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引用本文:钱稼茹,程丽荣,周栋梁. 普通箍筋约束混凝土柱的中心受压性能[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 42(10): 1369-1373
作者姓名:钱稼茹  程丽荣  周栋梁
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 598954 10 )
摘    要:为进一步研究钢筋混凝土构件、结构的抗震性能 ,完成了 2 4根约束混凝土柱的中心受压试验。柱的混凝土立方体强度为 5 0 MPa左右 ,采用方箍、拉筋复合箍和井字复合箍 ,大部分试件的配箍特征值 λv 为 0 .0 7~ 0 .2 4。研究了 λv在新颁布的《建筑抗震设计规范》GB5 0 0 11-2 0 0 1规定范围内的约束混凝土的强度和变形 ,提出了可用于混凝土结构、构件非线性分析的约束混凝土的应力 -应变全曲线方程

关 键 词:约束混凝土柱  中心受压  应力-应变全曲线

Behavior of axially loaded concrete columns confined with ordinary hoops
QIAN Jiaru,CHENG Lirong,ZHOU Dongliang. Behavior of axially loaded concrete columns confined with ordinary hoops[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2002, 42(10): 1369-1373
Authors:QIAN Jiaru  CHENG Lirong  ZHOU Dongliang
Abstract:confined concrete column specimens were tested for axial compression loading. The average concrete cubic strength of the specimens was around 50 MPa. The specimens were confined with square hoops, square hoops with cross ties and complex hoops. The stirrup characteristic values of most specimens were in the range of 0.07 to 0.24 as required by the Aseismic Design Code for Buildings (GB50011 2001). The tests analyzed the strength and deformation of the confined concrete. An equation is presented for the complete stress strain curve for confined concrete which can be used for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete elements and structures.
Keywords:confined concrete column  axial compression  complete stress strain curve
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