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引用本文:袁惠群,闻邦椿,王德友,刘叔伦. 滚动轴承-转子-定子系统的碰摩故障分析[J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 24(3): 244-247. DOI: -
作者姓名:袁惠群  闻邦椿  王德友  刘叔伦
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 19990 5 10 )
摘    要:以某航空发动机实验器为基础 ,建立了轴承 转子 定子多自由度系统碰摩故障模型 ,研究了具有局部碰摩的滚动轴承 转子 定子系统的非线性特性 ,利用数值模拟分析了该系统的分岔与混沌运动 ,得到了该轴承转子定子系统在某些有实际意义的参数域内的非线性响应的Poincar啨映射图、分岔图、相轨线图、轴心轨迹图和幅值谱图 ,发现了该系统丰富的非线性混沌行为·分析结果表明 ,转子碰摩刚度与转子弯曲刚度比明显影响轴承 转子 定子系统运动特性·系统响应在较宽的刚度比范围内主要以混沌运动为主·随着刚度比的增加 ,系统响应中的混沌区域逐渐增加·在混沌运动区内存在大量的窄带周期窗口·所得结果可供高速旋转机械碰摩故障诊...

关 键 词:滚动轴承-转子-定子  碰摩故障  非线性  分岔  混沌

Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Rolling Bear-Rotor-Stator Box with Local Rubbing
YUAN Hui qun ,WEN Bang chun ,WANG De you ,LIU Shu lun. Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Rolling Bear-Rotor-Stator Box with Local Rubbing[J]. Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science), 2003, 24(3): 244-247. DOI: -
Authors:YUAN Hui qun   WEN Bang chun   WANG De you   LIU Shu lun
Affiliation:YUAN Hui qun 1,WEN Bang chun 2,WANG De you 3,LIU Shu lun 4
Abstract:Based on the test apparatus of some aeroengine, nonlinear dynamic properties, especially the bifurcation and chaos behaviors, of rolling bearing-rotor-stator box with local rubbing were studied by means of numerical simulation. Different from other models, the rotor of some aeronautic engine test apparatus was supported on stator box by the rolling bearing. It was simplified as a model with three masses and six degree of freedom for studying the rubbing response of rolling bearing-rotor-stator box. In view of the case of multi-parameters, the bifurcation behaviors and chaos motion of rolling bearing-rotor-stator box were analyzed in detail. The effect of parameters such as masses ratio, impact-rub stiffness ratio, eccentric mass and bearing clearance etc, on the nonlinear dynamic properties was discussed. Abundant dynamic behaviors of rotor were revealed by the diagrams such as Poincare mapping, bifurcation diagram, phase plane plots, locus trajectory and amplitude spectrum. The stiffness ratio of impact-rub stiffness and rotor bending stiffness have distinct effect on the chaos motion properties of rotor-stator box. The responses of rolling bear-rotor-stator system are mainly periodic effect on the chaos motion properties of rotor-stator box. The responses of rolling bearing-rotor-stator system are mainly periodic motions and pseudo-period motions when stiffness ratio of impact-rub stiffness and rotor bending stiffness ratio are in some range. The response shows obvious chaos motion when the stiffness ratio is in brand range. The area of chaos gradually increase with increase of the stiffness ratio.
Keywords:rolling bear rotor stator box  rubbing default  nonlinear dynamics  bifurcation  chaos
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