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引用本文:冯浩达,曾罡,王麒凯. 语料库驱动的《海洋考古术语汉英辞典》编纂刍议[J]. 中国科技术语, 2023, 25(1): 64-73. DOI: 10.12339/j.issn.1673-8578.2023.01.009
作者姓名:冯浩达  曾罡  王麒凯
作者单位:大连海事大学,辽宁大连 116026
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目“语料库驱动的英汉语言学话语体系对比研究”(21BYY046); 教育部新文科研究与改革实践项目“新文科背景下海事特色复合型英语人才培养模式研究”(2021100027); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目“中国海洋考古术语汉英辞典编纂与数据库建设研究”(3132022611); 辽宁省教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度课题“‘数字人文’视阈下外语新文科建设创新研究”(JG21DB059)
摘    要:海洋考古术语研究是汇集海洋考古、语言研究的交叉领域,其术语体系的建构对推动海洋考古学科发展、促进“三大体系”建设、提升在国际学界话语权的价值不言而喻。文章采用语料库驱动法探讨《海洋考古术语汉英辞典》编纂的可行性与必要性,详述其原理与框架,以及所需的术语挖掘与管理技术,意在依据海洋考古领域数字化语言数据,通过文献计量分析,对海洋考古本体范畴的概念进行描摹、比较、汇总、归类、分析、解释。研究表明,该辞典突破了研究领域桎梏与学科壁垒,利于发现共同的学术问题,构建可持续发展的“学科群”与学术共同体,形成科学化、系统化、理论化的新时代中国特色海洋考古术语体系。

关 键 词:语料库驱动  海洋考古术语  文献计量  辞典编纂

Study on the Compilation of Maritime Archeology Terminology Dictionary
FENG Haoda,ZENG Gang,WANG Qikai. Study on the Compilation of Maritime Archeology Terminology Dictionary[J]. Chinese Science and Technology Terms Journal, 2023, 25(1): 64-73. DOI: 10.12339/j.issn.1673-8578.2023.01.009
Authors:FENG Haoda  ZENG Gang  WANG Qikai
Abstract:Researching maritime archeology terminology is an interdisciplinary area which “marries” maritime archeology and linguistics studies. The construction of a maritime archeology terminology system plays an integral part in developing the discipline, improving the construction of “three systems” of the discipline, and gaining more freedom of speech in the international academia. With the corpus-driven approach, we demonstrate the feasibility and necessity of compiling Maritime Archeology Terminology Dictionary, from the aspects of rationale, general framework, as well as the technique required for terminology mining and management. With possibly large language datasets pertaining to maritime archeology, we hope the intended dictionary can help with describing, comparing, summarizing, categorizing, analyzing, and interpreting the concepts of maritime archeology via bibliometric analyses. Our results indicate that such a dictionary can also help break through the constraints of disciplinary barriers, addressing academic issues in common and building up a “disciplinary group”, an academic community of shared future, as well as a scientific, systematic and theorized maritime archeology system with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
Keywords:maritime archeology terminology  terminology translation  dictionary compilation  terminology database  
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