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引用本文:张全,樊治平,潘德惠. 不确定性多属性决策中区间数的一种排序方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 1999, 19(5): 129-133. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1999)5-129
作者姓名:张全  樊治平  潘德惠
摘    要:为了解决具有不确定性区间数的多属性决策问题,本文给出了一种分析方法.首先是基于文献[5],介绍了一个决策分析模型;然后针对以区间数形式表示的决策方案综合评价值,提出了关于区间数优势及可能度的概念,并且相应地给出了带有可能度的方案排序方法,这也是本文的重点内容.最后,给出了实例计算.

关 键 词:多属性决策  区间数  可能度  排序方法   

A Ranking Approach for Interval Numbers in Uncertain Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems
ZHANG Quan,FAN Zhiping,PAN Dehui. A Ranking Approach for Interval Numbers in Uncertain Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 1999, 19(5): 129-133. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(1999)5-129
Authors:ZHANG Quan  FAN Zhiping  PAN Dehui
Affiliation:Faculty of Business Administration,Northeastern University
Abstract:In order to solve multiple attribute decision making problems with uncertain interval numbers, this paper proposes an analysis method. First, a decision analysis model is introduced based on reference 5 , and then with respect to synthetic appraisal values (in the form of interval numbers) of alternatives, concepts of dominance and possibility on interval numbers are proposed for ranking of alternatives. Finally, an example is given.
Keywords:multiple attribute decision making  interval numbers  possibility  ranking
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