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引用本文:唐五湘,徐耀玲. 检验国家重点新产品评估质量的几种定量方法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2000, 20(8): 18-23. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2000)8-18
作者姓名:唐五湘  徐耀玲
作者单位:(1)北京机械工业学院工商管理分院;(2) 国家科技评估中心
摘    要:
介绍了 1 998年国家重点新产品评估试点中用于检验评估质量的几种主要定量方法 :1 )检验不同评价者对项目总体水平的评价差异的显著性统计检验法 ;2 )检验不同评价者或不同方法对项目排序的差异的 Spearman等级相关系数法 ;3)检验不同评价者对项目分类的差异度方法 ;4 )检验重点推荐类项目优于推荐类项目的方法 ;5 )检验第二级评估入选项目优于第一级评估入选项目的方法.

关 键 词:评估  质量  检验  定量方法   

Quantitative Methods of Testing the Quality of National New Products Evaluation
TANG Wu-xiang,XU Yao-ling. Quantitative Methods of Testing the Quality of National New Products Evaluation[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2000, 20(8): 18-23. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2000)8-18
Authors:TANG Wu-xiang  XU Yao-ling
Affiliation:(1) Business Management School,Beijing Institute of Machinery;(2)National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation
Some quantitative methods of testing the quality of evaluation used in 1998's practice of "National New Products" evaluation are introduced in this paper. The methods include: (1)statistic test for significance——to test the difference at general level between different appraisers’evaluations for the same projects;(2)Spearman rank correlation coefficient ——to test the difference of ranks for same projects by different appraisers or different methods;(3)difference degree——to test the difference bet...
Keywords:evaluation  quality  test  quantitative method
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