is applicable to other similar algo rithms.
Keywords:Pet ri net    eachability    leg al f ir ing t ransit io n sequence   T -invariant
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