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引用本文:龙翔. 工程师的功利观对环境伦理的遮蔽[J]. 自然辩证法研究, 2011, 0(6)
基金项目:教育部社科研究基金一般项目(编号:08JA720023); 广东高校人文社科研究一般项目(编号:10WYXM058)
摘    要:功利主义价值观是工程师最典型的个人价值观。尤其是工程师的名利观、实践能力观和技术效率观,在其功利主义价值观谱系中表现得特别突出和明显。本文分别探讨了工程师由于受到这三种功利观的局限和影响,遮蔽了其对自然环境的伦理责任。

关 键 词:工程师  功利观  环境伦理  

The Impediment of the Engineers' Utilitarianism to their Environmental Ethic
LONG Xiang. The Impediment of the Engineers' Utilitarianism to their Environmental Ethic[J]. Studies In Dialectics of Nature, 2011, 0(6)
Authors:LONG Xiang
Affiliation:LONG Xiang(Institute of Philosophy,Zhanjiang Normal College,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524048,China)
Abstract:Utilitarianism is one of the most typical values held by the engineers,of which the ideas of reputations and profits,together with the concerns of practical ability and technical efficiency,are expressed noteworthy in its pedigree.The values a person holds determine influentially his/her ethical behaviour.These three expressions of utilitarianism,which also are the limitation to the values of engineers,will impede their knowledge of the ethical responsibility to the natural environment.
Keywords:engineer  utilitarianism  environmental ethic  
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