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引用本文:梁承姬,戴开梅. 基于集装箱任务组时间窗的堆场场桥调度模型建立与求解[J]. 河南科学, 2013, 0(4)
作者姓名:梁承姬  戴开梅
作者单位:1. 上海海事大学科学研究院物流研究中心,上海 201306
2. 上海海事大学科学研究院物流工程学院,上海 201306
摘    要:有效的场桥调度模型对于减少集卡等待时间从而增加集装箱码头的产出量是非常关键的.考虑实际操作中单场区内多台场桥同时工作、互有干扰以及存取箱同时操作等约束,建立了基于任务组时间窗的以集装箱作业时间延迟或提前量最小为目标的数学模型.采用Gurobi进行优化求解本模型求得大规模堆场上场桥作业调度问题.经实际算例计算发现所得结果与实际相符.该模型在解决集装箱码头大规模问题中以及在获取解的质量与获取解所需时间上都优异于其他模型.

关 键 词:集装箱任务组  时间窗  场桥调度  混合整数规划

Scheduling Yard Crane in a Block for Container Port Jobs Based on Time Window
Abstract:Efficient yard crane scheduling to decrease the trucks' waiting time is a key in increasing a CT's throughput.We promote an efficient model for Yard crane Scheduling Problem(YCSP) in a block with some realistic operational constraints such as inter-crane interference and simultaneous container storage/retrievals,using 0~1 decision variables.Using Gurobi based on C# environment,the model yields are close to optimal solutions in seconds.The solution quality and solution time are both better than the ones which have same constraints considered in literature.
Keywords:container moves  time window  YCSP  MIP
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