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引用本文:宋敏,魏瑞轩,胡明朗. 基于虚拟长机的无人机侦察编队控制方法[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2010, 32(11): 2412-2415. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2010.11.34
作者姓名:宋敏  魏瑞轩  胡明朗
作者单位:空军工程大学工程学院, 陕西 西安 710038
摘    要:针对使用多无人机编队对周边区域实施协同侦察任务的协同控制问题,提出了以虚拟长机为编队航迹引导的分布式编队控制方法。该方法基于编队通信拓扑的分布性,以“相邻”无人机为参考估计长机状态,然后设计无人机编队的分布式线性化反馈控制器。仿真实验表明,在无人机编队沿阿基米德螺旋线实施侦察的过程中,该控制器能够使多无人机形成期望队形,并维持其稳定,同时减小编队队形误差,实现对侦察航迹的高精度跟踪。

关 键 词:无人机  编队控制  协同侦察  虚拟长机  分布式控制

Unmanned aerial vehicle formation control for reconnaissance task based on virtual leader
SONG Min,WEI Rui-xuan,HU Ming-lang. Unmanned aerial vehicle formation control for reconnaissance task based on virtual leader[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2010, 32(11): 2412-2415. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-506X.2010.11.34
Authors:SONG Min  WEI Rui-xuan  HU Ming-lang
Affiliation:Engineering Coll., Air Force Engineering Univ., Xi’an 710038, China
Abstract:In order to make cooperative reconnaissance of the circumjacent area using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) formation, a distributed formation control method based on virtual leader is presented. Considering the distributive information topology, a leader state estimate algorithm is firstly presented based on neighbor UAVs. And then a feedback linearization formation controller is designed within the local information. Simulations results show that when the UAV formation fulfills reconnaissance tasks according to the Archimedes spiral, the formation controller can make the UAVs form and maintain a stabile formation. It also reduces the formation error and enhances the flight path tracking precision.
Keywords:unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)  formation control  cooperative reconnaissance  virtual eader  distributed control
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