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引用本文:张超逸. 安史之乱与正定古城——颜杲卿常山平叛留青史古正定历史挖掘存缺憾[J]. 河北经贸大学学报(综合版), 2011, 11(1): 54-56
摘    要:素有北方三雄镇之称的正定古城从晋代到清末一直为郡、州、军、省治所之地,是我国古代重要的政治、经济、军事、文化中心,历史文化积淀极其深厚。建国以来,经过政府及当地人民的努力,古城历史文化的挖掘与保护取得了丰硕成果。但美中不足的是在历史人物挖掘方面尚有缺憾,存在着只重视纪念老乡人物的狭隘观念,以致出现了唐代常山太守颜杲卿抗击安史暴乱,以身殉国之壮举竟未得到充分发掘与展现的憾事。古城文物应予保护,古代先贤为国捐躯的英雄壮举更应光大。

关 键 词:正定古城  颜杲卿  安史之乱  历史文化挖掘与保护

Ancient Zhengding Town during An-Shi Rebellion
Zhang Chaoyi. Ancient Zhengding Town during An-Shi Rebellion[J]. , 2011, 11(1): 54-56
Authors:Zhang Chaoyi
Affiliation:Zhang Chaoyi
Abstract:Zhengding Town, know as one of the three major towns in northern China, has been the location of county, prefecture, and province administration from Jin to Qing dynasty. As the key political, economic, military and cultural center in ancient China, Zhengding has rich historical and cultural legacy. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the exploration and protection of the history and culture of the ancient town has achieved fruitful results through the efforts of the local government and people. However, there is still some work to do in exploring the historic figures. Most of the attention is paid to memorizing the heroes that were born in Zhengding. But the story about the prefect of Changshan in Tang Dynasty, Yan Gaoqing, who sacrificed his life to fight against An Shi Rebellion, has not been fully studied. Of course it is important to protect the cultural and historic rehcs but it is equally essential to praise the brave feats of the heroes that have died for the country.
Keywords:ancient Zhengding town  Yan Gaoqing  An-Shi Rebellion  exploration and protection of history and culture
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