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引用本文:王群,杨一,翟学东,马军,韩雅红,韩帮军. 臭氧催化氧化过程中臭氧分解与MTBE降解速率关系研究[J]. 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 2010, 27(2)
作者姓名:王群  杨一  翟学东  马军  韩雅红  韩帮军
摘    要:通过连续流实验考察了催化氧化过程中臭氧分解与甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)降解速率之间的关系,同时讨论了停留时间、初始臭氧浓度以及不同催化剂对臭氧分解以及MTBE降解速率的影响。结果显示,随着停留时间以及初始臭氧浓度的增加,MTBE的去除率呈增加趋势;羟基氧化铁催化臭氧分解时,臭氧分解速率随着停留时间以及初始臭氧浓度的增加而增加,二氧化铈催化臭氧分解速率在停留时间为5.7min时最大。由于不同催化剂催化臭氧机理不同,所以臭氧分解与MTBE的去除没有什么相关性,并不是臭氧分解越快MTBE的去除率越高。臭氧催化氧化过程中催化剂以及运行参数的选择提供了参考。

关 键 词:臭氧催化氧化  甲基叔丁基醚  臭氧分解  二氧化铈

Study on the relationship between the decomposition rate of ozone and the removal rate of MTBE in catalytic ozonation
WANG Qun,YANG Yi,ZHAI Xue-dong,MA Jun,HAN Ya-hong,HAN Bang-jun. Study on the relationship between the decomposition rate of ozone and the removal rate of MTBE in catalytic ozonation[J]. Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University, 2010, 27(2)
Authors:WANG Qun  YANG Yi  ZHAI Xue-dong  MA Jun  HAN Ya-hong  HAN Bang-jun
Abstract:This work investigated the relationship between the decomposition rate of ozone and the removal rate of MTBE within a continuous reactor. The effects of different residence time, initial ozone dose and different catalysts on ozone decomposition and MTBE degradation in catalytic ozonation were e-valuated. The results indicate that the removal rate of MTBE increased with the increasing of the resi-dence time and initial ozone dose by the catalysts used in the experiments. But the decomposition rate of ozone showed different tends, it increased with the increasing of the residence time and initial ozone dose in the presence of iron hydroxide and emerged a peak at residence time of 5.7 min in the presence of ceri-um dioxide. No correlation could be established between the decomposition rate of ozone and the removal rate of MTBE in catalytic ozonation because of the mechanisms of catalytic oxidation in the presence of different catalysts. The results of this study could also help us to provide specific reference for catalysts selection and some running parameters of catalytic ozonation for degrading MTBE.
Keywords:catalytic ozonation,methyl tert-butyl ether  ozone decomposition  cerium dioxide
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