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引用本文:林寒生. 从方言角度考察客家民俗文化[J]. 厦门理工学院学报, 2012, 20(2): 11-14
摘    要:从语言符号切入,考察客家的民俗文化特点。从方言角度看,客话的亲属称谓反映了当代客家迄今为止仍然承袭古代社会的家族结构习俗;客话的婚嫁语词则反映了客家民间仍保留古代传统婚姻制度的诸多礼仪俗尚;客家民众日常生活中好用谐音修辞手法表达吉祥语和禁忌语的风气。体现了当地百姓避祸趋吉和讲究体面的思想意识;而生意场中的暗语应用,则体现了客家民间在商品交易过程中注意保守商业秘密、以避免亏损的防范心理。

关 键 词:方言  客家  民俗文化

A Study on Hakka Folk Culture in Terms of Dialect
LIN Han-sheng. A Study on Hakka Folk Culture in Terms of Dialect[J]. Journal of Xiamen University of Technology, 2012, 20(2): 11-14
Authors:LIN Han-sheng
Affiliation:LIN Han-sheng(School of Humanities,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
Abstract:Dialects are the carrier and tool of expression so that people can understand and study the characteristics of a certain folk culture.The Hakka kinship terms suggest that the Hakka clan still follow the ancient tradition of worshiping consanguinity,respecting seniority in the family,and regarding men as the center of the family.Hakka wedding terms include many expressions for traditional marriage activities.Hakka lucky words and taboos use homophonies for the pursuit of lucky things,the avoidance of misfortune as well as the attention to dignity.The Hakka use code words in business to keep business secrets to avoid losing money.
Keywords:dialect  Hakka  folk culture
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