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引用本文:赵景军,隋哲楠,包树新. 中立型Volterra时滞积分微分方程线性多步法的稳定性[J]. 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 2008, 25(6)
作者姓名:赵景军  隋哲楠  包树新
基金项目:黑龙江省自然科学基金,the Project of Science Research Foundation,the Project of Development Program for Outstanding Young Teachers in Harbin Institute of Technology 
摘    要:主要研究线性中立型Volterra时滞积分微分方程的数值稳定性.在此类延迟微分系统渐进稳定的充分条件下,证明了所有的A-稳定的线性多步方法都将保持此方程的精确解的不依赖于延迟项的稳定性.数值试验验证了主要结论.

关 键 词:时滞积分微分方程  稳定性  线性多步法

Stability of linear multistep methods for neutral volterra delay integral differential equations
Zhao Jingjun,Sui Zhenan,Bao Shuxin. Stability of linear multistep methods for neutral volterra delay integral differential equations[J]. Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University, 2008, 25(6)
Authors:Zhao Jingjun  Sui Zhenan  Bao Shuxin
Abstract:The numerical stability of linear neutral Volterra delay integral differential equations is dealt with. Under a sufficient condition such that this system with a lagging argument is asymptotically stable, it is proved that every A - stable linear multistep method preserves the delay - independent stabil-ity of its exact solutions. Finally, some numerical experiments are given to demonstrate the main conclu-sion.
Keywords:delay integral differential equations  stability  linear multistep methods
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