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引用本文:魏瑞轩,韩崇昭. 基于Volterra级数模型的非线性系统的鲁棒自适应辨识[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2001, 35(10): 1024-1028
作者姓名:魏瑞轩  韩崇昭
摘    要:研究了基于Volterra模型的非线性系统的鲁棒自适应辨识问题。针对Volterra系统辨识时输入输出观测数据均受噪声污染的情况,建立了基于Volterra模型的鲁棒Volterra总体均方最小自适应辨识算法。算法应用梯度下降原理,通过对梯度的修正,有效地提高了算法的鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,在低信噪比,或使用较大学习因子的情况下,该算法的收敛性能明显优于其他算法,便于实际应用。

关 键 词:非线性系统 自适应辨识 Volterra总体均方误差 总体最小二乘 Volterra级数模型 鲁棒性

Robust Adaptive Identification for Nonlinear System Based on Volterra Series Model
Wei Ruixuan,Han Chongzhao. Robust Adaptive Identification for Nonlinear System Based on Volterra Series Model[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2001, 35(10): 1024-1028
Authors:Wei Ruixuan  Han Chongzhao
Abstract:Adaptive identification for nonlin ea r Volterra system is researched.In allusion to the Volterra system identificati on in which the input and output signals are all corrupted by noise, a robust Vo l terra total least mean square adaptive identification algorithm is presented bas ed on Volterra series model. This algorithm is established according to the stee pest descent principle, and its robust performance is effectively improved by mo difying gradient. The simulation results show that the convergence perfo rmance of the presented algorithm is better than those of other algorithms when signal-noise-ratio (SNR) is lower, or a larger learning factor is used. This n ew algorithm could be used in actual application.
Keywords:nonlinear system  adaptiv e identification  Volterra total mean squares error  total least squares
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