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引用本文:张景涛,王兰芝,张一兵. 水玻璃苯丙乳液复合内墙涂料的研制[J]. 河北科技大学学报, 1998, 0(1)
作者姓名:张景涛  王兰芝  张一兵
摘    要:介绍了水玻璃苯丙乳液复合内墙涂料的制备工艺及产品性能。以水玻璃为主成膜物质,苯丙乳液为次成膜物质,丙二醇丁醚为助成膜剂,增稠剂为浓度10%的高分子化合物的水溶液,有助于颜料的悬浮和防止涂料在涂刷时出现流挂现象。采用无机复合生产工艺,在高速搅拌机中,无需加热与颜料、体质颜料和其它助剂搅拌合成,经研磨,即得产品。该产品白色无光可作为中高档内墙涂料使用,可采用刷涂、辊涂、喷涂施工方法,各项性能指标均符合行业标准。

关 键 词:水玻璃;苯丙乳液;复合涂料;制备

Development of Inner Wall Paint Composing by Water-glass and Phenylpropyl Emulsion
Abstract:The preparation process and the properties of product of water glass and phonylpropyl emulsion compositing inner wall paint are deseribed.By use of water-glass as the main film former,phenylpropyl emulsion as the secondary film former and propanediol butyl ether as the auxiliary film former.and aqueous solution of concentration 10% high polymer as the thickener make a contribution to the suspension of pigment and to the prevention of paint flowing when it is painted.It is composed by use of inorganie complex process in a high speed stirrer without heating.pigment or other auxiliaries.The product is gained after grinding.It is white and lightless and can be used for inner paint by the methods of brashing,rolling or spraying.All quality indexes are in accord in the trade standard.
Keywords:water-glass  phenylpropyl emulsion  complex coating  preparation
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